. . . . . . "London Evening News"@en . "Real Name"@en . "Arthur Machen"@en . . "The Bowmen"@en . . "First Appearance"@en . "Original Publisher"@en . . . "Phantom Archers"@en . . . "unknown"@en . "Phantom Archers"@en . . . "In August of 1914, a report is made by British soldiers of mysterious Phantom Archers appearing to assist them against the German soldiers. A writer by the name of Ian Bowes-Clidden is called to serve Britain against the Germans. When fighting alongside his fellows, Colonel Ian observes green, poison gas sent out by the Germans. Ian was the first to see a Phantom Archer, more appearing and more seeing them as time passed. The Archers began firing on the Germans, quickly dispatching many of them. The remaining German solders fled the scene."@en . "In August of 1914, a report is made by British soldiers of mysterious Phantom Archers appearing to assist them against the German soldiers. A writer by the name of Ian Bowes-Clidden is called to serve Britain against the Germans. When fighting alongside his fellows, Colonel Ian observes green, poison gas sent out by the Germans. Ian was the first to see a Phantom Archer, more appearing and more seeing them as time passed. The Archers began firing on the Germans, quickly dispatching many of them. The remaining German solders fled the scene. Ian is returned to England and told to not speak of the incident. One of the Phantom Archers appears to him and tells him to write about them when he can."@en . "Created by"@en .