. . "417 - Year of the Anchor - when ships were the focus of interest in many lands of Myra. Because of their common presence on ships, and because of some activities of Stormwhip, some historians also spoke of the Year of the Rat. Read on: Year before: 416 - Year after: 418 - Myra - History"@de . "Burst-Fire Assault Rifle"@en . . . . "417"^^ . . . "7500.0"^^ . . . "Ben Stokes agrees to drive a stake through Barnabas Collins' heart so that Barnabas can escape his torment and find peace. Even though Ben is against the idea, he tells Barnabas he will do as he asks. Ben repeats his opposition to the plan to put a stake through Barnabas' heart. Barnabas believes Ben will be giving him a gift: the gift of peace. Barnabas asks Ben to help Victoria Winters to escape and to remember the good in him when he is gone. Barnabas plans to see Josette one last time. Ben tries to talk him out of seeing Josette for fear that Barnabas will attack her as he did the women in the village. Barnabas assures him that Josette is different and that he could never harm her. Barnabas becomes a bat and visits Josette's room. He turns into human form, stands by her bedside, and gazes at her lovingly while she sleeps. He feels it is impossible to say good-bye to her but he knows he must. Natalie DuPres enters Josette's room unexpectedly and sees Barnabas standing at Josette's bedside. Natalie is shocked as Barnabas fades into thin air. Josette awakens. Natalie tries to convince her that they must leave town for their own safety, but Josette protests because she wants to wait for Barnabas to return to her as he promised before he died. Natalie proceeds to tell Josette that she saw the event of her own death in the tarot cards if she remains at Collinwood. Josette finally agrees to leave in order to save her aunt's life. Josette goes for a walk in the garden, and Ben shows up and asks if she is alright. He has been worried about her and the women in the area after the attacks that have occurred lately. Josette informs Ben that she and Natalie are leaving soon to return to Martinique, but she tells him that she has not wanted to leave before now because Barnabas had promised before he died that he would return to her. Josette tells Ben that she awoke from sleeping earlier and thought she had heard Barnabas calling to her. Ben tells her it is her imagination. He encourages her to leave Collinwood and for her own good to forget everything that has happened there. Josette looks disturbed and says that she heard something that sounded like faraway laughter. A rooster crows and Ben realizes it is almost time for him to drive the stake through Barnabas' heart. At sunrise, Ben returns to the mausoleum with a stake and mallet in hand and makes his way to the secret room where Barnabas lays in his coffin. After a false start, he finally brings himself to drive the stake through Barnabas' heart. He hears maniacal laughter, then Angelique Collins' spirit appears to him. She still has power over him and will never allow Ben to kill Barnabas. If he tries again, she will return from her grave to deal with him. She then orders Ben to leave the mausoleum. After Ben leaves, Angelique speaks to the sleeping Barnabas, gloating that he shall never escape her curse, and neither will Josette."@en . . . "The 417 is a marksman rifle featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. It is available for use by GIGN Recruits and the Operator Twitch."@en . "417"@de . . "11"^^ . . "The 417 is an assault rifle available to Ghost Recon operators in the near future."@en . . . . . . "Nach Julis ersten Erfolgen in der Liebe und auf dem Eis f\u00FChlt sie sich in der Gegenwart ihres Vaters wieder zum Kleinkind degradiert. Juli will Tacheles reden. Nina hetzt Marian die Polizei auf den Hals, weil sie ihn der sexuellen N\u00F6tigung beschuldigt. Marian f\u00FCrchtet schon um das fragile Verh\u00E4ltnis zu Nadja, doch diese vertraut ihm und will mit ihm gemeinsam die Sache durchzustehen. Ein Umstand, der Nina deutlich missf\u00E4llt. Ingo wei\u00DF nicht mehr weiter: Egal, was er in Sachen Hochzeit unternimmt, immer hat er das Gef\u00FChl zu versagen. Auch Annette sp\u00FCrt, dass in den Hochzeitspl\u00E4nen irgendwie der Wurm drin ist. Ihr wird klar, dass sie alle \u00C4ngste und Missverst\u00E4ndnisse hinter sich lassen muss, um gl\u00FCcklich werden zu k\u00F6nnen: Es kommt zu einer Vers\u00F6hnung."@de . . . "The 417 is a weapon that appears in Watch Dogs."@en . "417"^^ . . "Semi-automatic"@en . "The 417 is an assault rifle available to Ghost Recon operators in the near future."@en . "56"^^ . ""@en . "High"@en . "Medium"@en . . . . "417"^^ . "50"^^ . "417"@en . "~300 RPM"@en . . . "Primary"@en . . "417"@es . "1968-01-24"^^ . . . "El cuatrocientos diecisiete (417) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 416 y precede al 418. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "Watch Dogs"@en . . . "Medium"@en . "1968-01-30"^^ . . . . "411"^^ . ""@en . . . . . "The 417 is a marksman rifle featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. It is available for use by GIGN Recruits and the Operator Twitch."@en . "20"^^ . . "66"^^ . "High"@en . . "Marksman Rifle"@en . . "Medium"@en . "1796"^^ . "El cuatrocientos diecisiete (417) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 416 y precede al 418. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "Nach Julis ersten Erfolgen in der Liebe und auf dem Eis f\u00FChlt sie sich in der Gegenwart ihres Vaters wieder zum Kleinkind degradiert. Juli will Tacheles reden. Nina hetzt Marian die Polizei auf den Hals, weil sie ihn der sexuellen N\u00F6tigung beschuldigt. Marian f\u00FCrchtet schon um das fragile Verh\u00E4ltnis zu Nadja, doch diese vertraut ihm und will mit ihm gemeinsam die Sache durchzustehen. Ein Umstand, der Nina deutlich missf\u00E4llt. Ingo wei\u00DF nicht mehr weiter: Egal, was er in Sachen Hochzeit unternimmt, immer hat er das Gef\u00FChl zu versagen. Auch Annette sp\u00FCrt, dass in den Hochzeitspl\u00E4nen irgendwie der Wurm drin ist. Ihr wird klar, dass sie alle \u00C4ngste und Missverst\u00E4ndnisse hinter sich lassen muss, um gl\u00FCcklich werden zu k\u00F6nnen: Es kommt zu einer Vers\u00F6hnung."@de . . . "The 417 is a weapon that appears in Watch Dogs."@en . . . . "Ben Stokes agrees to drive a stake through Barnabas Collins' heart so that Barnabas can escape his torment and find peace. Even though Ben is against the idea, he tells Barnabas he will do as he asks. Ben repeats his opposition to the plan to put a stake through Barnabas' heart. Barnabas believes Ben will be giving him a gift: the gift of peace. Barnabas asks Ben to help Victoria Winters to escape and to remember the good in him when he is gone. Barnabas plans to see Josette one last time. Ben tries to talk him out of seeing Josette for fear that Barnabas will attack her as he did the women in the village. Barnabas assures him that Josette is different and that he could never harm her."@en . . . . . . "417 - Year of the Anchor - when ships were the focus of interest in many lands of Myra. Because of their common presence on ships, and because of some activities of Stormwhip, some historians also spoke of the Year of the Rat. Read on: Year before: 416 - Year after: 418 - Myra - History"@de . . . "10"^^ . . . . .