. "Mandalore"@en . . "Sith invasion force"@en . . "Battle of Mandalore (Sith Crusade)"@en . . "Heavy losses"@en . . . . . . . "Battle of Mandalore"@en . . "Sith Victory, Sith-Mando'ade Alliance"@en . . "The Battle of Mandalore was the second battle of the Third Campaign during the Sith Crusade. The battle began with a massive bombardment by Darth Abeonis' flagship; The Soiyo which decimated much of the defending force's numbers. After several days of intensive fighting the Mandalorian's surrendered and allied themselves with the Sith."@en . . . "*Mandalore's Guard\n*Mandalorian Protectors"@en . "63"^^ . . . "The Battle of Mandalore was the second battle of the Third Campaign during the Sith Crusade. The battle began with a massive bombardment by Darth Abeonis' flagship; The Soiyo which decimated much of the defending force's numbers. After several days of intensive fighting the Mandalorian's surrendered and allied themselves with the Sith."@en .