"-"@es . "Draco in Samurai Shodown Sen."@en . "7"^^ . . "Nothing"@en . "Draco is a constellation of which Alpha Draconis is the brightest star."@en . . . "2"^^ . "In the beginning, he wore a purple cape and matching turban with a green robe underneath along with silver bracelets and leather boots. His long black hair was toed in a ponytail, and he stood at the height of 1'9 Draco is an average height teenage boy of 5'11 with a lean yet muscular build. He has shaggy black hair that he tied into a pony tail in the back, with matching black eyes, and tannish skin. He often wears a white robe under a purple cape, with black shorts underneath, and purple leather boots and silver bracelets. His tail is wrapped around his waist as a belt and is brownish red. Other times he's seen wearing a wide array of different clothing, which consists of only 2 other outfits. One he is seen wearing a tight black long sleeves shirt under saiyan armor and white gloves. Also he wears baggy fire red pants tucked into white boots with his tail wrapped like a belt. Other times, he's seen wearing a white supreme kai uniform with a few alterations, with the jacket being a lot smaller, fitting his physique. Golden bracelets and rings on his arms, with a matching gold belt over a orange sash and baggy green pants tucked into golden boots."@en . "394"^^ . . . "13"^^ . . . . "Draco is a summon in Kingdom Hearts II \u00BD."@en . . "16.6"^^ . "Andain"@en . . "Draco is the guardian of Green Garden's anchor connecting it to Altair's base of operations, Black Fortress. His nickname is Winged Guardian. Bomberman battles him in Stage 4, on a tall bridge-like platform at the very top of Green Garden. It is impossible for Bomberman to fall off. Sirius supplies Bomberman with remote bombs for the battle. To defeat Draco, Bomberman must throw a bomb at the main part of his body. A pumped bomb explosion causes one heart of damage to him. Three hits from a Pumped Bomb will kill Draco. Once defeated, Draco catches fire and falls to his death."@en . . . "Crimson"@en . . "5"^^ . . . "Name: Draco Alter: 9.000 Jahre Identit\u00E4t: Geist von Avata-Prosterin Chikara Hoshi Herrin: Avatar-Pristerin Chikara Hoshi Vater: Feuergott Kaji Kamai-Sama Mutter: Drache Draconia Aussehen: Draco ist ein Feuergeist in Form eines Drachen in Flammen. Als Mensch hat er lange pechschwarze Haare, ist 1,76m gro\u00DF und hat lila stechende Augen. Er l\u00E4chelt gerne und meist sieht man ihn auch so, mit einem L\u00E4cheln im Gesicht. Als Mensch tr\u00E4gt er ein wei\u00DFes Hemd, eine schwarze Hose, Handschuhe und einen schwarzen Umhang das sehr Edel aussieht und mit Steinen in drei Farben verziert ist. Aber manchmal erscheint er auch in einem anderen Kost\u00FCm mit Schulterpanzer und einer R\u00FCstung mit Umhang. Es kommt drauf an ob er im Krieg ist oder nur Gesselschaft leisten m\u00F6chte. Man k\u00F6nnte denken er kommt aus einer Zeit der Ritter. Er tr\u00E4gt ein Schwert mit sich und auff\u00E4llig sind seine zwei H\u00F6rne auf dem Kopf die die Schwingen eines Drachen formen. Draco ist schlank und doch sehr stark. Mann nennt ihn auch der \"Gentelmen der Flammen\" wegen seiner h\u00F6flichen Art. Verwandlungszauber: gibt es keinen. Draco wird auf Befehl oder Wunsch ihrer Zauberspr\u00FCche herbei gerufen. Zauberspr\u00FCche: gibt es keine da er ein Teil von Chikara ist und auf ihre Zauber handelt. Charaktereigenschaften Allgemein: Dracp ist ein 9.000 Jahrer alter Geist des Avatar des Feuers. Vor Chikara diente er den Avataren des Feuers die vor Chiakra herrschten. Seine F\u00E4higkeiten bestehen daraus das er Freund und Diener des Avatars ist. Wenn er lust dazu hat, kann er sich kurz in der Gestallt eines gew\u00FCnschten Wesens erscheinen. Im Moment aber erscheint er in der Form des Menschens da er auf der Erde mit Chikara seine Aufgabe erf\u00FCllen will. Draco ist mit Chikara sehr eng verbunden. Sie sind nicht nur die engsten Freunde, sie teilen auch das Leben und den Tot mit einander. Er ist der Diener des Feuers und kommt seiner Herrin in Not zur Hilfe wenn sie ihn zu sich mit einem gew\u00FCnschten Zauber ruft. Wenn Chikara stirbt, stirbt auch Draco jedoch ist bei ihm der Vorteil das er in den n\u00E4chsten K\u00F6rper einer neuen, wieder Gebrut des Avatares aufersteht und ihr dient. Das ist seine Dasein. Das ewige Leben im K\u00F6rper einer Avatarin. Draco ist h\u00F6flich und hat eine sampfte Stimme. Wenn er nicht gerade als Mensch wandelt ist er ein Drache in Flammengestallt was auch sein wahres ICH ist. Er ist genau das krasse Gegenteil von Chikara und mann nannte ihn auch schon \"Chikaras gute Seite\". Manchmal sieht es so aus als w\u00FCrden Chikara und Draco sich liebe, doch zwischen den beiden herrscht nur eine tiefe Freundschaft. Ein Band das unzertrennlich ist. Sie gehen beide sehr zertlich mit einander um und jeder ist f\u00FCr den anderen da. Manchmal taucht Draco ohne Vorwahnung auf und erschreckt seine Herrin Chikara sehr gerne, was sie oft auf die Palme bringt aber Draco kann nur dr\u00FCber lachen weil er es s\u00FC\u00DF findet wenn sie sich aufregt. Au\u00DFerdem steht er seiner rothaarigen Herrin stehts mit Raat und Tat zur Seite was sie zu einem hervorragendem Team macht. -Das Band mit Chikara. Stirbt sie, stirbt auch er. -Er hat keinen eigenen Zauber -Er hat kein eigenes Dasein -Er darf nicht eigen handeln -Teilt mit Chikara Leid und Wunden -Er hat eine gro\u00DFe Macht zusammen mit Chikara seiner Herrin -Er bewart immer die Ruhe -Er handelt nie \u00FCberst\u00FCrzt -Sein Auftreten als Feuergeist l\u00E4sst meist die Gegner erzittern -seinen Mut -seine Weisheit -Seine beste Freundin Chikara -wenn er Chikara erschrecken kann -wenn Chikara neue Freunde findet -wenn er sich f\u00FCr Chikara freuen kann -Wenn er k\u00E4mpfen muss und nie Ruhe findet -sein dasein als Geist -wenn Chikara zu voreilig handelt -wenn sie st\u00F6rrisch wie ein Esel ist -und das sie Seiya nicht die Wahrheit \u00FCber ihre Gef\u00FChle sagt. -unh\u00F6fliche Wesen -Wesen die nie lachen"@de . . . . "\"As if I have one.\""@en . . "Humaine"@fr . "Draco (Drake, en ingl\u00E9s) es un vecino pato Perezoso."@es . "Mercenary"@en . "Draco est l'Esprit de la Constellation du Dragon."@fr . "Origin"@en . "Draco, known affectionately as \"Drake\" by Marya Aurelac de Maar Sul, was the brother of Wister and one of the Andain lieutenants of Kagetsu I during the War of the Andain. He betrayed Kagetsu during the Arawn Losstarot War to the shame of his descendants who now comprise the House of Draco, a noble house of Maar Sul."@en . "Power Rangers Frenzy"@en . . . . "148"^^ . "Orange"@en . . "Male"@en . . . . . "Dead"@en . "Draco is a normal dragon monster that can be summoned using File:Dead Branch.gif Dead Branch. He drops his card File:Card.gif Draco Card (100.00%) which provides 20% Earth resistance and increases damage to the Earth property by 5%."@en . . "Le draco \u00E9tait un genre de l\u00E9zards volants d'origine terrienne, dont l'esp\u00E8ce s'est \u00E9teinte au 21\u00E8me si\u00E8cle. Les habitudes alimentaires de ces l\u00E9zards \u00E9taient similaires \u00E0 l'esp\u00E8ce Corvan gilvo \u00E9galement menac\u00E9e. (TNG: \"New Ground\")"@fr . . . "The Dragon Spirit, Draco is the god of Dragons, and the first mortal creature ever brought into the world of Kharlia. Made with the cooperation of the gods, Draco roamed the lands of Kharlia before mortals, eventually ascending to godhood and watching over the world. He is seen as a great platinum dragon, and his spirit courses through the veins of all dragonkin."@en . "Draco"@fr . . "Draco is a leg-less dragon and one of the many pets of Eris. He wasn't seen in the beginning, but he was seen with his other compannion monsters while Eris is bathing and she was ready to see more action and she turns the ocean into ice and sends her Roc to destroy Sinbad. Draco wasn't one of the monsters that surrounded Sinbad and Marina."@en . ""@fr . . "50"^^ . . "Es un al\u00EDen de Cristhian Es un al\u00EDen del DNAtrix de Cristhian, las partes Crystalsapien estan en sus cuernos y garras"@es . . . . . "Dragon"@fr . "Dracos are the first stage of Dragon, they begin this stage from birth(Dragons are not hatched) until they stage into Drakes. During their time as a Draco their appearance is Human like only taller and with leathery skin. While a Draco, Dragons search for a Secian to become their Chosen. Once a Chosenship has been aquired it is not too long before the Draco stages into a Drake."@en . . "Masculino"@es . . . "Dracos are the first stage of Dragon, they begin this stage from birth(Dragons are not hatched) until they stage into Drakes. During their time as a Draco their appearance is Human like only taller and with leathery skin. While a Draco, Dragons search for a Secian to become their Chosen. Once a Chosenship has been aquired it is not too long before the Draco stages into a Drake."@en . "Frenzy Dragon Ranger"@en . "Draco (\u30C9\u30E9\u30B3, Dorako) is the sub boss of Samurai Shodown Sen."@en . "Elite Four"@en . "379"^^ . . "31"^^ . "Shadow Blade"@en . "fe13"@en . . . . . . . "WW"@es . "Draco is the human Savanna Ambassador at the annual Habitat Partners Conference in the Rainy Basin. His partner is Highjump."@en . . . "Dorako"@fr . . . "Draco est le titre de la onzi\u00E8me musique de la bande originale du jeu Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets."@fr . . "Before the war inside the Nui Ship, Draco created canisters and many other pieces of equipment. Like all other Matoran, Draco was put into a Matoran Sphere to protect him from the war. Makuta Atukam took a Netrox (Santorkam ) and Draco to a lab and used various viruses on them, transforming the Netrox but barely affecting Draco, his mind was still the same but some features on the Matoran's body had changed. For example, his feet were now clawed and his mask was now spiked. The Makuta discarded the Matoran into a trash compactor near the Engine control room, but he was later saved by a Netrox mechanic."@en . "thumb|300px|El Castellano Draco. Draco es un Castellano de los Templarios Negros."@es . "Los dracos o drakes, son dragones relativamente j\u00F3venes en comparaci\u00F3n con sus hermanos ancestros. Casi siempre est\u00E1n volando y movi\u00E9ndose al contrario que los nether drakes que tienden a caminar para desplazarse. Lo que los diferencia de los dragones adultos es su forma de caminar y de moverse, mucho m\u00E1s estilizada. Los dracos se pueden encontrar en cualquier lugar de Azeroth aunque suelen concentrarse en determinadas zonas como Burning Steppes, Swamp of Sorrows, Winterspring, y numerosas mazmorras."@es . . . "Bares a striking similarity to Drakels but with red scales."@en . . "See this page instead."@en . . . "Draco is a non-playable character in SSS. He uses his Winchester gun and can fire from different angles, even his armpit. He can also use a coin and shoot it to scrape an opponent with the coin's shards. He can work alongside Malice for a team final smash."@en . "Yes"@en . . . . . . . "fe4"@en . "Male"@en . . . "The Draco is first witnessed in the skies of Yafutoma, alongside 4th Admiral Belleza's Flagship, the Lynx. It also takes part in the war with the Tenkou. Until Vyse re-commandeers his ship, the Tenkou soon are losing the battle. When the Delphinus is back in its rightful owner's hands, the tide of the fighting turns, and so does the Draco."@en . "25"^^ . . "Draco"@es . "4,0 m"@fr . . "Draco is a normal dragon monster that can be summoned using File:Dead Branch.gif Dead Branch. He drops his card File:Card.gif Draco Card (100.00%) which provides 20% Earth resistance and increases damage to the Earth property by 5%."@en . "Draco was a recurring character on Xena: Warrior Princess. He was a warlord and ex-lover of Xena's. Bliss hit him with one of Cupid's Arrows and he fell madly in love with Gabrielle, which made him change his ways and try to fight for good. He was a very skilled fighter, going toe-to-toe with the Warrior Princess herself. He was the catalyst that led Xena to meet Gabrielle, as it was him that attacked Potedia and motivated Xena to save the villagers, including Gabrielle. He was played by Jay Laga'aia."@en . "Chapter 22: An Ill Presage"@en . "N/A"@en . "80"^^ . "The Draco is first witnessed in the skies of Yafutoma, alongside 4th Admiral Belleza's Flagship, the Lynx. It also takes part in the war with the Tenkou. Until Vyse re-commandeers his ship, the Tenkou soon are losing the battle. When the Delphinus is back in its rightful owner's hands, the tide of the fighting turns, and so does the Draco."@en . "Shish Kebab"@en . . "23"^^ . . . "25"^^ . "Role"@en . . . "Draco.gif"@en . "10"^^ . "Draco"@en . . "Draco is Nami's twin brother. The two spend a lot of time together. \n* Bakugan: Robotallion, Arasion, Saurus, Gryffon \n* Personality: Friendly, sometimes taunts opponent(s)"@en . . . . . . "thumb|right|300px|Draco (drake) her\u00E1ldico Draco \u00E9 um sin\u00F4nimo de drag\u00E3o, mas tamb\u00E9m pode ser usado como equivalente do ingl\u00EAs drake no sentido espec\u00EDfico de um drag\u00E3o com quatro patas e sem asas, envolvido em chamas, que na her\u00E1ldica simboliza integridade capaz de resistir a provas de fogo. Refere-se \u00E0 lenda, conhecida desde a Antiguidade, segundo a qual a salamandra \u00E9 imune ao fogo. Na Idade M\u00E9dia, dizia-se haver na \u00CDndia tecidos incombust\u00EDveis de pele de salamandra - talvez uma refer\u00EAncia ao amianto. Em RPGs e no jogo de cartas Magic, drake \u00E9 simplesmente um drag\u00E3o de menor porte."@pt . . "50"^^ . "Darth Draco was one of the original five Sith Council Members. Not much is known about his past. His only known apprentice was Darth Kracor, whom he trained from 32 ABY to 35 ABY. He died in combat when Ryric, Rica and Larsid rebelled against the Council."@en . "Draco est un long dragon bleu avec le ventre blanc. Il poss\u00E8de deux petites sph\u00E8res bleues sur sa queue, et une troisi\u00E8me sur sa gorge. Il poss\u00E8de une petite corne blanche sur son front, ainsi que deux courtes ailes en guise d'oreilles."@fr . . "20"^^ . "12"^^ . "4.5"^^ . "Draco est un long dragon bleu avec le ventre blanc. Il poss\u00E8de deux petites sph\u00E8res bleues sur sa queue, et une troisi\u00E8me sur sa gorge. Il poss\u00E8de une petite corne blanche sur son front, ainsi que deux courtes ailes en guise d'oreilles."@fr . . . . . "The default dragon is green with red eyes, but DA wielders can customize its physical appearance, change its elemental alignment and even name it. This can be done by speaking to the two Dragon Priestesses Celestia and Elysia at Sunbreeze Grove. When in its titan form, the Hero may ride his or her dragon in battle against other titan-sized opponents. Some titan battles are available for all players to battle, but in general it is a feature primarily reserved for DA wielders."@en . . "Ilustraci\u00F3n de Draco/Suzumilla"@es . "Draconique"@fr . . "Draco"@en . "Draco"@en . "Toa Tarka"@en . . "no"@en . . . "215"^^ . . "yes"@en . "yes"@en . "Final Chapter: The Last Holy War"@en . "Can be made by Crafting using Draco Blueprint"@en . "Light and Darkness"@en . . . . . . . "\"DRACO\" stands for \"Democratic-Republic of Aloria Counter-intelligence Organization.\" It was Aloria's infamous, well-funded intelligence agency. Though restricted in principle to \"counter-intelligence\" and \"counter-terror\" operations, DRACO's administrators construed those mandates broadly. \"The best defense is a good offense,\" once famously said Will Blakely, Director of DRACO from 2545-2557. \"The same principle sometimes applies to countering espionage, and countering terror.\" DRACO was disbanded shortly after the MLP/CU conservative bloc took control of the government in 2580. It was later re-instated after an invasion and terrorist attacks restored its mandate."@en . . "File:BowIconFE13.pngBow - A"@en . "Draco (Satoshi en Japones), es el lider de gimnasio de Ciudad Dorado y en general usa pok\u00E9mon del tipo drag\u00F3n. Entrega la Archivo:Medalla Cuerno.png, a los entrenadores que logran derrotarlo. Es el septimo lider de gimnasio de la Regi\u00F3n Yuketh."@es . "File:FE4killerbow.gifKiller Bow"@en . "Draco est le titre de la onzi\u00E8me musique de la bande originale du jeu Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets."@fr . "File:Ichii-bal FE13 Icon.pngYewfelle*"@en . "Draco is a level 85 type dungeon boss. It can be found in Crystal Valley."@en . "Toa"@en . . . . . "types"@en . "Home world"@en . "124"^^ . . "Es un al\u00EDen de Cristhian Es un al\u00EDen del DNAtrix de Cristhian, las partes Crystalsapien estan en sus cuernos y garras"@es . "Crystal Valley"@en . "Stats unknown."@en . "Draco (Japanese: \u30C9\u30E9\u30B3 Draco) is a Master Dragon Trainer and member of the Tashu Elite Four."@en . . "\u30C9\u30E9\u30B3"@fr . "-"@en . "Voiced by"@en . . "Verts"@fr . . "yes"@en . "A Draco is a baby version of a Dragon. They are quite powerful, and are very dangerous in bunches. They range from level 9 to level 11. There are Forest, Sand, Ice, Red, and Black Dracos. They drop Gold, Raw Steaks, and Dragon Teeth."@en . . . "Builder"@en . . "DRACO"@en . . . "20"^^ . "Draco is a professional wrestler who has appeared in many federations. A list of a few of them are Sin Wrestling, All Star Wrestling and the Outsider Wrestling Federation currently. He currently holds three titles, those being the OWF Network Championship, The WoW Championship and one-half of the OWF Tag Team Championship."@en . "Draco"@en . "Write the first section of your page here."@en . "Draco was the Frenzy Dragon Ranger of Power Rangers Frenzy, and the mighty member of the Frenzy Rangers."@en . "Unknown"@en . "Found in the Celestius zone."@en . "9"^^ . . "Dragon Heart"@en . "25"^^ . "\"DRACO\" stands for \"Democratic-Republic of Aloria Counter-intelligence Organization.\" It was Aloria's infamous, well-funded intelligence agency. Though restricted in principle to \"counter-intelligence\" and \"counter-terror\" operations, DRACO's administrators construed those mandates broadly. \"The best defense is a good offense,\" once famously said Will Blakely, Director of DRACO from 2545-2557. \"The same principle sometimes applies to countering espionage, and countering terror.\""@en . . . "Draco was a dragon and one of the main protagonists of Dragonheart. Draco was the first dragon to appear in the film series."@en . "acc4_SandS_Draco_Incendiary"@en . "15"^^ . "25"^^ . . "\u00A1La dificultad de entrenar hase al mejor entrenador!"@es . "20"^^ . . "21"^^ . . "Draco is Nami's twin brother. The two spend a lot of time together. \n* Bakugan: Robotallion, Arasion, Saurus, Gryffon \n* Personality: Friendly, sometimes taunts opponent(s)"@en . "\"Like I'd know that.\""@en . "File:Charge.pngCharge"@en . "8"^^ . . . "Barren Island"@en . . . . . "Bleus"@fr . . . "Draco (\u30D5\u30E5\u30F3\u30D5 Fyunfu, F\u00FCnf in the Japanese version) is one of the twelve Deadlords, and appears in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, and Fire Emblem Awakening. It should be noted that while Draco appears as a male in Genealogy of the Holy War and Fire Emblem Awakening, he appears as a female in Thracia 776. In Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, little is mentioned about the Deadlords, but they are all fought in the Final Chapter near Belhalla and eventually defeated, including Draco himself."@en . . . . "Draco is the guardian of Green Garden's anchor connecting it to Altair's base of operations, Black Fortress. His nickname is Winged Guardian. Bomberman battles him in Stage 4, on a tall bridge-like platform at the very top of Green Garden. It is impossible for Bomberman to fall off. Sirius supplies Bomberman with remote bombs for the battle. To defeat Draco, Bomberman must throw a bomb at the main part of his body. A pumped bomb explosion causes one heart of damage to him. Three hits from a Pumped Bomb will kill Draco. Once defeated, Draco catches fire and falls to his death."@en . . . . "Earth [Lv:1]"@en . "yes"@en . . "Bleu"@fr . "no"@en . . "\"Who cares?\""@en . . "87.3"^^ . "Draco (Japanese: \u30C9\u30E9\u30B3 Draco) is a Master Dragon Trainer and member of the Tashu Elite Four."@en . . . "A god, can't die."@en . . "MP3"@fr . . . . . "Vela"@en . . . . . . . . . "Draco"@en . "Draco (latin for \"dragon\") was the name of Manticore-A V, the fifth planet of the Manticore System's primary star. It was a gas giant with seven moons. (JIR1)"@en . "no"@en . . "File:Pursuit.pngPursuit"@en . "394"^^ . . "File:Skill +2.pngSkill +2"@en . . "50"^^ . "Sau"@en . "yes"@en . "47.0"^^ . . . . . . "Dragon"@en . . . . . . "Satoshi"@es . "Draco (latin for \"dragon\") was the name of Manticore-A V, the fifth planet of the Manticore System's primary star. It was a gas giant with seven moons. (JIR1)"@en . . . . . "A Draco is a baby version of a Dragon. They are quite powerful, and are very dangerous in bunches. They range from level 9 to level 11. There are Forest, Sand, Ice, Red, and Black Dracos. They drop Gold, Raw Steaks, and Dragon Teeth."@en . "Tradescantia Petals"@en . "In Wied\u017Amin: Gra Wyobra\u017Ani il gioco di ruolo cartaceo, il draco somiglia ad uno pterosauro della preistoria."@it . "8"^^ . . "Draco"@de . . . "The Hellacious One"@en . . "16"^^ . "Maroon"@en . "6"^^ . "13"^^ . "DRAY-koh"@en . "Iron"@en . "4"^^ . "No"@en . . . . "0"^^ . "no"@en . . . . . "B"@en . . "thumb|300px|El Castellano Draco. Draco es un Castellano de los Templarios Negros."@es . "Earth"@en . . "Draco"@en . "fe5"@en . "0"^^ . "N/A"@en . . "In Wied\u017Amin: Gra Wyobra\u017Ani il gioco di ruolo cartaceo, il draco somiglia ad uno pterosauro della preistoria."@it . . . . . . . . "Friend of Mankind"@en . . "Mainly Magical"@en . "Draco is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean."@en . . . . . "Aquatique 1"@fr . . "N/A"@en . "Draco"@pt . "Es un planeta Clase M y Gigante de Gas en la Costelacion de Dragon y una Raza Reptiliana Los Draconianos Categor\u00EDa:Planetas y Lunas"@es . "3000"^^ . "Draco (Drake, en ingl\u00E9s) es un vecino pato Perezoso."@es . "93.9"^^ . . . "yes"@en . "Draco is a non-playable character in SSS. He uses his Winchester gun and can fire from different angles, even his armpit. He can also use a coin and shoot it to scrape an opponent with the coin's shards. He can work alongside Malice for a team final smash."@en . "Evil"@en . . . "*First Age\n*Second Age"@en . . . "Summon"@en . . . "Stats unknown."@en . "The default dragon is green with red eyes, but DA wielders can customize its physical appearance, change its elemental alignment and even name it. This can be done by speaking to the two Dragon Priestesses Celestia and Elysia at Sunbreeze Grove. When in its titan form, the Hero may ride his or her dragon in battle against other titan-sized opponents. Some titan battles are available for all players to battle, but in general it is a feature primarily reserved for DA wielders."@en . . . . . "\u30C9\u30E9\u30B3"@en . "Draco was a recurring character on Xena: Warrior Princess. He was a warlord and ex-lover of Xena's. Bliss hit him with one of Cupid's Arrows and he fell madly in love with Gabrielle, which made him change his ways and try to fight for good. He was a very skilled fighter, going toe-to-toe with the Warrior Princess herself. He was the catalyst that led Xena to meet Gabrielle, as it was him that attacked Potedia and motivated Xena to save the villagers, including Gabrielle. He was played by Jay Laga'aia."@en . . . "yes"@en . . . . . "Write the first section of your page here."@en . "Perezoso"@es . "8.8"^^ . . "Draco (Dureko) is a character from Nobita and the Birth of Japan and its remake. He was created by Nobita through Doraemon's gadgets. Drago2016.png Birthofjapanpets.PNG"@en . "1"^^ . . "TBA"@en . "The Dragon Spirit, Draco is the god of Dragons, and the first mortal creature ever brought into the world of Kharlia. Made with the cooperation of the gods, Draco roamed the lands of Kharlia before mortals, eventually ascending to godhood and watching over the world. He is seen as a great platinum dragon, and his spirit courses through the veins of all dragonkin."@en . "Sean Connery \nTBA"@en . . . . . "Dracus"@es . "184.0"^^ . "Drakoxine"@es . . . "25"^^ . "grey"@en . "30"^^ . "10"^^ . . "19"^^ . "Knight"@en . "Red"@en . "Draco is a level 85 type dungeon boss. It can be found in Crystal Valley."@en . . . "Draco is a leg-less dragon and one of the many pets of Eris. He wasn't seen in the beginning, but he was seen with his other compannion monsters while Eris is bathing and she was ready to see more action and she turns the ocean into ice and sends her Roc to destroy Sinbad. Draco wasn't one of the monsters that surrounded Sinbad and Marina."@en . "4"^^ . "Los dracos o drakes, son dragones relativamente j\u00F3venes en comparaci\u00F3n con sus hermanos ancestros. Casi siempre est\u00E1n volando y movi\u00E9ndose al contrario que los nether drakes que tienden a caminar para desplazarse. Lo que los diferencia de los dragones adultos es su forma de caminar y de moverse, mucho m\u00E1s estilizada. Los dracos se pueden encontrar en cualquier lugar de Azeroth aunque suelen concentrarse en determinadas zonas como Burning Steppes, Swamp of Sorrows, Winterspring, y numerosas mazmorras."@es . . "A Dragon that lives in the same mountain as the Naga. He killed Merwin Merman over a misunderstanding with a fire opal. He delivered Dolph to Nabob. During a mishap with a love spring he had a daughter Becka who is half human. His daughter Becka is concerned he will die with all of the rest of the soulless dragons in Xanth."@en . . . "Frenzy Freedom"@en . "85"^^ . . . "None specific, around 50BA"@en . "Draco is a summon in Kingdom Hearts II \u00BD."@en . "17000"^^ . . . . "Can be made by Crafting using Draco Blueprint"@en . . . . "Draco est l'Esprit de la Constellation du Dragon."@fr . "Unknown"@en . "Mue"@fr . "16"^^ . . "14"^^ . . . . . . "9"^^ . "56"^^ . . "Pato"@es . . . "Darth Draco was one of the original five Sith Council Members. Not much is known about his past. His only known apprentice was Darth Kracor, whom he trained from 32 ABY to 35 ABY. He died in combat when Ryric, Rica and Larsid rebelled against the Council."@en . "Summon item"@en . "Draco is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean."@en . . . . . . . "20"^^ . "Draco is the human Savanna Ambassador at the annual Habitat Partners Conference in the Rainy Basin. His partner is Highjump."@en . . . . . "30"^^ . . . "Es un planeta Clase M y Gigante de Gas en la Costelacion de Dragon y una Raza Reptiliana Los Draconianos Categor\u00EDa:Planetas y Lunas"@es . "996"^^ . "Foto:\"\u00BFLlevas algo de comer?\""@es . . . . "120"^^ . "Draco is the almighty God of Dragons, who appeared around the Second Age. He is followed by the Dracomancers."@en . . "Draco is the almighty God of Dragons, who appeared around the Second Age. He is followed by the Dracomancers."@en . "N/A"@en . "0"^^ . "Altair"@en . "15"^^ . "\u30CF\u30AF\u30EA\u30E5\u30FC Hakuryu"@fr . "Draco.jpg"@en . "250"^^ . "Matoran"@en . . "None"@en . "Found in the Celestius zone."@en . . "USA"@en . "Draco, known affectionately as \"Drake\" by Marya Aurelac de Maar Sul, was the brother of Wister and one of the Andain lieutenants of Kagetsu I during the War of the Andain. He betrayed Kagetsu during the Arawn Losstarot War to the shame of his descendants who now comprise the House of Draco, a noble house of Maar Sul."@en . "Whitesboro, New York, USA"@en . "2006-08-01"^^ . "Draco"@en . . "Deceased"@en . . "Draco"@en . . . "\"A lot of things\""@en . "Dragonheart"@en . . . "File:Continue.pngAdept"@en . . . . . "Le draco \u00E9tait un genre de l\u00E9zards volants d'origine terrienne, dont l'esp\u00E8ce s'est \u00E9teinte au 21\u00E8me si\u00E8cle. Les habitudes alimentaires de ces l\u00E9zards \u00E9taient similaires \u00E0 l'esp\u00E8ce Corvan gilvo \u00E9galement menac\u00E9e. (TNG: \"New Ground\")"@fr . . "Draco"@es . "2"^^ . . . "Masculino"@es . . . "Unnamed grandparents"@en . "300"^^ . "Disparar l\u00E1ser de su boca"@es . "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets video game soundtrack"@fr . . . "Dragon"@fr . . "morphed Sau"@en . . . "Artwork from Light and Darkness"@en . "Draco (\u30C9\u30E9\u30B3, Dorako) is the sub boss of Samurai Shodown Sen."@en . . "*House of Draco\n*Maar Sul"@en . . . "CGI"@en . "Wyvern"@en . . . . "thumb|right|300px|Draco (drake) her\u00E1ldico Draco \u00E9 um sin\u00F4nimo de drag\u00E3o, mas tamb\u00E9m pode ser usado como equivalente do ingl\u00EAs drake no sentido espec\u00EDfico de um drag\u00E3o com quatro patas e sem asas, envolvido em chamas, que na her\u00E1ldica simboliza integridade capaz de resistir a provas de fogo. Refere-se \u00E0 lenda, conhecida desde a Antiguidade, segundo a qual a salamandra \u00E9 imune ao fogo. Na Idade M\u00E9dia, dizia-se haver na \u00CDndia tecidos incombust\u00EDveis de pele de salamandra - talvez uma refer\u00EAncia ao amianto. Em RPGs e no jogo de cartas Magic, drake \u00E9 simplesmente um drag\u00E3o de menor porte."@pt . . . . . . . . . "Before the war inside the Nui Ship, Draco created canisters and many other pieces of equipment. Like all other Matoran, Draco was put into a Matoran Sphere to protect him from the war. Makuta Atukam took a Netrox (Santorkam ) and Draco to a lab and used various viruses on them, transforming the Netrox but barely affecting Draco, his mind was still the same but some features on the Matoran's body had changed. For example, his feet were now clawed and his mask was now spiked. The Makuta discarded the Matoran into a trash compactor near the Engine control room, but he was later saved by a Netrox mechanic. He was later put back in his sphere. When the engine on the ship was destroyed, Draco and all the other matoran were evacuated with some Rahi and the Toa Razdek to a habitable part of the planet, but Manka ordered that six Matoran, including Draco, Nimbh, Kazept, Necro, Rhail and Pyron to be sent to the other half of the near-dead planet, the barren island (although it isn't actually an island) for reasons unkown."@en . . . "Black"@en . "Luna Drakos"@es . . . . "Ma\u00EEtrise du Feu"@fr . "Bares a striking similarity to Drakels but with red scales."@en . "Frenzy Ranger"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . "S&S Munitions"@en . "Alive"@en . . . "limited Shadow-linked abilities"@en . . . "Title not included with purchase of game."@en . "no"@en . . "In the beginning, he wore a purple cape and matching turban with a green robe underneath along with silver bracelets and leather boots. His long black hair was toed in a ponytail, and he stood at the height of 1'9 Draco is an average height teenage boy of 5'11 with a lean yet muscular build. He has shaggy black hair that he tied into a pony tail in the back, with matching black eyes, and tannish skin. He often wears a white robe under a purple cape, with black shorts underneath, and purple leather boots and silver bracelets. His tail is wrapped around his waist as a belt and is brownish red."@en . . . . "God"@en . "Draco was the Frenzy Dragon Ranger of Power Rangers Frenzy, and the mighty member of the Frenzy Rangers."@en . . . . . . "Draco was a dragon and one of the main protagonists of Dragonheart. Draco was the first dragon to appear in the film series."@en . "Normal"@en . . . "A Dragon that lives in the same mountain as the Naga. He killed Merwin Merman over a misunderstanding with a fire opal. He delivered Dolph to Nabob. During a mishap with a love spring he had a daughter Becka who is half human. His daughter Becka is concerned he will die with all of the rest of the soulless dragons in Xanth."@en . "yes"@en . . . . "Ecaille Sp\u00E9."@fr . . "NL"@es . "Name: Draco Alter: 9.000 Jahre Identit\u00E4t: Geist von Avata-Prosterin Chikara Hoshi Herrin: Avatar-Pristerin Chikara Hoshi Vater: Feuergott Kaji Kamai-Sama Mutter: Drache Draconia Aussehen: Draco ist ein Feuergeist in Form eines Drachen in Flammen. Als Mensch hat er lange pechschwarze Haare, ist 1,76m gro\u00DF und hat lila stechende Augen. Er l\u00E4chelt gerne und meist sieht man ihn auch so, mit einem L\u00E4cheln im Gesicht. Als Mensch tr\u00E4gt er ein wei\u00DFes Hemd, eine schwarze Hose, Handschuhe und einen schwarzen Umhang das sehr Edel aussieht und mit Steinen in drei Farben verziert ist. Aber manchmal erscheint er auch in einem anderen Kost\u00FCm mit Schulterpanzer und einer R\u00FCstung mit Umhang. Es kommt drauf an ob er im Krieg ist oder nur Gesselschaft leisten m\u00F6chte. Man k\u00F6nnte denken er kommt aus einer Zeit"@de . . . "Legendary"@en . . . "Golden"@en . . . . "Support Machine Gun"@en . . . . . . . . "311.0"^^ . . . "Incendiary"@en . "Draco"@it . . "An American superhero and former member of the Fabulous Five."@en . . "\"You'll know when you see it.\""@en . . "Feminin"@fr . . "11"^^ . "72.0"^^ . . "Draco/Suzumilla"@es . . "Draco"@en . . "10"^^ . "\"A lot of things\""@en . . . . "204"^^ . . . "Pok\u00E9mon League"@en . "160"^^ . . "1.0729584E9"^^ . . . . . . "Draco"@fr . . . "Draco"@fr . . . "yes"@en . "Draco.png"@es . "Draco is a professional wrestler who has appeared in many federations. A list of a few of them are Sin Wrestling, All Star Wrestling and the Outsider Wrestling Federation currently. He currently holds three titles, those being the OWF Network Championship, The WoW Championship and one-half of the OWF Tag Team Championship."@en . . . . "An American superhero and former member of the Fabulous Five."@en . . . . . . "Red"@en . "2013"^^ . "Draco lider.png"@es . . "Draco (Dureko) is a character from Nobita and the Birth of Japan and its remake. He was created by Nobita through Doraemon's gadgets. Drago2016.png Birthofjapanpets.PNG"@en . . . "Constellation"@en . "Medium"@en . . "Final Chapter: An Undying Oath"@en . . "Porte du Dragon"@fr . . . . . "N/A"@en . "CF/LGTTC"@es . . . . "79"^^ . "Draco (\u30D5\u30E5\u30F3\u30D5 Fyunfu, F\u00FCnf in the Japanese version) is one of the twelve Deadlords, and appears in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, and Fire Emblem Awakening. It should be noted that while Draco appears as a male in Genealogy of the Holy War and Fire Emblem Awakening, he appears as a female in Thracia 776. In Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, little is mentioned about the Deadlords, but they are all fought in the Final Chapter near Belhalla and eventually defeated, including Draco himself. In Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, Draco is fought in the Final Chapter. The character who becomes Draco is Eyvel, if she is not rescued from Veld's Stone spell in Chapter 24x."@en . "Draco (Satoshi en Japones), es el lider de gimnasio de Ciudad Dorado y en general usa pok\u00E9mon del tipo drag\u00F3n. Entrega la Archivo:Medalla Cuerno.png, a los entrenadores que logran derrotarlo. Es el septimo lider de gimnasio de la Regi\u00F3n Yuketh."@es . "Pok\u00E9mon League"@en . . "Draco is a constellation of which Alpha Draconis is the brightest star."@en . . . . . . . "See this page instead."@en . . . . "QUAL_DUNGEON_BOSS"@en .