"no"@en . . . . "-"@de . . "csCompCait"@en . . "empty"@en . . . . . "10"^^ . "no"@en . "No"@en . . "Cait"@en . . . "They reappear in the 2016 Christmas event redoing the events of the 2005 Christmas event."@en . "FO4"@es . "..I like nachos...."@en . . . . "Pixie"@en . . "-"@en . "Halloween & Death Mechanics"@en . "K\u00E4fig-K\u00E4mpferin"@de . "ja"@de . "-"@de . "26"^^ . . "Rodzice Cait od urodzenia rodzice traktowali j\u0105 \u017Ale. Byli wobec niej okrutni i surowi. Nieustannie zmuszali j\u0105 do walki. Gdy sko\u0144czy\u0142a 18 lat sprzedali j\u0105 \u0142owcom niewolnik\u00F3w. W niewoli sp\u0119dzi\u0142a 5 lat \u017Cycia. Okrada\u0142a swoich w\u0142a\u015Bcicieli a gdy uzbiera\u0142a wystarczaj\u0105c\u0105 ilo\u015B\u0107 kapsli wykupi\u0142a swoj\u0105 wolno\u015B\u0107. Tu\u017C po odzyskaniu wolno\u015Bci postanowi\u0142a wytropi\u0107 i zabi\u0107 swoich rodzic\u00F3w w odwecie za to co jej zrobili. W ko\u0144cu znalaz\u0142a swoje miejsce na arenie zwan\u0105 Stref\u0105 Walki. Walczy\u0142a tam 3 lata, a\u017C do czasu przybycia Jedynego Ocala\u0142ego. Po pokonaniu przez niego bandyt\u00F3w, kt\u00F3rzy najechali budynek, w\u0142a\u015Bciciel areny Tommy Lonegan daje bohaterowi gracza jej kontrakt, dzi\u0119ki czemu Cait mo\u017Ce odej\u015B\u0107. Ze wzgl\u0119du na swoje wcze\u015Bniejsze do\u015Bwiadczenia oraz wojowniczy styl \u017Cycia, Cait jest bardzo ostro\u017Cna wzgl\u0119dem Jedynego Ocala\u0142ego. Bardzo ci\u0119\u017Cko jest jej komu\u015B zaufa\u0107. Trudno jej uwierzy\u0107 w to, \u017Ce ktokolwiek mo\u017Ce by\u0107 dla niej mi\u0142y nie oczekuj\u0105c niczego w zamian. Zdradza Ocala\u0142emu fakt, i\u017C jest uzale\u017Cniona od Psycho i pragnie si\u0119 z tego wyleczy\u0107. Jej uzale\u017Cnienie jest tak mocne, \u017Ce nie mo\u017Cna go wyleczy\u0107 w standardowy spos\u00F3b. Jedynym miejscem gdzie mo\u017Ce wyleczy\u0107 swoje uzale\u017Cnienie jest Krypta 95."@pl . . "Cait es una posible compa\u00F1era en Fallout 4. Es una drogadicta y luchadora irlandesa que puede ser encontrada en la Combat Zone. Es capaz de abrir cerraduras, incluyendo el nivel Maestro."@es . . . . . "Cage fighter"@en . "Occupation"@en . "-"@de . "This planet is the home of the Caitian race. This is a class M world that orbits 15 Lyncis. 15 Lyncis comes from publicity material released at the time of TAS. A later source \u2014 Decipher RPG: Starfleet Operations Manual \u2014 affirms that the Caitian homeworld is Regulus V."@en . "-"@en . . . "Unnamed mother"@en . "-"@de . . "FO4"@en . "Fallout 4"@pl . "Aggressive"@en . "10"^^ . . "Cait ist eine K\u00E4fig-K\u00E4mpferin und m\u00F6gliche Begleiterin des Einzigen \u00DCberlebenden, die 2287 im Combat Zone lebt."@de . . "20"^^ . . "Trefferpunkte: 185 +"@de . "During the 2017 Christmas event, she joins the pixies on a strike, due to them not being able to take a holiday off despite Santa having gone on one."@en . "no"@en . "Cait est n\u00E9 en 2261 dans une famille lointaine et abusive irlandaise. Elle avait essay\u00E9 de fuir deux fois mais ses parents; La premi\u00E8re fois, elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 enferm\u00E9e \u00E0 l'ext\u00E9rieur dans un hangar, la deuxi\u00E8me fois, ils ont bris\u00E9 une de ses jambes. Pour son 18e anniversaire, les parents de Cait L'on vendus dans en esclavage . Pendant cinq ans, elle a vol\u00E9 de petites sommes de ses propri\u00E9taires, jusqu'\u00E0 ce qu'elle ait assez pour acheter sa propre libert\u00E9. Dans un piqu\u00E9 de rage, elle est retourn\u00E9e chez elle pour ce venger de sa m\u00E8re et de son p\u00E8re."@fr . . . . . "Cait est n\u00E9 en 2261 dans une famille lointaine et abusive irlandaise. Elle avait essay\u00E9 de fuir deux fois mais ses parents; La premi\u00E8re fois, elle a \u00E9t\u00E9 enferm\u00E9e \u00E0 l'ext\u00E9rieur dans un hangar, la deuxi\u00E8me fois, ils ont bris\u00E9 une de ses jambes. Pour son 18e anniversaire, les parents de Cait L'on vendus dans en esclavage . Pendant cinq ans, elle a vol\u00E9 de petites sommes de ses propri\u00E9taires, jusqu'\u00E0 ce qu'elle ait assez pour acheter sa propre libert\u00E9. Dans un piqu\u00E9 de rage, elle est retourn\u00E9e chez elle pour ce venger de sa m\u00E8re et de son p\u00E8re. \u00C0 un certain moment apr\u00E8s avoir quitt\u00E9 la maison, elle a commenc\u00E9 \u00E0 utiliser du Psycho et a d\u00E9velopper une addiction incurable. Quelque temps plus tard, elle est arriv\u00E9e \u00E0 la zone de combat \u00E0 Boston , et a \u00E9t\u00E9 embauch\u00E9 par le propri\u00E9taire Tommy Lonegan comme une combattante de cage, devenant bient\u00F4t une combattante forte et impitoyable. Quelque temps plus tard, l'Unique survivant arrive \u00E0 Combat zone pendant que Cait est entrain de gagner un match il interrompt et le reste de l'\u00E9v\u00E9nement par la suite ce change. Apr\u00E8s le Survivant unique butte les raiders dans le b\u00E2timent, Tommy discute de la toxicomanie de Cait et offre le contrat de Cait."@fr . . "A frenzied fey."@en . . "10"^^ . "no"@en . "Cait is the second planet of twelve orbiting a moderate-sized yellow star. It is the only habitable planet in its system and has two moons, Rea and Sura. The native Caitians are a distinctly feline race, and it is believed that they are the descendants of an ancient Kzinti colonization group. They are bipedal, with a thick orange mane, long tail, and large golden eyes that provide excellent low-light vision. The Caitian language consists of multiple soft tones, spoken with a deep, purring resonance; this style of communication makes it difficult for the Caitians to adapt to phonetic languages. Caitians have excellent hearing, with a frequency range far beyond that heard by normal humanoids. For this reason, most Caitians who enter Starfleet specialize in communications and sonic sciences. Unlike the Kzinti, the Caitian race is not hostile in nature. Their reputation as one of the most cooperative and intelligent members of the Federation makes Caitian crew members much sought-after throughout Starfleet. The asteroid belt that lies between the fifth and sixth planets of the Caitian system is an abundant source of ores and valuable minerals, not the least of which is dilithium. Orbital refining platforms within the belt provide a large percentage of the dilithium crystals used in that area of Federation space. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation) In the 2370s, Cait was represented on the Federation Council by Dynkorra M'Relle. (DS9 novel: Trill: Unjoined)"@en . "cait.png"@en . . . "Cait.jpg"@es . "They reappear in the 2016 Christmas event redoing the events of the 2005 Christmas event."@en . . "Cait"@de . . . "..I like nachos...."@en . . "Rodzice Cait od urodzenia rodzice traktowali j\u0105 \u017Ale. Byli wobec niej okrutni i surowi. Nieustannie zmuszali j\u0105 do walki. Gdy sko\u0144czy\u0142a 18 lat sprzedali j\u0105 \u0142owcom niewolnik\u00F3w. W niewoli sp\u0119dzi\u0142a 5 lat \u017Cycia. Okrada\u0142a swoich w\u0142a\u015Bcicieli a gdy uzbiera\u0142a wystarczaj\u0105c\u0105 ilo\u015B\u0107 kapsli wykupi\u0142a swoj\u0105 wolno\u015B\u0107. Ze wzgl\u0119du na swoje wcze\u015Bniejsze do\u015Bwiadczenia oraz wojowniczy styl \u017Cycia, Cait jest bardzo ostro\u017Cna wzgl\u0119dem Jedynego Ocala\u0142ego. Bardzo ci\u0119\u017Cko jest jej komu\u015B zaufa\u0107. Trudno jej uwierzy\u0107 w to, \u017Ce ktokolwiek mo\u017Ce by\u0107 dla niej mi\u0142y nie oczekuj\u0105c niczego w zamian."@pl . . . . "yes"@en . "Cait is a cage fighter and a possible companion living in the Combat Zone in 2287."@en . . . . "Age"@en . . . "Unnamed father"@en . . . . "Combatiente en la jaula\nCompa\u00F1era"@es . "26"^^ . "Manic, Ranny, SSJBroly, Dino, Wolfperior, h8ball <3"@en . "nein"@de . . . "Dunkelrot"@de . "Nuclear breezed"@en . . "Cait"@fr . "Christmas update for all players"@en . . . . . "-"@de . . . "26"^^ . "Femenino"@es . . "79305"^^ . . "Cait is a cage fighter and a possible companion living in the Combat Zone in 2287."@en . . "-"@en . "-"@en . . . "FO4"@es . . "Cait"@en . . . . . "Wojownik"@pl . "-"@pl . . "March 2009"@en . "nein"@de . . . . . "Da\u00F1o: 185\nResistencia al Da\u00F1o: 0%"@es . "-"@de . . "HumanRace"@en . "Kobieta"@pl . . . . . "Femenino"@es . "#MFC"@en . . . . "79249"^^ . . . . "Helps Allies"@en . "Gr\u00FCn"@de . . . . . . . "*Unbenannter Vater \n*Unbenannte Mutter"@de . "This planet originated in the biography of Lt. M'ress, which was originally published by Lincoln Enterprises in 1974 , and described the planet as having an atmosphere, mass, and gravity all near Earth normal (Class M). There was only one other planet in the system, and it was uninhabited. This information would later be incorporated into M'Ress' biography appearing in the Star Trek Concordance (1st edition, p. 197). According to the Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 37), the Cait (15 Lyncis) system's primary is a large F-type star located in the Alpha Quadrant."@en . . . . "Join Date"@en . "Cait"@es . . . "Cait ist eine K\u00E4fig-K\u00E4mpferin und m\u00F6gliche Begleiterin des Einzigen \u00DCberlebenden, die 2287 im Combat Zone lebt."@de . . . . . . . . . "Abges\u00E4gte Schrotflinte"@de . "Cait"@de . "-"@pl . . . . . "People I talk to the most n stuff"@en . "* Trigger Rush"@en . "Roar"@en . "Cait is the second planet of twelve orbiting a moderate-sized yellow star. It is the only habitable planet in its system and has two moons, Rea and Sura. The native Caitians are a distinctly feline race, and it is believed that they are the descendants of an ancient Kzinti colonization group. They are bipedal, with a thick orange mane, long tail, and large golden eyes that provide excellent low-light vision. The Caitian language consists of multiple soft tones, spoken with a deep, purring resonance; this style of communication makes it difficult for the Caitians to adapt to phonetic languages."@en . "During the 2017 Christmas event, she joins the pixies on a strike, due to them not being able to take a holiday off despite Santa having gone on one."@en . . "Cait"@pl . "Green"@en . "Cz\u0142owiek"@pl . . . . . . . "Diango's Workshop"@en . . "-"@en . . "Deep Red"@en . "nein"@de . . "No"@en . . "No"@en . "Die Kampfzone"@de . "Female"@en . . . . . . . . . "This planet originated in the biography of Lt. M'ress, which was originally published by Lincoln Enterprises in 1974 , and described the planet as having an atmosphere, mass, and gravity all near Earth normal (Class M). There was only one other planet in the system, and it was uninhabited. This information would later be incorporated into M'Ress' biography appearing in the Star Trek Concordance (1st edition, p. 197). According to the Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 37), the Cait (15 Lyncis) system's primary is a large F-type star located in the Alpha Quadrant. The Worlds of the Federation (p. 38) adds that Cait is the second planet in the orbit of star 15 Lyncis, and is known natively as \"Ferasa\", which had two moons Rea and Sura. This source also states that the 15 Lyncis system was the twelfth Federation member to ratify the Constitution of the United Federation of Planets and its component Articles Of Federation."@en . "Foolhardy"@en . . . "ja"@de . . . . "2005-12-19"^^ . "Fo4 Cait.jpg"@de . "Location"@en . "yes"@en . . . . "Cait es una posible compa\u00F1era en Fallout 4. Es una drogadicta y luchadora irlandesa que puede ser encontrada en la Combat Zone. Es capaz de abrir cerraduras, incluyendo el nivel Maestro."@es . "Weiblich"@de . "2013-10-24"^^ . . "Cait"@en . "leer"@de . . "20"^^ . "nein"@de . . "Cait"@pl . . "Towarzysz"@pl . . . . . . "This planet is the home of the Caitian race. This is a class M world that orbits 15 Lyncis. 15 Lyncis comes from publicity material released at the time of TAS. A later source \u2014 Decipher RPG: Starfleet Operations Manual \u2014 affirms that the Caitian homeworld is Regulus V."@en . "Resistencia a la Energ\u00EDa: 0%"@es . . . . . "Hit Points: 185 +"@en . . . . "Cait"@es . "Female"@en . "1"^^ . "FO4"@de . . . .