. . "Hireki Tokoda (born August 13, 1958) is a Japanese daimyo and former Shogun of Japan, who honorably resigned in 2010 to further recover from wounds sustained during an assassination attempt in January of 2009. He served approximately a full decade, assuming the Shogunate on December 4, 1999 following the sudden death of Ryuji Nagano of a heart attack, becoming the youngest Shogun under the 1876 Imperial Constitution at the age of only 41. His reign was tumultuous, seeing an end to Japan's three decades of growth with the 2002 Asian financial crisis, the Philippine War, and the rise of the traditionalists on the Japanese right. A relative moderate, Tokoda was replaced by the outspoken general Kosuke Hirosha when he resigned. Due to the mild recovery in the Japanese economy by the end of Tok"@en . "Hireki Tokoda (Napoleon's World)"@en . . "Hireki Tokoda (born August 13, 1958) is a Japanese daimyo and former Shogun of Japan, who honorably resigned in 2010 to further recover from wounds sustained during an assassination attempt in January of 2009. He served approximately a full decade, assuming the Shogunate on December 4, 1999 following the sudden death of Ryuji Nagano of a heart attack, becoming the youngest Shogun under the 1876 Imperial Constitution at the age of only 41. His reign was tumultuous, seeing an end to Japan's three decades of growth with the 2002 Asian financial crisis, the Philippine War, and the rise of the traditionalists on the Japanese right. A relative moderate, Tokoda was replaced by the outspoken general Kosuke Hirosha when he resigned. Due to the mild recovery in the Japanese economy by the end of Tokoda's reign, his period in power is not remembered particularly fondly and his popularity was fairly low throughout his tenure."@en . .