"The children walk downstairs after the ceremony, waiting for someone to appear. Moments later, there is a knock at the door and Tad goes to answer it. He opens the door and Daphne appears. Daphne walks into the foyer, but is very confused and disoriented. She tries to speak, but struggles to put a sentence together. She sits down in the drawing room and tells the children that no one must know she is alive. The children tell her they will do their best to keep her hidden. Daphne tells them that they need to bring back Gerard as well. The three of them hear someone enter the front door, and Daphne hides behind the curtains. Willie walks in and immediately senses they are up to something. Tad, posing as David, tries to get rid of him, but Willie says he isn't leaving until they tell him the "@en . . . . . . . "1099"@pl . "1099"@en . . . "El n\u00FAmero (1099) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 1098 y precede al 1100. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "1099"@de . . "1099"@es . . . "Rafael ist zufrieden, als Simone vor seinen Augen stirbt. Als jedoch Richard auftaucht, ger\u00E4t er unter Druck. Rafael schafft es, Maximilian vor Richard als T\u00E4ter hinzustellen. Im Verlies erf\u00E4hrt Rafael jedoch von Maximilian, dass Simone lebt und die Steinkamps ihn nur reingelegt haben. Ein Kampf auf Leben und Tod beginnt zwischen Rafael und Maximilian. Ben will zu Isabelle stehen und Katja jegliche Hoffnungen auf eine gemeinsame Zukunft nehmen. So nimmt er in Kauf, dass Katja ihn hasst und behandelt sie bei einem Fotoshooting wie eine Fremde. Katja schmerzt sein Verhalten, und sie trifft eine Entscheidung, um Ben f\u00FCr immer aus ihrem Kopf zu kriegen. Florian kann es nicht lassen, vor seinen Kumpels mit dem vermeintlichen ersten Mal mit Franziska anzugeben. Unterdessen muss auch Franziska Ro"@de . ""@en . "1099"^^ . . . "1099"^^ . . "1970-09-03"^^ . "El n\u00FAmero (1099) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 1098 y precede al 1100. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "1099's world was put in danger when 1930 inadvertantly released the Time Waster. Following Amy Rose's question about all of them ganging up on the Time Waster, 1099 responded that contact with the monster would erase their year from history, requiring only outsiders to deal with it."@en . . . . "1970"^^ . . . . . "1099's world was put in danger when 1930 inadvertantly released the Time Waster. Following Amy Rose's question about all of them ganging up on the Time Waster, 1099 responded that contact with the monster would erase their year from history, requiring only outsiders to deal with it."@en . . "Rafael ist zufrieden, als Simone vor seinen Augen stirbt. Als jedoch Richard auftaucht, ger\u00E4t er unter Druck. Rafael schafft es, Maximilian vor Richard als T\u00E4ter hinzustellen. Im Verlies erf\u00E4hrt Rafael jedoch von Maximilian, dass Simone lebt und die Steinkamps ihn nur reingelegt haben. Ein Kampf auf Leben und Tod beginnt zwischen Rafael und Maximilian. Ben will zu Isabelle stehen und Katja jegliche Hoffnungen auf eine gemeinsame Zukunft nehmen. So nimmt er in Kauf, dass Katja ihn hasst und behandelt sie bei einem Fotoshooting wie eine Fremde. Katja schmerzt sein Verhalten, und sie trifft eine Entscheidung, um Ben f\u00FCr immer aus ihrem Kopf zu kriegen. Florian kann es nicht lassen, vor seinen Kumpels mit dem vermeintlichen ersten Mal mit Franziska anzugeben. Unterdessen muss auch Franziska Roman gegen\u00FCber eine Story \u00FCber das erste Mal erfinden. Dummerweise sind die beiden Versionen nicht kompatibel, was fast dazu f\u00FChrt, dass Florian und Franziska mit ihrer 'Sex-L\u00FCge' auffliegen."@de . . . "The children walk downstairs after the ceremony, waiting for someone to appear. Moments later, there is a knock at the door and Tad goes to answer it. He opens the door and Daphne appears. Daphne walks into the foyer, but is very confused and disoriented. She tries to speak, but struggles to put a sentence together. She sits down in the drawing room and tells the children that no one must know she is alive. The children tell her they will do their best to keep her hidden. Daphne tells them that they need to bring back Gerard as well. The three of them hear someone enter the front door, and Daphne hides behind the curtains. Willie walks in and immediately senses they are up to something. Tad, posing as David, tries to get rid of him, but Willie says he isn't leaving until they tell him the truth. Upstairs, Carolyn is complaining to Quentin that no one in the house appreciates her anymore, but Quentin tells her he accepts the fact she now has a second sight. She tells Quentin there is someone in the house who shouldn't be here, but Quentin can't sense anyone's presence. Carolyn isn't quite sure who it is. Quentin tells her they must search the house to find out who it is. Back in the drawing room, Willie finally agrees to let the children go, but he lets them know that he is going to tell Barnabas about their strange behavior. Tad buys a little time and promises Daphne he will return for her. Daphne emerges from behind the curtain, but is nearly caught by Quentin and Carolyn and returns to her hiding spot. Carolyn senses the stranger has been in the drawing room recently. Quentin suddenly smells lilacs and decides to leave the room. After they leave, Daphne comes back out and calls out for Gerard. He promises her she will bring him back tonight. Quentin returns to the drawing room once Carolyn is gone and calls for Daphne, but she hides behind a cabinet before he sees her. Daphne starts to weep at the kind words he says about her and finally reveals herself to him. The two share a hug, but she pulls away from him and tells him they can't be together. She finally gives in and they kiss passionately. Quentin asks her why she has returned to life, but they are interrupted by Willie from the top of the stairs in the foyer. He confronts Quentin in the foyer and demands to know who he has been talking to. Quentin denies to Willie he was talking to anyone and tells him to get back to the Old House. Willie finally leaves and Quentin returns to the drawing room. He begs Daphne to end the possession of the children, but Daphne tells them now that she is human again, she has no powers. Quentin is confused as to why she has come back, but she only wants to see the children and leaves. Meanwhile, Carrie returns with clothes for Daphne to wear. Daphne implies to the children they must bring Gerard back to life. Back in the drawing room, Carolyn tells Quentin that terrible things are happening at Collinwood right now, but he denies knowing anything and leaves. Carolyn calls out for Gerard and tells him she knows he is nearby. Upstairs, Carrie begs Daphne not to bring Gerard back, but she says it will be better for everyone if he's alive and promises \"it won't be like it was before.\" The ceremony begins and Tad yells, \"he is coming!\""@en . "1084"^^ . . ""@en . "1970-09-10"^^ . . . .