"Durge"@en . "Durge"@hu . . "Dwarf Spider Droid"@en . . . . . "20"^^ . . "20"^^ . "Durge egy gen' dai fejvad\u00E1sz volt a Kl\u00F3nok H\u00E1bor\u00FAja alatt. A Munilist-i csat\u00E1ban vetett\u00E9k be utolj\u00E1ra. Obi-Wan Kenobi, valamint n\u00E9h\u00E1ny kl\u00F3n \u00F6lt\u00E9k meg. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@hu . . . . "cybernetyczne po\u0142\u0105czenie ze zbroj\u0105"@pl . . "Durge, also known as PWN, DURGE, GOD MODE, was the most Ultra-PWN Deadly Sith Mega-Super-Overlord. Durge was his own kind. Being the only Gen'Dai\u2014Durge's PWN species\u2014meant he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Since he was born, Durge hated all Mandalorians. His hatred grew rapidly until Mandalorian specialist Karen Traviss was forced to retire. Durge made everyone look bad. Even the allmighty Kyle Katarn had troubles dealing with Durge. Calling himself an even match, Durge sucked the life out of everything he touches or shoots. He'll destroy your planet if he feels like it. He'll walk into a busy room, kill everyone, then leave. He's unstoppable! Of course that silly General Grievous stabbed Durge in the gut with his ultimate weapons; however, Durge survived and added the douchebag Grievous to his hit list. See \"Killing Spree\" below for more details."@en . . . . . "Durge"@sv . . . . . "Durge"@cs . . . "Durge"@hu . . "Durge"@es . "Separatists"@en . . . "Durge"@it . "250"^^ . . . . . "Durge was a bounty hunter, active during the Clone Wars."@en . "Introducing Durge"@fi . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Durge is a Gen\u2019Dai bounty hunter who came to serve the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars and a villain from the Star Wars franchise."@en . . . "\u0142owca nagr\u00F3d, oficer , \u017Co\u0142nierz Sith\u00F3w"@pl . "white"@en . . . . "Durge"@es . "Bounty Hunter +4"@en . . "\u30C0\u30FC\u30B8"@sv . "Durge"@es . "Durge"@en . "*New Sith Empire\n*Konfederationen av Sj\u00E4lvst\u00E4ndiga System"@sv . "20"^^ . . . . "Durge"@en . . . . "10px default Primary eye colour. (eg. Blue) (Else use Eyes2) desc none 10px default Primary hair colour. (eg. Brown or Bald) (Else use Hair2) desc none 10px default OPTIONS : Married, Single, Widowed or click for more options... desc none 10px default Use only if character is currently deceased. desc none 10px default The creators of this character, separated by ;'s. (eg. Stan Lee; Steve Ditko) desc none First appearance Unknown"@en . . . "22"^^ . "Durge"@sv . . "Durge was a male Gen'Dai bounty hunter who was active in the galaxy for almost two thousand years. Able to survive several near-death situations due to his Gen'Dai heritage and enhanced battle armor, he fought in several wars and collected a multitude of bounties. Over the centuries, Durge acquired a deep distaste for Mandalorians, and even killed their leader at one point. As a result of both personal tragedy and torture, he became increasingly mentally unstable. Tempted by the idea of killing Republic clone troopers, clones of the Mandalorian Jango Fett, Durge was recruited into the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Given the rank of commander, he performed several key missions for Count Dooku himself, and led droid forces in combat on more than one occasion. Near the end of the war, he was launched, and Force-pushed into a star near Maramere by Anakin Skywalker where he was truly killed."@en . . . . . "Bounty hunter / Immortal Monster / Psychopath"@en . . "\u0414\u0443\u0440\u0434\u0436"@en . . . . "Durge"@es . "*Vanhan Tasavallan aikakausi\n*Imperiumin nousun aikakausi"@fi . "Durge"@es . "Durge"@fi . . . . "clonewars/about/news/news20030311.html"@fi . "morderstwa, porwania"@pl . . . . . . . "Durge"@es . "\u0414\u0443\u0440\u0434\u0436"@sv . "Durge was released in 2004 with the Clone Strike set."@en . . . . "Jedi hunting"@en . "2022"^^ . . . "Durge"@hu . "Rare"@en . . . . . . "Non-Unique followers who end their move within 6 squares of this character gain Momentum."@en . "clonewars/about/news/news20030311.html"@en . . "Durge"@cs . "[Source] Durge est un chasseur de primes Gen'Dai, une esp\u00E8ce consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme immortel tellement leur dur\u00E9e de vie est longue. Il participa \u00E0 la Guerre des Clones o\u00F9 il fut embauch\u00E9 par les S\u00E9paratistes pour la bataille de Muunilinst. Effectivement, Durge d\u00E9testait les mandaloriens et donc les soldats clones, cr\u00E9\u00E9 \u00E0 partir de l'ADN de Jango Fett. Durge arriva avec ses dro\u00EFdes lancier IG qui ont fait leur premi\u00E8re apparition, tout comme Durge, au yeux de la R\u00E9publique Galactique dans les joutes contre les cavaliers clones du Bataillon de Lancier. Cela finit contre un duel entre Obi-Wan Kenobi et Durge, duel o\u00F9 aucun des deux ne mourra. Quelque temps plus tard il se battit sur Queyta contre plusieurs Jedi dont Obi-Wan Kenobi et Fay. Il en tua plusieurs avec l'aide de Asajj Ventress."@fr . "Durge"@en . "Durge egy gen' dai fejvad\u00E1sz volt a Kl\u00F3nok H\u00E1bor\u00FAja alatt. A Munilist-i csat\u00E1ban vetett\u00E9k be utolj\u00E1ra. Obi-Wan Kenobi, valamint n\u00E9h\u00E1ny kl\u00F3n \u00F6lt\u00E9k meg. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@hu . "None"@en . "Durge fue un cazarrecompensas activo en la Galaxia por, al menos, 2000 a\u00F1os. Era capaz de sobrevivir a varias situaciones cercanas a la muerte gracias a su herencia gen'dai y a su armadura de batalla mejorada. Pele\u00F3 en varias guerras y junt\u00F3 una multitud de cazas. A trav\u00E9s de los siglos, Durge adquiri\u00F3 un profundo desagrado por los Mandalorianos. Como resultado de una tragedia personal y sesiones de tortura, se fue volviendo cada vez m\u00E1s mentalmente inestable. Tentado por la idea de matar soldados clon de la Rep\u00FAblica, los cuales eran clones del mandaloriano Jango Fett, Durge fue reclutado por la Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes durante las Guerras Cl\u00F3nicas. Con el rango de comandante, desempe\u00F1\u00F3 varias misiones claves para el Conde Dooku, y lider\u00F3 a las fuerzas droides en combate en m\u00E1s de una ocasi\u00F3n. Cerca del fin de la guerra, Durge fue lanzado a una estrella cercana a Maramere por Anakin Skywalker."@es . "Durge"@en . "Clone Strike"@en . "\u0414\u0443\u0440\u0434\u0436"@it . "39"^^ . . "Durge"@pl . "Durge var prisj\u00E4gare och officer i Konfederationen av Sj\u00E4lvst\u00E4ndiga Systems arm\u00E9. Han tillh\u00F6rde den mycket seglivade och l\u00E5nglivade rasen Gen'Dai och var vid sin d\u00F6d n\u00E4stan 2000 \u00E5r gammal. 50px Denna artikel \u00E4r bara p\u00E5b\u00F6rjad. Hj\u00E4lp till genom att [ fylla i mer]!Durge \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@sv . "\u017C\u00F3\u0142ty"@pl . "Durge"@en . "Amarillos"@es . . "Durge"@hu . "\u30C0\u30FC\u30B8"@en . . . "Durge"@it . . . . "100"^^ . . . . . "*Old Republic era\n*Rise of the Empire era"@en . "None"@en . . . "Keltaiset"@fi . "Durge byl Gen'Daisk\u00FD n\u00E1mezdn\u00ED lovec, aktivn\u00ED v galaxii po t\u00E9m\u011B\u0159 dva tis\u00EDce let. Schopen p\u0159e\u017E\u00EDt n\u011Bkolik t\u00E9m\u011B\u0159 smrteln\u00FDch situac\u00ED d\u00EDky jeho Gen'Daisk\u00E9mu d\u011Bdictv\u00ED a vylep\u0161en\u00E9 bitevn\u00ED zbroji, bojoval v n\u011Bkolika v\u00E1lk\u00E1ch a sesb\u00EDral mnoho odm\u011Bn. P\u0159es stolet\u00ED, si Durge vytvo\u0159il hlubok\u00FD odpor k Mandalorian a dokonce zabil jejich v\u016Fdce. Zv\u00E1ben ideou vra\u017Ed\u011Bn\u00ED republikov\u00FDch klonov\u00FDch voj\u00E1k\u016F, klon\u016F mandaloriana Jango Fett, byl Durge b\u011Bhem Klonov\u00FDch V\u00E1lek naverbov\u00E1n do Konfederace nez\u00E1visl\u00FDch syst\u00E9m\u016F. Kdy\u017E z\u00EDskal hodnost velitele, splnil n\u011Bkolik kl\u00ED\u010Dov\u00FDch mis\u00ED pro samotn\u00E9ho hrab\u011Bte Dooku, a vedl droid\u00ED s\u00EDly do boje ve v\u00EDce ne\u017E jedn\u00E9 situaci. \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] Kategorie:Mu\u017Ei Kategorie:N\u00E1mezdn\u00ED lovci Kategorie:Gen'Dai"@cs . "Grey"@en . "Durge"@hu . . . "Durge fue un cazarrecompensas activo en la Galaxia por, al menos, 2000 a\u00F1os. Era capaz de sobrevivir a varias situaciones cercanas a la muerte gracias a su herencia gen'dai y a su armadura de batalla mejorada. Pele\u00F3 en varias guerras y junt\u00F3 una multitud de cazas. A trav\u00E9s de los siglos, Durge adquiri\u00F3 un profundo desagrado por los Mandalorianos. Como resultado de una tragedia personal y sesiones de tortura, se fue volviendo cada vez m\u00E1s mentalmente inestable. Tentado por la idea de matar soldados clon de la Rep\u00FAblica, los cuales eran clones del mandaloriano Jango Fett, Durge fue reclutado por la Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes durante las Guerras Cl\u00F3nicas. Con el rango de comandante, desempe\u00F1\u00F3 varias misiones claves para el Conde Dooku, y lider\u00F3 a las fuerzas droides en combate e"@es . . . . . "He never dies. NEVER."@en . . "*Nuevo Imperio Sith\n*Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes"@es . . . "Durge"@pl . . "Durge"@es . . "Durge var prisj\u00E4gare och officer i Konfederationen av Sj\u00E4lvst\u00E4ndiga Systems arm\u00E9. Han tillh\u00F6rde den mycket seglivade och l\u00E5nglivade rasen Gen'Dai och var vid sin d\u00F6d n\u00E4stan 2000 \u00E5r gammal. 50px Denna artikel \u00E4r bara p\u00E5b\u00F6rjad. Hj\u00E4lp till genom att [ fylla i mer]!Durge \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@sv . "10px default Primary eye colour. (eg. Blue) (Else use Eyes2) desc none 10px default Primary hair colour. (eg. Brown or Bald) (Else use Hair2) desc none 10px default OPTIONS : Married, Single, Widowed or click for more options... desc none 10px default Use only if character is currently deceased. desc none 10px default The creators of this character, separated by ;'s. (eg. Stan Lee; Steve Ditko) desc none First appearance Unknown"@en . . "Durge was a bounty hunter, active during the Clone Wars."@en . "Durge"@cs . "39"^^ . "Durge"@hu . "Himself\n*Separatists"@en . . "Durge"@hu . . . . "Introducing Durge"@en . . . . . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Durge is a Gen\u2019Dai bounty hunter who came to serve the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars and a villain from the Star Wars franchise."@en . . . . "Durge"@en . "Yellow, but way better than the Sith."@en . . . . . "250"^^ . . "Durge"@sv . "[Source] Durge est un chasseur de primes Gen'Dai, une esp\u00E8ce consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme immortel tellement leur dur\u00E9e de vie est longue. Il participa \u00E0 la Guerre des Clones o\u00F9 il fut embauch\u00E9 par les S\u00E9paratistes pour la bataille de Muunilinst. Effectivement, Durge d\u00E9testait les mandaloriens et donc les soldats clones, cr\u00E9\u00E9 \u00E0 partir de l'ADN de Jango Fett. Durge arriva avec ses dro\u00EFdes lancier IG qui ont fait leur premi\u00E8re apparition, tout comme Durge, au yeux de la R\u00E9publique Galactique dans les joutes contre les cavaliers clones du Bataillon de Lancier. Cela finit contre un duel entre Obi-Wan Kenobi et Durge, duel o\u00F9 aucun des deux ne mourra."@fr . . . . "Durge"@sv . . . "Durge"@es . . "m\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "DURGE"@en . "No tiene"@es . . . . "Tier: At least High 8-C Name: Durge Gender: Male Age: Over 2,000 years old Classification: Gen'dai Bounty Hunter Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, experience in fighting and hunting, Enhanced senses, Regeneration (High-Mid), lack of internal organs, Longevity (Gen'dai live up to 4000 years, some have lived up to 7000 years) Attack Potency: At least Large Building level+ (Traded blows with Obi-Wan Kenobi) Speed: Relativistic (Can easily tag Obi-Wan and Anakin, mentions Obi-Wan moving in slow motion to him) Lifting Strength: At least Class K+ (Lifted an AT-TE) Durability: At least City Block level+ (Regenerated after being reduced to shreds by Obi-Wan's Force Repulse), likely at least Multi-City Block level+ with armor (It's likely made out of Durasteel, the same material Star Forge Assault Droids are made out of, regeneration makes him harder to kill) Stamina: Massively superhuman Range: Extended melee range. Hundreds of meters with ranged attacks. Standard Equipment: Blasters, energy shields, flail, dart launcher, flamethrower, rocket launcher, armor, various cybernetics. Intelligence: Has hunted and fought Jedi and Mandalorians. 2,000 years of combat experience. Weaknesses: None notable."@en . . "Destroyer Droid"@en . "Durge"@en . . "Durge"@it . . . "Durge"@es . "Durge"@it . "Durge"@sv . "Durge"@en . . . "Flight"@en . "*Era de la Antigua Rep\u00FAblica\n*Era del Alzamiento del Imperio"@es . . "Durge"@it . . "*New Sith Empire\n*Confederacy of Independent Systems"@en . . . . "Size changing, Hyper advanced regeneration, Enormous strength, Marksman, Shields blocking lightsabers"@en . "Double Attack"@en . . . . "Gen'Dai"@en . "\u0414\u0443\u0440\u0434\u0436"@cs . . . "Karthakk"@en . "Durge"@it . . . "Durge"@sv . . "Himself."@en . "1"^^ . . . . "\u30C0\u30FC\u30B8"@it . . "Durge"@hu . "Durge"@cs . "samodzielny \u0142owca nagr\u00F3d Nowe Imperium Sith\u00F3w Konfederacja Niezale\u017Cnych System\u00F3w"@pl . . . "Durge"@cs . "Durge"@en . "Durge, to \u0142owca nagr\u00F3d rasy Gen'Dai. Nosi\u0142 specjaln\u0105 zbroj\u0119 po\u0142\u0105czon\u0105 z nim cybernetycznie. Podczas nowych wojen Sith\u00F3w (2000 BBY - 1000 BBY) Durge walczy\u0142 po stronie Sith\u00F3w - nauczy\u0142 si\u0119 wtedy skuteczne sztuczki umo\u017Cliwiaj\u0105ce pokonanie rycerzy Jedi. Po pora\u017Cce Sith\u00F3w Durge skupi\u0142 si\u0119 na wykonywaniu p\u0142atnych zlece\u0144, zbijaj\u0105c na tym fortun\u0119. By\u0142 \u015Bcigany przez organizacj\u0119 Bloodboilers of Kragis - ukrywaj\u0105c si\u0119 przed ni\u0105 sp\u0119dzi\u0142 60 lat zagrzebany w ziemi. W roku 132 BBY przyj\u0105\u0142 zlecenie na zabicie Mandalora (przyw\u00F3dca Mandalorian). Zabi\u0142 Mandalora, lecz podczas ucieczki zosta\u0142 z\u0142apany przez Mandalorian i poddany torturom. Uda\u0142o mu si\u0119 uciec z niewoli jednak tortury uszkodzi\u0142y jego umys\u0142. W armii Konfederacji Niezale\u017Cnych System\u00F3w pelni\u0142 rol\u0119 dow\u00F3dcy - zgin\u0105\u0142 z r\u0119ki Anakina Skywalkera."@pl . . "Bounty Hunter"@en . . "*Uusi sithien imperiumi\n*Itsen\u00E4isten aurinkokuntien konfederaatio"@fi . . "Durge fu un cacciatore di taglie Gen'Dai, attivo nella galassia per circa 2000 anni. Il suo talento e le sue armature da battaglia gli permisero di combattere in diversi conflitti e di raccogliere un gran numero di taglie. Nel corso dei secoli, Durge acquis\u00EC un disgusto profondo per i Mandaloriani, spingendosi perfino ad uccidere il loro leader. Nel 22 BBY venne reclutato dalla Confederazione dei Sistemi Indipendenti durante le Guerre dei Cloni; con il grado di comandante, effettu\u00F2 diverse missioni chiave per il Conte Dooku. Venne ucciso da Anakin Skywalker che lo lanci\u00F2 nei flussi incandescenti di una stella."@it . "Durge"@fi . . . "oko\u0142o 2022 BBY"@pl . . . . . . "Durge"@cs . . "Yellow"@en . "\u30C0\u30FC\u30B8"@es . "Durge"@sv . "Durge"@sv . "Nombreuses"@fr . . . . "Durge"@en . . "Durge"@hu . . . . . "20"^^ . "Durge"@es . . "Durge"@sv . . . "*Gamla Republiken\n*Rise of the Empire era"@sv . . . "2022"^^ . . . . "37"^^ . "Durge"@cs . . "19"^^ . "Man"@sv . . . "Durge"@it . . "\u30C0\u30FC\u30B8"@cs . . "Durge"@en . . . "Durge"@it . "Durge fu un cacciatore di taglie Gen'Dai, attivo nella galassia per circa 2000 anni. Il suo talento e le sue armature da battaglia gli permisero di combattere in diversi conflitti e di raccogliere un gran numero di taglie. Nel corso dei secoli, Durge acquis\u00EC un disgusto profondo per i Mandaloriani, spingendosi perfino ad uccidere il loro leader. Nel 22 BBY venne reclutato dalla Confederazione dei Sistemi Indipendenti durante le Guerre dei Cloni; con il grado di comandante, effettu\u00F2 diverse missioni chiave per il Conte Dooku. Venne ucciso da Anakin Skywalker che lo lanci\u00F2 nei flussi incandescenti di una stella."@it . "Tier: At least High 8-C Name: Durge Gender: Male Age: Over 2,000 years old Classification: Gen'dai Bounty Hunter Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, experience in fighting and hunting, Enhanced senses, Regeneration (High-Mid), lack of internal organs, Longevity (Gen'dai live up to 4000 years, some have lived up to 7000 years) Attack Potency: At least Large Building level+ (Traded blows with Obi-Wan Kenobi) Speed: Relativistic (Can easily tag Obi-Wan and Anakin, mentions Obi-Wan moving in slow motion to him) Lifting Strength: At least Class K+ (Lifted an AT-TE)"@en . "zbroja"@pl . . . "Durge"@it . . . . . . "Durge"@cs . . . . . "Durge"@cs . . . . . . . . . . "Regeneration 10"@en . . "Durge"@hu . . . "Star Wars"@en . . . "Large"@en . . "Durge"@sv . . . . "\u0414\u0443\u0440\u0434\u0436"@es . "Gul"@sv . . "Male"@en . . "Durge byl Gen'Daisk\u00FD n\u00E1mezdn\u00ED lovec, aktivn\u00ED v galaxii po t\u00E9m\u011B\u0159 dva tis\u00EDce let. Schopen p\u0159e\u017E\u00EDt n\u011Bkolik t\u00E9m\u011B\u0159 smrteln\u00FDch situac\u00ED d\u00EDky jeho Gen'Daisk\u00E9mu d\u011Bdictv\u00ED a vylep\u0161en\u00E9 bitevn\u00ED zbroji, bojoval v n\u011Bkolika v\u00E1lk\u00E1ch a sesb\u00EDral mnoho odm\u011Bn. P\u0159es stolet\u00ED, si Durge vytvo\u0159il hlubok\u00FD odpor k Mandalorian a dokonce zabil jejich v\u016Fdce. \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] Kategorie:Mu\u017Ei Kategorie:N\u00E1mezdn\u00ED lovci Kategorie:Gen'Dai"@cs . . . . . . "2022"^^ . "Commander"@en . "CSI"@es . . . "Durge, to \u0142owca nagr\u00F3d rasy Gen'Dai. Nosi\u0142 specjaln\u0105 zbroj\u0119 po\u0142\u0105czon\u0105 z nim cybernetycznie. Podczas nowych wojen Sith\u00F3w (2000 BBY - 1000 BBY) Durge walczy\u0142 po stronie Sith\u00F3w - nauczy\u0142 si\u0119 wtedy skuteczne sztuczki umo\u017Cliwiaj\u0105ce pokonanie rycerzy Jedi. Po pora\u017Cce Sith\u00F3w Durge skupi\u0142 si\u0119 na wykonywaniu p\u0142atnych zlece\u0144, zbijaj\u0105c na tym fortun\u0119. By\u0142 \u015Bcigany przez organizacj\u0119 Bloodboilers of Kragis - ukrywaj\u0105c si\u0119 przed ni\u0105 sp\u0119dzi\u0142 60 lat zagrzebany w ziemi. W roku 132 BBY przyj\u0105\u0142 zlecenie na zabicie Mandalora (przyw\u00F3dca Mandalorian). Zabi\u0142 Mandalora, lecz podczas ucieczki zosta\u0142 z\u0142apany przez Mandalorian i poddany torturom. Uda\u0142o mu si\u0119 uciec z niewoli jednak tortury uszkodzi\u0142y jego umys\u0142. W armii Konfederacji Niezale\u017Cnych System\u00F3w pelni\u0142 rol\u0119 dow\u00F3dcy - zgin\u0105\u0142 z r\u0119ki Anakina Skywalkera."@pl . "300"^^ . "1"^^ . "Durge"@it . "19.43"^^ . "Durge"@en . . "Durge"@cs . . . . . "Durge"@en . . . . "Durge"@sv . . . . . "NEVER"@en . "Durge"@fr . "Durge"@sv . . "Durge, also known as PWN, DURGE, GOD MODE, was the most Ultra-PWN Deadly Sith Mega-Super-Overlord. Durge was his own kind. Being the only Gen'Dai\u2014Durge's PWN species\u2014meant he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Since he was born, Durge hated all Mandalorians. His hatred grew rapidly until Mandalorian specialist Karen Traviss was forced to retire. Durge made everyone look bad. Even the allmighty Kyle Katarn had troubles dealing with Durge. Calling himself an even match, Durge sucked the life out of everything he touches or shoots. He'll destroy your planet if he feels like it. He'll walk into a busy room, kill everyone, then leave. He's unstoppable! Of course that silly General Grievous stabbed Durge in the gut with his ultimate weapons; however, Durge survived and added the douchebag Grievo"@en . "The Force Is With Them"@fi . "Durge"@it . . "Durge"@hu . "default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20050519a"@fi . . "Durge was released in 2004 with the Clone Strike set."@en . "Durge"@es . . . . "The Force Is With Them"@fi . . . . "2022"^^ . "Hunting jedi for Count Dooku"@en . . "\u0414\u0443\u0440\u0434\u0436"@hu . "3.0"^^ . . "Durge"@fr . "c. 2022 BBY"@en . . . "10"^^ . "20"^^ . "Durge was a male Gen'Dai bounty hunter who was active in the galaxy for almost two thousand years. Able to survive several near-death situations due to his Gen'Dai heritage and enhanced battle armor, he fought in several wars and collected a multitude of bounties. Over the centuries, Durge acquired a deep distaste for Mandalorians, and even killed their leader at one point. As a result of both personal tragedy and torture, he became increasingly mentally unstable."@en . "Masculin"@fr . . "CIS"@en . "\u30C0\u30FC\u30B8"@hu . . "Durge"@es . "Durge"@cs . .