"Coffee Run"@en . "Mistaken Identity is the sixth episode of the first season, which was broadcasted for the first time on October 15, 1990."@en . . . "Main Hangar -- The Angry Rancor HINT: To come and go to the ship, please see '+help ports'. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- Obvious exits: leads to Space. ft leads to Glass Gondle Lift -- The Angry Rancor. The turbolift opens, and out strides a Ka. Ka that is, today, dressed in a dress that pretty much consists of a band of silk that grows broader at its center, acting as a collar. The purple band is draped down her center, front and back, broader at the front and pulled over her breasts, before it simply hangs down to her ankles..and is fastened around her waist with a black cord. She slowly strides, hands behind her back..and is accompanied by Cataleya, in tribal garb. \"Who am I? Who am I?!\" Vane is engaged in a rather heated debate with what looks like a bounty hunter - if the heavily modified armor and and brandished blaster carbine are anything to go by. The arrest warrent held in his hand and the small squad of ships security attempting to interpose themselves between what it sure to be a destructive shootout. \"I am Shenova Lane! And this...\" she gestures to a large trandoshan at her side who looks ready to begin demonstrating that wookiees are not the only species capable of ripping arms off of people. \"...is my good friend, Lando Calrissian! I have never before heard of this 'Shiari Vane' fellow. Though she does sound like a dashing, stylish buccaneer!\" Cataleya sees Vane and breaks into a wide, relaxed grin. \"Oh, hello Captain Vane. How are you today?\" she calls across to the woman. \"Do you need some help?\" Ka goes through the practiced motions of arched eyebrows as she draws closer, with swaying hips and lightly pursed lips. Oh my! \"Oh my! What a pecular situation.\" she says, cocking her head, before she just smiles wide. To Vane and the bounty hunter both. \"Greetings!\" she says. \"I am Ka'una, head of Engineering on this li'l peace of engineering wonder! I couldn't help but overhear your lovely conversation, and I am just here to inform you that, while armed conflicts between individual parties are fine and dandy on this ship, if security feels that the conflict is about to endanger uninvolved guests, there is a zero-tolerance policy involving large calibre sniper rounds in this copious hanger space. That is all. Ta ta!\" And with that she begins to walk on, hips swaying again and her expression being a total pokerface. Cat, for her part, while Ka goes through her motions, reads the situation and goes over to the lockers instead. She opens her locker and roots around in it, finally pulling out a blast rifle and aiming it from the flank at the bounty hunter. \"If you need help, I'm always available,\" she continues to Ka's friend, and thus person to be protected. Vane is mid-way through air-quoting her own name when Cataleya offers a helpful greeting. Her hands fall along with her shoulders. \"Uh huh.\" the bounty hunter's visored helmet bobs satisfied with the rumbling of Vane's ruse and he gestures with the muzzle of his blaster toward the Trandoshan. \"And that's not Calrissian.\" Just in case it were still in question. \"You lied to me?\" an accusing tone sees Vane whirl to her right to square her reptilian companion in her vision. \"I knew there was a reason I liked you!\" The surreptious drawing of her blaster in the hunter's newly acquired blind spot never gets to reach its conclusion as Ka'una interjects. There's a tense silence for a moment. \"I'll be waiting, pirate.\" the occupant of the walking armoury growls across its vocoder, and backs away. \"Yes! You had BETTER run!\" Vane calls after him. \"Run from Shiari Vane! The greatest pirate in the outer rim!\" a jab of her thumb indicates Not-Lando. \"And whoever this guy is!\""@en . . "2000-12-06"^^ . . . "The third episode of the first season of the Leviathan Chronicles. Preceded by A Secret Unfolds and followed by An Unknown Ally."@en . . "1"^^ . . "John Wagner and Alan Grant"@en . "369"^^ . . . . . . "2500000"^^ . "Give Rings and Gold"@en . . "TokyoPop"@en . "96"^^ . . . . . . "The third episode of the first season of the Leviathan Chronicles. Preceded by A Secret Unfolds and followed by An Unknown Ally."@en . . . . . . "Vane attempts to evade a bounty hunter, pleading a simple case of mistaken identity."@en . . . . . "Mistaken Identity"@en . "Mistaken Identity is the 123rd episode of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. (Ink & Paint DVD booklet description: Whilst enjoying a pleasant picnic in the forest Farin jealously listens to his girlfriend Karil talk the heroics of He-Man. When He-Man appears to battle a Shrieker, Farin concocts a plot to make Karil think he is the secret identity of He-Man. After a very convincing disappearing act Karil is convinced that Faril is He-Man! Overhearing Farin admit to Karil that he is He-Man's secret identity, Modulok captures him. Will the real He-Man be able to save Farin before Modulok's impatience results in the end of the young man?)"@en . "Mistaken Identity is the 123rd episode of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. (Ink & Paint DVD booklet description: Whilst enjoying a pleasant picnic in the forest Farin jealously listens to his girlfriend Karil talk the heroics of He-Man. When He-Man appears to battle a Shrieker, Farin concocts a plot to make Karil think he is the secret identity of He-Man. After a very convincing disappearing act Karil is convinced that Faril is He-Man! Overhearing Farin admit to Karil that he is He-Man's secret identity, Modulok captures him. Will the real He-Man be able to save Farin before Modulok's impatience results in the end of the young man?)"@en . . "Lobby - Galo Towers The main lobby for the Galo Towers is situated on the first floor from which the ten towers, all white edifices of varying heights bunched together, may be accessed. The room is spacious with maroon carpeting covering white marble floors, separated by a small solarium and two fountains. The front desk stretches along the south wall where a number of protocol droids are prepared to assist visitors and residents alike. The towers are also guarded by a small CorSec office at the north wall. Most of the first floor is dominated by three high class restaurants and a popular nightclub, while on the far wall a row of lifts are prepared to take people to any of the towers. Har Sendo stands in the center of the spacious lobby, watching the crowd as they pass. He's standing alone, watching, mildly disoriented. Into the lobby of the Galo Towers steps the Rodian bounty hunter, Greedo. His snout twitches and his ears rotate just a bit as he steps off to the right of the front entrance, scanning the crowd with his gleaming blue-green eyes. His suckery, slender fingers hang near the holstered pistol near his hip. Har Sendo watches the Rodian as he enters the lobby. He frowns slightly, and edges toward cover. He mentally berates himself for travelling so lightly... Greedo keeps looking around the lobby, watching as people come and go. His head tilts and his snout puckers in frustration as he continues scanning the crowd. Har Sendo slides behind an old couple, and steps with them for a moment, then behind a large pillar. He grimaces as a small round droid stubs his toe when he isn't looking. He peers slowly around the pillar to watch the Rodian. Greedo swivels his ears atop his bristly head as he spies someone he thinks might be his quarry, but then, just as quickly, he loses sight of the Corellian. He draws his pistol from its holster, keeping it at the ready while walking further into the lobby, scanning the crowd for his elusive prey. \"Solo is a slippery one.\" Har Sendo steps back from the droid as it chirps indignantly at him for standing in the precise place it wanted to polish. He glowers down at it and then looks up realising he's been flushed from cover. Greedo sets glossy blue-green eyes upon the Corellian and hums approvingly. He begins raising the gun level with the man's chest. He stops within about four feet and says, in Basic: \"You are becoming sluggish, Solo.\" Har Sendo his eyes widen in anticipation... and then he says in Basic... \"Solo? You've got the wrong Corellian... \" Greedo tilts his head. \"Do I? You closely match his description. Tell me your name.\" He keeps the blaster pistol aimed at Sendo. Har Sendo\u2019s adam's apple wavers slightly, and sweat beads at his forehead. \"My name is Har Sendo. I've never met anyone named Solo before,\" he says in Basic, keeping his hands at shoulder level. \"Har Sendo,\" the Rodian hoots, puckering his snout. \"A poor disguise for the name. Olok the Flayer will pay me, either way. He is blind.\" Har Sendo says, \"Olok the who? He's blind? If he's blind why are you going through all the trouble of tracking this 'Solo' person down? If it's because you really want to get this Solo person, than I'm sorry to say, that I'm really not him. If however you're just in it for the money, then I have to inquire why you went to all the trouble of coming here to track him down...\" \"Olok the Flayer's lack of eyesight does not forgive the debts you incurred, Solo,\" the Rodian replies in Basic. \"I came here because you came here. I *am* in it for the money. But Olok has waited three months for repayment, and you have failed to make good. If you have 1,500 credits, provide it to me, and I will see that your account is settled.\" Har Sendo frowns... \"1500 credits... now you should explain to me why I should settle the debts of a man I've never even met. Unless you're just robbing me, in which case, at least have the honour to tell me you're robbing me.\" After a few moments of silence, Greedo draws back slightly, puckering his snout. \"Robbing you? You really *aren't* Solo, are you? The proper Han Solo would either pay me, or provide a recklessly smug response, seeking to provoke me into rash action. You behave meekly. Poor prey.\" He huffs, lowering the pistol's barrel. \"You had best hope no one else makes a similar mistake. Not all hunters are as reasonable as I.\" Har Sendo sighs visibly. He drops his hands, then raises one to wipe his forehead. \"I probably would have given a snide remark, if I wasn't unarmed. Thank you, sincerely, for not shooting me, though. That would be a bit more than I could handle right now.\" Greedo bobs his snout, then holsters his blaster pistol and strides off toward the exit, muttering in Rodian as he goes. Har Sendo he raises his hand and shouts in Basic... \"Hey, if I meet this Solo character, how should I contact you?\" Greedo stops, glancing back toward Har Sendo. \"You had best steer clear of this, Corellian. However, if you are feeling reckless, you may contact me on Ord Mantell.\" With that, he walks on toward the exit. Har Sendo breathes a sigh of relief and slumps against the gleaming pillar. The cleaning droid has long gone. He looks around, wondering why Corsec did not attempt to interfere with the attempted assassination. He resolves to find this Solo character and find out why the Bounty Hunter had them confused... oh, and perhaps make a credit or two off from the bloke."@en . "\"Pssst, hey you... Got those rings and the money I asked for?\""@en . "Angry Rancor Cruise Liner - Main Hangar"@en . "Mistaken Identity is the second story in the 1989 TUGS Annual."@en . . . . . . . "36"^^ . . . "1"^^ . "Susan Borowitz & Andy Borowitz"@en . . . . . . "The man pockets the rings and the money. He hands you a small bag which contains a single ring.\nGained Ring of Supremacy\nGained 250,000 xp"@en . . . . . "1990-10-15"^^ . "\u30D6\u30E9\u30C3\u30AF\u30B3\u30F3\u30DC\u30A4\u306E\u91CE\u671B"@en . . . "Premiered: 6:00AM PST, March 26, 2007. At CTU, Angie asks Jason what was wrong with the Asian feed. Jason replied that it was something to do with the NSA uplink maintenance. Jason asked where Alton was. Angie told him that Alton was part of a special security team for the transport of the Russian Ambassador. The scene cuts to a desert base, where Alton is stood by a black vehicle. Subtitles across the bottom, in the form of a message for Alton, tell us that a prisoner exchange has been aborted, and the Russian Ambassador's flight has been diverted for interception. All intel is to be processed with \"extreme stealth\". Back at CTU, Angie is receiving a live video feed of Alton in the desert. He tells her that he needs his PDA, and that it is on his desk. He tells her to send \"the rookie\" out with it. He tells Angie that he wants it right now. After the video conversation is over, Angie asks Jason if he wants to go out in the field. He responds: \"Every day of my life\", smiling. She gives him the PDA, and tells him to get straight back. She gives him the coordinates, and leaves. Jason, taking Alton's car, driving to his boss' location. On the way, he receives a call from Angie, who comically tells him that stealing the boss' car is a \"bold move\". They exchange friendly banter, and she eventually tells him that they are having Com and Sat problems, so he should not stay at the base too long. He tells her he would not even think about it. Suddenly he receives a call from an Eastern European man, who thinks Jason is Alton (as he is ringing Alton's in-car phone), saying that he is about to learn what happens who he crosses the wrong people. Jason tries to explain that he has the wrong the guy, but the man refuses to listen. Still thinking he is Alton, the man tells Jason that he knows \"everything\", and about how he tried to double-cross the wrong people. Jason listens, confused as to what he means. As the man tries to continue, Jason looses signal and does not hear the end of what he has to say. The in-car computer tells Jason that the transmission has been interrupted, and the signal lost. The man tries to reconnect, but is unsuccessful. He, with another man, is in a \"Home Oxygen\" van. It pulls into a gas station. One man tells the other to go into a diner and find out where the air field is, as Jason pulls onto a highway. He tries to reconnect as some at CTU tells Angie that they have lost Sat completely. The episode's large final splitscreen comes up, showing the plane going in to land, Angie looking worried, Jason putting on sunglasses, a screen at CTU trying to reconfigure Sat, Alton watching the plane come in and the Home Oxygen van at the gas station."@en . . "36"^^ . . "Mistaken Identity is the sixth episode of the first season, which was broadcasted for the first time on October 15, 1990."@en . "Mistaken Identity is the second story in the 1989 TUGS Annual."@en . . . . . "Story"@en . . "Mistaken Identity , auch bekannt als Get This To..., war der Titel der 2. Staffel von \"The Rookie\". Premiere war am 26. 03. 2007, ein Tag nachdem Tag 6 - 08:00-09:00 in den USA gesendet wurde. Es handelt vom weiterem Tr\u00FCbsalblasen des neuen Agenten in der CTU Los Angeles Jason Blaine. Jason bekommt einen Anruf, der f\u00FCr seinen Boss Alton Maxwell war, von einem Terroristen, der plant, den Russichen Botschafter zu t\u00F6ten. Es gab 3 Episoden, die w\u00F6chentlich gezeigt wurde."@de . "Extraction"@en . . . "Spongebob-squarepants-mistaken-identity-stephen-hillenburg.jpg"@en . . "Main Hangar -- The Angry Rancor HINT: To come and go to the ship, please see '+help ports'. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- Obvious exits: leads to Space. ft leads to Glass Gondle Lift -- The Angry Rancor. The turbolift opens, and out strides a Ka. Ka that is, today, dressed in a dress that pretty much consists of a band of silk that grows broader at its center, acting as a collar. The purple band is draped down her center, front and back, broader at the front and pulled over her breasts, before it simply hangs down to her ankles..and is fastened around her waist with a black cord. She slowly strides, hands behind her back..and is accompanied by Cataleya, in tribal garb."@en . "Mistaken Identity is the second issue of the series."@en . . "yes"@en . . "Mistaken Identity is the thirty-sixth episode of Robots in Disguise. It first aired in the United States on March 02, 2002 on Fox Kids."@en . . "Melona, 24 ABY"@en . . "1595328904"^^ . . "English"@en . "Mistaken Identity AKA Identity 2 is a 2008 American Thriller film and sequel to the 2003 Thriller Film Identity. It is written by Michael Cooney and directed by James Mangold. The film stars Joan Cusack, Alyson Hannigan, Embith Davidz, Mark Rolston, Marley Shelton, Emmy Rossum, James Read, Hayden Panettiere, Nicholas D'Agosto, Michelle Rodriguez, Steve Carrell and Pruitt Taylor Vince."@en . . . . . "Mistaken Identity"@en . "Mistaken Identity"@de . . "Mistaken Identity , auch bekannt als Get This To..., war der Titel der 2. Staffel von \"The Rookie\". Premiere war am 26. 03. 2007, ein Tag nachdem Tag 6 - 08:00-09:00 in den USA gesendet wurde. Es handelt vom weiterem Tr\u00FCbsalblasen des neuen Agenten in der CTU Los Angeles Jason Blaine. Jason bekommt einen Anruf, der f\u00FCr seinen Boss Alton Maxwell war, von einem Terroristen, der plant, den Russichen Botschafter zu t\u00F6ten. Es gab 3 Episoden, die w\u00F6chentlich gezeigt wurde."@de . . . "6"^^ . . . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . "Mistaken Identity"@en . . . "978"^^ . "2002-03-02"^^ . . . . . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "1989"^^ . . . . . "Crystal Ring\n*Diamond Ring\n*Ring of Gargantuan Health\n*Ring of Life\n*Required Quests:\n**Pearl Necklace\n**Lost and Found"@en . "2007-05-29"^^ . . "Lobby - Galo Towers The main lobby for the Galo Towers is situated on the first floor from which the ten towers, all white edifices of varying heights bunched together, may be accessed. The room is spacious with maroon carpeting covering white marble floors, separated by a small solarium and two fountains. The front desk stretches along the south wall where a number of protocol droids are prepared to assist visitors and residents alike. The towers are also guarded by a small CorSec office at the north wall. Most of the first floor is dominated by three high class restaurants and a popular nightclub, while on the far wall a row of lifts are prepared to take people to any of the towers."@en . . . "Country Studios"@en . . . "Mistaken Identity is the second issue of the series."@en . "Jeff Melman"@en . "Mistaken Identity"@en . . . "250000"^^ . "Burakkukonboi no yabou"@en . . . "Black Convoy's Ambition"@en . . "Obtain Crystal Ring and Ring of Gargantuan Health\n*Start quest Frozen North \n*Give rings and 2,500,000 Gold\n*Receive Ring of Supremacy\n*Turn in quest"@en . . "Mistaken Identity AKA Identity 2 is a 2008 American Thriller film and sequel to the 2003 Thriller Film Identity. It is written by Michael Cooney and directed by James Mangold. The film stars Joan Cusack, Alyson Hannigan, Embith Davidz, Mark Rolston, Marley Shelton, Emmy Rossum, James Read, Hayden Panettiere, Nicholas D'Agosto, Michelle Rodriguez, Steve Carrell and Pruitt Taylor Vince."@en . "Mistaken Identity is the thirty-sixth episode of Robots in Disguise. It first aired in the United States on March 02, 2002 on Fox Kids."@en . . "300"^^ . . . . . . "123"^^ . "Premiered: 6:00AM PST, March 26, 2007. At CTU, Angie asks Jason what was wrong with the Asian feed. Jason replied that it was something to do with the NSA uplink maintenance. Jason asked where Alton was. Angie told him that Alton was part of a special security team for the transport of the Russian Ambassador. The scene cuts to a desert base, where Alton is stood by a black vehicle. Subtitles across the bottom, in the form of a message for Alton, tell us that a prisoner exchange has been aborted, and the Russian Ambassador's flight has been diverted for interception. All intel is to be processed with \"extreme stealth\"."@en . . . . .