. "Zelka Forn"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Corporate"@en . "Zelka Forn"@en . "Zelka Forn"@fr . . . . "Zelka Forn"@es . . "Zelka Forn was an elderly Human male doctor who was running a clinic in a part of the Upper City on the planet Taris by the year 3956 BBY. Forn would not refuse help to anyone, regardless of social or xenophobic reasons that would cause others to turn them away. When Revan, a soldier in service to the Galactic Republic, arrived on Taris after his ship, the Endar Spire, was destroyed following a Sith attack, Forn asked him for assistance in procuring a serum for the Rakghoul plague, a disease that transformed those infected into rakghouls\u2014violent, deformed mutants. Revan journeyed into the Undercity of Taris and found the corpse of a Sith soldier who was carrying the rakghoul serum. Despite a large offer of credits from Gurney, Forn's own assistant, if Revan gave the serum to the crime lord Davik Kang, Revan chose to give the antidote to Forn instead, who proceeded to try and make it readily available to those infected by the plague. Although Taris was bombarded by the Sith, Forn's synthesized serum would be recovered over three centuries later, and his work helped Republic scientists make progress against the rakghoul virus that continued to plague Taris."@en . "Zelka Forn"@fi . "Zelka Forn"@en . "Zelka Forn perusti sairaalalaitoksen, joka paransi kaikkia sairaita ja haavoittuneita. Endar Spiren tuhouduttua, h\u00E4nen sairaalaansa tuotiin useita Galaktisen Tasavallan sotilaita, joista kaksi oli haavoittunut vakavasti. H\u00E4n laittoi n\u00E4m\u00E4 sairaalansa takahuoneen koltotankkeihin tiet\u00E4en, ett\u00E4 asetti itsens\u00E4 kuoleman vaaraan, sill\u00E4 planeettaa hallitsevat sithit telottaisivat h\u00E4net Tasavallan avustamisesta. Zelka my\u00F6s yritti taistella rakghoul-tautia vastaan, toivoen saavansa vastal\u00E4\u00E4kett\u00E4 tarttuneille. H\u00E4n sitten kuuli, ett\u00E4 Tasavallan tiedemiehet olivat l\u00E4hell\u00E4 l\u00E4\u00E4kkeen l\u00F6yt\u00E4mist\u00E4, kun sithit tuhosivat heid\u00E4n tukikohtansa ja ottivat l\u00E4\u00E4kkeen omien sotilaittensa haltuun."@fi . . "Masculin"@fr . . "Zelka Forn"@es . "Mustat"@fi . "Negro gris\u00E1ceo"@es . "Zelka Forn fue un viejo doctor humano var\u00F3n que pose\u00EDa una una cl\u00EDnica en una parte de la Ciudad Alta en el planeta de Taris antes y durante 3.956 ABY. Forn no rechaz\u00F3 ayuadr a nadie, sin que le importasen factores sociales o xen\u00F3fobos que otros discriminaban. Cuando Revan, un soldado al servicio de la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica, llegase a Taris despu\u00E9s de que su nave, la Espiral Endar, fuese destruida despu\u00E9s de un ataque Sith , Forn le pidi\u00F3 ayuda en encontrar una cura para la Plaga Rakghoul, una epidemia que transformaba a los infectados en Rakghouls\u2014violentos y deformes mutantes. Revan viaj\u00F3 por la Ciudad Subterr\u00E1nea de Taris y encontr\u00F3 el cad\u00E1ver de un Soldado Sith que portaba el sueron Rakghoul. A pesar de una gran oferta de cr\u00E9ditos de Gurney, el asistente de Forn, si Revan daba el suero al se\u00F1or del crimen Davik Kang, Revan escogi\u00F3 darle el ant\u00EDdoto a Forn, quien procedi\u00F3 a intentar hacerlo f\u00E1cilmente disponible a aquellos afectados por la plaga."@es . . . "[Source] Zelka Forn \u00E9tait un docteur de la clinique m\u00E9dicale de la ville haute de Taris durant la Guerre Civile des Jedi. Il aimerait pouvoir soigner la population infect\u00E9e par la maladie des Rakgoules. C'\u00E9tait un sympathisant de l'ancienne R\u00E9publique, il cacha deux soldats ayant fuit la destruction de l'Endar Spire dans sa clinique. Il avait de la compassion et de la g\u00E9n\u00E9rosit\u00E9, ce qui \u00E9tait tr\u00E8s rare pour les habitants des hauts quartiers de Taris."@fr . "1"^^ . . . . . . . "Personaje"@es . . "Zelka Forn"@en . . . "Zelka Forn perusti sairaalalaitoksen, joka paransi kaikkia sairaita ja haavoittuneita. Endar Spiren tuhouduttua, h\u00E4nen sairaalaansa tuotiin useita Galaktisen Tasavallan sotilaita, joista kaksi oli haavoittunut vakavasti. H\u00E4n laittoi n\u00E4m\u00E4 sairaalansa takahuoneen koltotankkeihin tiet\u00E4en, ett\u00E4 asetti itsens\u00E4 kuoleman vaaraan, sill\u00E4 planeettaa hallitsevat sithit telottaisivat h\u00E4net Tasavallan avustamisesta. Zelka my\u00F6s yritti taistella rakghoul-tautia vastaan, toivoen saavansa vastal\u00E4\u00E4kett\u00E4 tarttuneille. H\u00E4n sitten kuuli, ett\u00E4 Tasavallan tiedemiehet olivat l\u00E4hell\u00E4 l\u00E4\u00E4kkeen l\u00F6yt\u00E4mist\u00E4, kun sithit tuhosivat heid\u00E4n tukikohtansa ja ottivat l\u00E4\u00E4kkeen omien sotilaittensa haltuun. Kun muistinsa menett\u00E4nyt Revan saapui sairaalalle, h\u00E4n sai tiet\u00E4\u00E4 Zelkan salaisuuden, mutta p\u00E4\u00E4tti pit\u00E4\u00E4 t\u00E4m\u00E4n omana tietonaan. H\u00E4n sai my\u00F6s tiet\u00E4\u00E4 l\u00E4\u00E4kkeest\u00E4 ja syyn, miksi Zelka halusi sen. Gurney, Zelkan avustaja, my\u00F6s kertoi h\u00E4nelle, ett\u00E4 Davik Kang oli halukas maksamaan l\u00E4\u00E4kkeest\u00E4 enemm\u00E4n kuin Zelka kykenisi. My\u00F6hemmin Revan l\u00F6ysi sithsotilaan ruumiin maanalaisesta kaupungista, jolla oli hallussaan l\u00E4\u00E4kett\u00E4. Revan otti l\u00E4\u00E4kkeen mukaansa ja vei sen Zelkalle, joka tarjosi 50 krediitti\u00E4 ja kaksi l\u00E4\u00E4kint\u00E4laukkua vaihdossa, mutta Revan kielt\u00E4ytyi sanoen Zelkan tarvitsevan varojaan enemm\u00E4n. Zelka sitten kyken tekem\u00E4\u00E4n l\u00E4\u00E4kkeest\u00E4 tarpeeksi kopioita, jotta pystyi jakamaan sit\u00E4 sairaille hyvin halpaan hintaan. H\u00E4n oletettavasti kuoli, kun Darth Malakin sithlentue pommitti kaupunkia."@fi . "[Source] Zelka Forn \u00E9tait un docteur de la clinique m\u00E9dicale de la ville haute de Taris durant la Guerre Civile des Jedi. Il aimerait pouvoir soigner la population infect\u00E9e par la maladie des Rakgoules. C'\u00E9tait un sympathisant de l'ancienne R\u00E9publique, il cacha deux soldats ayant fuit la destruction de l'Endar Spire dans sa clinique. Il avait de la compassion et de la g\u00E9n\u00E9rosit\u00E9, ce qui \u00E9tait tr\u00E8s rare pour les habitants des hauts quartiers de Taris."@fr . "\u0417\u0435\u043B\u043A\u0430 \u0424\u043E\u0440\u043D"@en . . . . . "Zelka Forn"@es . . "Clinique"@fr . . . "Zelka Forn fue un viejo doctor humano var\u00F3n que pose\u00EDa una una cl\u00EDnica en una parte de la Ciudad Alta en el planeta de Taris antes y durante 3.956 ABY. Forn no rechaz\u00F3 ayuadr a nadie, sin que le importasen factores sociales o xen\u00F3fobos que otros discriminaban. Cuando Revan, un soldado al servicio de la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica, llegase a Taris despu\u00E9s de que su nave, la Espiral Endar, fuese destruida despu\u00E9s de un ataque Sith , Forn le pidi\u00F3 ayuda en encontrar una cura para la Plaga Rakghoul, una epidemia que transformaba a los infectados en Rakghouls\u2014violentos y deformes mutantes. Revan viaj\u00F3 por la Ciudad Subterr\u00E1nea de Taris y encontr\u00F3 el cad\u00E1ver de un Soldado Sith que portaba el sueron Rakghoul. A pesar de una gran oferta de cr\u00E9ditos de Gurney, el asistente de Forn, si Revan daba el suero a"@es . . "\u0417\u0435\u043B\u043A\u0430 \u0424\u043E\u0440\u043D"@es . . . "Siniset"@fi . . "Zelka Forn"@en . "Zelka Forn"@es . . . "Marr\u00F3n"@es . . . . . . . . "Zelka Forn"@es . "Zelka Forn"@fr . . "Zelka Forn"@en . "Black; graying"@en . "Zelka Forn"@fi . . "Taris"@es . . "Oscuro"@es . . . "Zelka Forn was an elderly Human male doctor who was running a clinic in a part of the Upper City on the planet Taris by the year 3956 BBY. Forn would not refuse help to anyone, regardless of social or xenophobic reasons that would cause others to turn them away. When Revan, a soldier in service to the Galactic Republic, arrived on Taris after his ship, the Endar Spire, was destroyed following a Sith attack, Forn asked him for assistance in procuring a serum for the Rakghoul plague, a disease that transformed those infected into rakghouls\u2014violent, deformed mutants. Revan journeyed into the Undercity of Taris and found the corpse of a Sith soldier who was carrying the rakghoul serum. Despite a large offer of credits from Gurney, Forn's own assistant, if Revan gave the serum to the crime lord"@en . "3956"^^ . . "250"^^ . "Var\u00F3n"@es . . . "Era de la Antigua Rep\u00FAblica"@es . . "Brown"@en . . . . . . . . "Dark"@en . "Zelka Forn"@en . . "Humano"@es . . "Docteur"@fr . "1"^^ .