. . . . "Leng is a distant dimension, barely known to even the greatest scholars of the Great Beyond in Golarion. It is an inhospitable realm hedged in by titanic mountains, home to creatures which defy facile categorization or even understanding."@en . "Once a simple monastery, the discovery of large sources of fresh water within this stalactite shaped skyland caused Leng to become embroiled in a violent border dispute. Since then, the Skyland has become more of a refuge for wayward flight schoolers looking for a little danger."@en . . . "Leng"@es . . "Leng was a large Cardassian man who survived the genocidal attack of his planet by the Dominion in 2375. By September 2385, Leng had fallen in with Velok Dekreny and ended up working for him as a bodyguard amongst other more disreputable positions. He was responsible for showing Rakhat Blok around Dekreny's operation, unaware that Blok was really an undercover agent working for Ambassador Elim Garak. (The Fall novel: The Crimson Shadow)"@en . . . "Leng"@de . "Leng"@es . . . "Once a simple monastery, the discovery of large sources of fresh water within this stalactite shaped skyland caused Leng to become embroiled in a violent border dispute. Since then, the Skyland has become more of a refuge for wayward flight schoolers looking for a little danger."@en . . . . . "Leng is a frigid plateau variously located in central Asia (usually in the vicinity of the Himalayas), Antarctica and the Dreamlands; possibly it is in all these places and more, being a place where realities meet. In the waking world it is home to the cannibalistic Tcho-Tchos, whilst in the Dreamlands it is inhabited by the faun-like Men of Leng who may be the dreaming forms of the Tcho-Tchos and are ruled by the alien Moon-beasts. Shantaks are said to dwell in its vicinity (at least in the world of dream). It is the location of the Elder Pharos, which is home to the last Elder One (who may be identical to the Tcho-Tcho Lama of Leng). The Glass From Leng was either made here or brought here from the Hyades. It may be derived from Ling, the mythical kingdom of the Mongol-Tibetan hero Gesar, and a transliteration of a Tibetan term for 'monastery' or 'lamassery'. A central Asian location could allow for a connection to the sometimes Asian and frequently multi-reality Carcosa."@en . . . . . . . . "Karte der Jadesee"@de . . "Leng was a large Cardassian man who survived the genocidal attack of his planet by the Dominion in 2375. By September 2385, Leng had fallen in with Velok Dekreny and ended up working for him as a bodyguard amongst other more disreputable positions. He was responsible for showing Rakhat Blok around Dekreny's operation, unaware that Blok was really an undercover agent working for Ambassador Elim Garak. (The Fall novel: The Crimson Shadow)"@en . . . . . "Leng"@en . . "\u00F6stliche Jadesee"@de . . . . "Leng"@en . . . . . . . . "Leng ist eine gro\u00DFe Insel in der Jadesee. Sie liegt mitten im Meer s\u00FCd\u00F6stlich der Region Yi Ti. \u00D6stlich der Insel sind die Schattenlande und im S\u00FCden die Mantikorinseln. Die Insel ist gr\u00F6\u00DFtenteils bewaldet. Es gibt drei St\u00E4dte: Leng Yi an der Nordk\u00FCste, Leng Ma an der Westk\u00FCste und Turrani an der S\u00FCdk\u00FCste. Die Insel wird regiert von Gott-Hoheiten, die reich wurden durch den Handel mit Gew\u00FCrzen und Edelsteinen von der Insel."@de . "Leng is a frozen and inhospitable world of the lower plane and is the homeworld of the glacor race, including the powerful arch-glacor (100 times the size of a regular glacor). It is mentioned in The Promised Gift, a book dropped by Nex: Angel of Death."@en . . . . "Jadesee Karte.png"@de . . . . . "Leng"@de . "Gott-Hoheiten"@de . "Leng is a frozen and inhospitable world of the lower plane and is the homeworld of the glacor race, including the powerful arch-glacor (100 times the size of a regular glacor). It is mentioned in The Promised Gift, a book dropped by Nex: Angel of Death."@en . "Leng is a frigid plateau variously located in central Asia (usually in the vicinity of the Himalayas), Antarctica and the Dreamlands; possibly it is in all these places and more, being a place where realities meet. In the waking world it is home to the cannibalistic Tcho-Tchos, whilst in the Dreamlands it is inhabited by the faun-like Men of Leng who may be the dreaming forms of the Tcho-Tchos and are ruled by the alien Moon-beasts. Shantaks are said to dwell in its vicinity (at least in the world of dream)."@en . . . "Leng ist eine gro\u00DFe Insel in der Jadesee. Sie liegt mitten im Meer s\u00FCd\u00F6stlich der Region Yi Ti. \u00D6stlich der Insel sind die Schattenlande und im S\u00FCden die Mantikorinseln. Die Insel ist gr\u00F6\u00DFtenteils bewaldet. Es gibt drei St\u00E4dte: Leng Yi an der Nordk\u00FCste, Leng Ma an der Westk\u00FCste und Turrani an der S\u00FCdk\u00FCste. Die Insel wird regiert von Gott-Hoheiten, die reich wurden durch den Handel mit Gew\u00FCrzen und Edelsteinen von der Insel."@de . "Leng is a distant dimension, barely known to even the greatest scholars of the Great Beyond in Golarion. It is an inhospitable realm hedged in by titanic mountains, home to creatures which defy facile categorization or even understanding. The Plateau of Leng is believed to be either a pocket within the Dimension of Dreams or accessible through it. It is a dry desert littered with ruins. The greatest of these ruins is the abandoned city of Sarkomand, the original home of the denizens of Leng. The most powerful being in Leng, perhaps its ruler, is the mysterious yellow-clad High Priest Not to be Described, who presides over the plateau's culture of blood sacrifice. The fabled city of unknown Kadath, while not itself in Leng, can be reached through that dimension. The primary inhabitants of Leng are the mysterious denizens and fiendish humans who resemble them. Others include massive sentient spiders, dragonlike monstrosities, and the infamous hounds of Tindalos. The runelords of Thassilon were aware of Leng and often conjured its inhabitants to do their bidding; Karzoug the Claimer even built his capital, Xin-Shalast, in a location where the border between Leng and the Material Plane was unusually thin to take advantage of the dimension's eldritch energies. Knowledge of Leng is sketchy at best, limited to glimpses in nightmares and drug-fueled visions. Its origin is unknown. Some believe it to exist physically on the Material Plane or another dimension. Others claim it is a surviving piece of a dead plane from before the current multiverse. Yet others believe that Leng is the nightmares of mortal dreamers shaped into a physical place."@en . . . "Leng"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . .