"Summon a breeze of the Valar, Manwe, which blows any foe in its path asunder."@en . "Varies"@en . "Elven Wood"@en . . . . . "Influence of the Evening Star"@en . . "Summon Hobbit Allies"@en . . "Gran Burrone (conosciuto anche come Forraspaccata) \u00E8 un avamposto degli Elfi nella Terra di Mezzo, un mondo immaginario creato da J. R. R. Tolkien. Gran Burrone viene anche designato come 'L'Ultima Casa Accogliente', o 'L'Ultima Dimora Accogliente'. Fu fondato da Elrond durante la Seconda Era, migliaia di anni prima degli eventi narrati ne Il Signore degli Anelli. Oltre ad Elrond stesso, anche altri importanti Elfi vi vivono, come Arwen e Glorfindel. Il nome Sindarin di Gran Burrone (che ne \u00E8 una traduzione) \u00E8 Imladris, che significa \"Profonda Valle del Crepaccio\"."@en . . "170"^^ . "Last Alliance"@en . . "Summon hobbit allies imladris.png"@en . "Rivendell is protected by a imposing fortress, that can be armed with healing fountains, towers and side gates at various building slots. The gate can on each side be upgraded with floodgates to blow nearby enemies away. The whole game principle of the faction is focused on the buildable library, which collects knowledge during the game. By doing so it is provided with new fields of study and Lore-Master. As the game progresses and more knowledge is collected the variety of the faction grows. Units can use new skills or formations and improve already upgraded blades and arrows even further."@en . . "Neutral/Chaotic Good"@en . "Elven_wood_spellbook.png"@en . "Imladris Aerandir \"Imladris\" Kin'Shora Vital Statistics Physical Appearance Gender Age Height Weight More"@en . "Summons a group of hobbits."@en . "Breeze of Manwe"@en . "Imladris Aerandir \"Imladris\" Kin'Shora Vital Statistics Physical Appearance Gender Age Height Weight More"@en . . . "Medium"@en . . "Luthien imladris spellbook1.png"@en . "Temporarily summon of High King Gil-Galad, Isildur, Elendil, Anarion and an army of elves and men."@en . "Noldor weapons imladris spellbook.png"@en . . "Male"@en . . "Blood Elf"@en . . . "The Evening Star's hidden magic is revealed and animates both Arwen's soul and of those who are obliged to her. Arwen and heroes in her vicinity get increased regeneration and -25% spell-regeneration. /Passive ability./"@en . "Flood.png"@en . "Gran Burrone (conosciuto anche come Forraspaccata) \u00E8 un avamposto degli Elfi nella Terra di Mezzo, un mondo immaginario creato da J. R. R. Tolkien. Gran Burrone viene anche designato come 'L'Ultima Casa Accogliente', o 'L'Ultima Dimora Accogliente'. Fu fondato da Elrond durante la Seconda Era, migliaia di anni prima degli eventi narrati ne Il Signore degli Anelli. Oltre ad Elrond stesso, anche altri importanti Elfi vi vivono, come Arwen e Glorfindel. Ne Lo Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins si ferm\u00F2 a Gran Burrone, insieme a Gandalf e ai Nani della compagnia, durante il viaggio verso la Montagna Solitaria, e anche durante il viaggio di ritorno verso la Contea. Ne Il Signore degli Anelli, Frodo Baggins e gli altri Hobbit con lui si fermarono per un po' a Gran Burrone, dove incontrarono Bilbo, che vi si era ritirato dopo la sua \"festa a lungo attesa\". Altri vari Elfi, Nani e Uomini giunsero in seguito a Gran Burrone per strade diverse; durante il Consiglio di Elrond appresero che il destino di tutti dipendeva dall'Unico Anello, e bisognava decidere cosa farne. Alla fine, si decise che l'Anello era da distruggere presso l'Orodruin, e Frodo si prese questa responsabilit\u00E0. Gran Burrone \u00E8 situato a nord della Terra di Mezzo, al confine di uno stretto meandro del fiume Bruinen (uno dei principali accessi a Gran Burrone \u00E8 un vicino fiordo di questo fiume), ma molto ben nascosto nelle terre alle pendici degli Hithaeglir. Il nome Sindarin di Gran Burrone (che ne \u00E8 una traduzione) \u00E8 Imladris, che significa \"Profonda Valle del Crepaccio\"."@en . "Creates lush terrain. All ally units gain +25% armor."@en . "Evenstar imladris spellbook.png"@en . "Last alliance imladris spellbook.png"@en . "Horde - Shindu A'lar"@en . . "The beautiful sound of Luthien's song let enemies fall asleep. When Luthien starts singing, the enemies continuously slow down until they fall asleep and are completely unable to move."@en . "Heals units. Replaces 1 dead man per battalion."@en . "Quel'Thalas"@en . . "Small Batallion"@en . . . "Summon Tom Bombadil"@en . . "Arm the units of Rivendell with weapons of the Noldor. +25% attack and fear resistance for allied units."@en . "Light_of_Aman.png"@en . "Summon Tom Bombadil.png"@en . . . "Gwaihir_spellbook.png"@en . "Imladris"@en . . "Rivendell is protected by a imposing fortress, that can be armed with healing fountains, towers and side gates at various building slots. The gate can on each side be upgraded with floodgates to blow nearby enemies away. The whole game principle of the faction is focused on the buildable library, which collects knowledge during the game. By doing so it is provided with new fields of study and Lore-Master. As the game progresses and more knowledge is collected the variety of the faction grows. Units can use new skills or formations and improve already upgraded blades and arrows even further."@en . "Light of Aman"@en . "Summons a powerful flood to crush enemy units."@en . "Ranger"@en . . "Luthien's Song"@en . "The holy light of Aman rises at the firmament. Cancels out ice rain, snow flurry and darkness. Temporarily paralyses enemy units."@en . "Calls Gwaihir and two of his royal Eagles to your side for a short time."@en . "90"^^ . . "Heal"@en . "Aerandir \"Imladris\" Kin'Shora"@en . . "Good"@en . . . . . . "Weapons of the Noldor"@en . "Plead to Gwaihir"@en . . . "Flood"@en . . "Imladris"@en . "Rivendell"@en . "Summons Tom Bombadil for a short time on the battlefield."@en . . "Breeze of manwe imladris spellbook.png"@en . "Central Upgrades at the Library"@en . "Shindu A'lar"@en . . . "The Black Arrow"@en . "Heal.png"@en . . .