"Magical Gem"@en . . . . . . . . "It also has a 25% chance to drop a Magical Shard (which has 6 variants). If you put all 6 variants, each in each slot in the Crafting Menu, you will get a copy of it, which, when implemented on a tower, will make it get 3x as much money, deal 2x more damage and EXP, will completely heal it and will have 20 more maximum HP! If implemented on a bloon, it will deal a whooping 5000 HP! Only one can be carried at once."@en . . . . . . . "It also has a 25% chance to drop a Magical Shard (which has 6 variants). If you put all 6 variants, each in each slot in the Crafting Menu, you will get a copy of it, which, when implemented on a tower, will make it get 3x as much money, deal 2x more damage and EXP, will completely heal it and will have 20 more maximum HP! If implemented on a bloon, it will deal a whooping 5000 HP! Only one can be carried at once."@en . . . .