. . . "Ape Escape: The Four Seasons is a dlc add-on to the video game, Ape Escape 2. It consists of four new stages with dozens of new monkeys. The game mechanics are the same as in Ape Escape 2, except that white monkeys function how they did in the first Ape Escape game (having acute awareness instead of poor awareness). Several monkeys from the first two games recur in this dlc. The stats for this dlc are as follows:"@en . "Ape Escape: The Four Seasons"@en . . . . . "Ape Escape: The Four Seasons is a dlc add-on to the video game, Ape Escape 2. It consists of four new stages with dozens of new monkeys. The game mechanics are the same as in Ape Escape 2, except that white monkeys function how they did in the first Ape Escape game (having acute awareness instead of poor awareness). Several monkeys from the first two games recur in this dlc. The stats for this dlc are as follows: 52 monkeys 17 yellow-pants monkeys 4 light-blue-pants monkeys 2 blue-pants monkeys 6 white-pants monkeys 2 green-pants monkeys 4 red-pants monkeys 9 black-pants monkeys 8 special-pants monkeys"@en .