. . . . "Wei\u00DF, schwarz"@de . . . . . . . "Silver, orange, pink"@en . . . "Toxomister"@pl . . . . . "Black"@en . . . . . . . "Toxo mister"@en . . "Toxomister kommt in der Lava Reef Zone vor."@de . "Poison gas generation"@en . "Toxomister"@es . "Toxomister"@de . "Eggman employed a number of Toxomisters during his first visit to Angel Island. While the Prime Zone was reshaped by the second Genesis Wave, a number of Toxomisters appeared aboard the Wily Egg while Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man were fighting their way through it to reach Eggman and Dr. Wily. (MM: #27)"@en . . "leftthumb|290px|Badnik Toxomister wytwarzaj\u0105cy chmur\u0119.Toxomister znany jako Puwazone (\u30D7\u30EF\u30BE\u30FC\u30F3) w Japonii to badnik pojawiajacy si\u0119 w grze Sonic & Knuckles na poziomie Lava Reef Zone. Ten badnik jest mechaniczn\u0105 tub\u0105, kt\u00F3ra produkuje chmur\u0119 toksycznych gaz\u00F3w. Gdy gracz dotknie chmury ta przyczepia si\u0119 do niego i spowalnia go. Zabiera r\u00F3wnie\u017C pier\u015Bcienie, nawet gdy posiadamy os\u0142on\u0119, jeste\u015Bmy nietykalni czy jeste\u015Bmy w Super/Hyper formie. Gdy gracz nie ma pier\u015Bcieni dotykaj\u0105c chmury traci \u017Cycie. Badnika (a zarazem chmur\u0119) mo\u017Cna zniszczy\u0107 skacz\u0105c na jego czerwone oko."@pl . "thumb|Artwork de ToxomisterToxomister (\u30D7\u30EF\u30BE\u30FC\u30F3 Puwaz\u014Dn, Lit. \"Puwazone\") es un Badnik de Sonic & Knuckles encontrado en Lava Reef Zone. Su unico ataque es una nube de gas venenoso que te quitara tus anillos hasta matarte, la unica forma de alejar el humo es destruir al Toxomixer que te enveneno."@es . "Robot"@en . . . "Silber, rosa, orange"@de . "Sonic & Knuckles"@en . . . . . . "Eggman employed a number of Toxomisters during his first visit to Angel Island. While the Prime Zone was reshaped by the second Genesis Wave, a number of Toxomisters appeared aboard the Wily Egg while Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man were fighting their way through it to reach Eggman and Dr. Wily. (MM: #27)"@en . . . . "Toxomister"@en . . "Toxomister"@en . "The Toxomister"@en . . . "Toxomister (\u30D7\u30EF\u30BE\u30FC\u30F3 Puwaz\u014Dn?, lit. \"Puwazone\"), alternatively spelled as Toximister, is an enemy that appears in Sonic & Knuckles. It is a mass-produced Badnik model created by Dr. Robotnik."@en . . . "Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles"@en . . "Roboter"@de . . "Evil"@en . . "Toxomister kommt in der Lava Reef Zone vor."@de . "leftthumb|290px|Badnik Toxomister wytwarzaj\u0105cy chmur\u0119.Toxomister znany jako Puwazone (\u30D7\u30EF\u30BE\u30FC\u30F3) w Japonii to badnik pojawiajacy si\u0119 w grze Sonic & Knuckles na poziomie Lava Reef Zone. Ten badnik jest mechaniczn\u0105 tub\u0105, kt\u00F3ra produkuje chmur\u0119 toksycznych gaz\u00F3w. Gdy gracz dotknie chmury ta przyczepia si\u0119 do niego i spowalnia go. Zabiera r\u00F3wnie\u017C pier\u015Bcienie, nawet gdy posiadamy os\u0142on\u0119, jeste\u015Bmy nietykalni czy jeste\u015Bmy w Super/Hyper formie. Gdy gracz nie ma pier\u015Bcieni dotykaj\u0105c chmury traci \u017Cycie. Badnika (a zarazem chmur\u0119) mo\u017Cna zniszczy\u0107 skacz\u0105c na jego czerwone oko."@pl . "thumb|Artwork de ToxomisterToxomister (\u30D7\u30EF\u30BE\u30FC\u30F3 Puwaz\u014Dn, Lit. \"Puwazone\") es un Badnik de Sonic & Knuckles encontrado en Lava Reef Zone. Su unico ataque es una nube de gas venenoso que te quitara tus anillos hasta matarte, la unica forma de alejar el humo es destruir al Toxomixer que te enveneno."@es . "*Eggman Empire\n**Badnik Horde"@en . "*Archie Comics"@de . "Toxomister (\u30D7\u30EF\u30BE\u30FC\u30F3 Puwaz\u014Dn?, lit. \"Puwazone\"), alternatively spelled as Toximister, is an enemy that appears in Sonic & Knuckles. It is a mass-produced Badnik model created by Dr. Robotnik."@en .