. . "The RCA Building was a New York City building located at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan. The building was named after one of its tenants, the Radio Corporation of America. Central Park, which was north of this building, could be seen from offices on the upper levels. In Dangerous Ground, the criminal lawyer Benny Fortenstein had an office near the top of this building. Doctor John Rawley had an appointment with this lawyer. In his narration, the doctor gave a visual description of the office to his audience. (TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\" ) The pages seen in the episode were from the mystery novel Dangerous Ground by author Frances Sil Wickware. This novel was published in 1946. Information on this building was from page 105."@en . . . "RCA Building"@fr . "RCA Building"@en . . "RCA Building \u00E9tait un gratte-ciel de Manhattan, NY aux USA sur Terre, construit au c\u0153ur du Rockefeller Center en 1933. (R\u00E9alit\u00E9 extrapol\u00E9e *) Le RCA Building tirait son nom de son principal locataire Radio Corporation of America, il est d\u00E9sormais nomm\u00E9 GE Building depuis 1988. D'apr\u00E8s le roman \"Dangerous Ground\", le narrateur de l'histoire avait un rendez-vous au RCA Building. (TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\") Ces informations figurent en page 105 de \"Dangerous Ground\"."@fr . . "The RCA Building was a New York City building located at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan. The building was named after one of its tenants, the Radio Corporation of America. Central Park, which was north of this building, could be seen from offices on the upper levels. In Dangerous Ground, the criminal lawyer Benny Fortenstein had an office near the top of this building. Doctor John Rawley had an appointment with this lawyer. In his narration, the doctor gave a visual description of the office to his audience. (TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\" )"@en . "RCA Building \u00E9tait un gratte-ciel de Manhattan, NY aux USA sur Terre, construit au c\u0153ur du Rockefeller Center en 1933. (R\u00E9alit\u00E9 extrapol\u00E9e *) Le RCA Building tirait son nom de son principal locataire Radio Corporation of America, il est d\u00E9sormais nomm\u00E9 GE Building depuis 1988. D'apr\u00E8s le roman \"Dangerous Ground\", le narrateur de l'histoire avait un rendez-vous au RCA Building. (TNG: \"The Big Goodbye\") Ces informations figurent en page 105 de \"Dangerous Ground\"."@fr . . . . .