. . . . . . . "Shadows of Fear is one of several fanfiction stories by Morpher01. It chronicles the first adventure of Skull, a Shadow Marowak striving for freedom from the oppressive ways of Team Cipher and the rest of humankind. The fanfiction contains quite a few canon elements found in the game Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, including characters, Pok\u00E9mon, and other such. The story, however, is entirely different from the course of the game. The world in which the story takes place, contrary to the canon, involves Pok\u00E9mon all having names, ages, personalities, and cultures. This is quite different from the canon, as it has Pok\u00E9mon refer to each other by their species name rather than a name of their own."@en . "Shadows of Fear"@en . . . "Shadows of Fear is one of several fanfiction stories by Morpher01. It chronicles the first adventure of Skull, a Shadow Marowak striving for freedom from the oppressive ways of Team Cipher and the rest of humankind. The fanfiction contains quite a few canon elements found in the game Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, including characters, Pok\u00E9mon, and other such. The story, however, is entirely different from the course of the game."@en . . . .