"13"^^ . . "nw_ac_bear01"@en . "at level 40: 2d12+17 / 2d12+17 / 2d20+17"@en . "Brown bear (animal companion)"@en . "3"^^ . "Race: animal Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 15 Hit points: 25 to 366 Attack bonus: +2 to +41/+36/+31 Damage: at level 1: 1d8+3 / 1d8+3 / 2d8+3 (claw/claw/bite creature weapons) at level 40: 2d12+17 / 2d12+17 / 2d20+17 (claw/claw/bite creature weapons) Hit dice (level): 1 to 40 Challenge rating: 2 to 26 Size: large Trained skills:(\u2021) listen 4 (plus ability modifier) Feats: weapon proficiency (creature), toughness (at level 25) Blueprint:(\u2021) nw_ac_bear01 to nw_ac_bear40"@en . "12"^^ . "listen 4"@en . . . "1"^^ . "15"^^ . "6"^^ . "17"^^ . "1"^^ . "25"^^ . "3"^^ . "Race: animal Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 15 Hit points: 25 to 366 Attack bonus: +2 to +41/+36/+31 Damage: at level 1: 1d8+3 / 1d8+3 / 2d8+3 (claw/claw/bite creature weapons) at level 40: 2d12+17 / 2d12+17 / 2d20+17 (claw/claw/bite creature weapons) Hit dice (level): 1 to 40 Challenge rating: 2 to 26 Size: large Trained skills:(\u2021) listen 4 (plus ability modifier) Feats: weapon proficiency (creature), toughness (at level 25) Blueprint:(\u2021) nw_ac_bear01 to nw_ac_bear40"@en . "large"@en . "+2 to +41/+36/+31"@en . "16"^^ . "nw_ac_bear40"@en . "5"^^ . "2"^^ . "at level 1: 1d8+3 / 1d8+3 / 2d8+3"@en . . . .