. . "The Dictator of Selucia (fem. Dictatrix) is an extraordinary magistrature in Selucia that holds the absolute authority to perform tasks beyond the power of the Senate and Consuls. The office of Dictator was initially established in 1799 during the Unification of Selucia, and was continued, with interruptions, to the present day. Most recently the office was reestablished as part of the 3838 Constitution. When the office was first established, it did not carry negative connotations, however the right of the office to wield absolute power has made its name a synonym for oppressive and/or abusive rule. Outside Selucia there have been few instances of titular use of the office, with notable exceptions in Tukarali and Talmoria. Dictator Caius Cassius Sophus established a special militia called the Dictatorial Guard to protect the Dictator and the Republic. His successor in the office, Octavia Flavia Hadriana, reformed the militia into the Republican Guard, but with largely the same function. It was abolished in 4138 under the Government of Aelius Celer, in collaboration with Consul Tera Pisthis."@en . . . "The Dictator of Selucia (fem. Dictatrix) is an extraordinary magistrature in Selucia that holds the absolute authority to perform tasks beyond the power of the Senate and Consuls. The office of Dictator was initially established in 1799 during the Unification of Selucia, and was continued, with interruptions, to the present day. Most recently the office was reestablished as part of the 3838 Constitution. It was abolished in 4138 under the Government of Aelius Celer, in collaboration with Consul Tera Pisthis."@en . . "Dictator of Selucia"@en .