"Borealia, officially known as the Dominion of Borealia, is a sovereign state encompassing the northernmost portions of North America. The nation is bordered by Alaska, Canada, the United States, and the Arctic Ocean. Along with Acadia and the West Indies, Borealia is a constitutional monarchy within the Commonwealth Realm and was a former colony of the British Empire."@en . ""@en . ""@en . "Borealian"@en . . "General Assembly"@en . ""@en . "Coat of arms of Manitoba.svg"@en . "Russian America"@en . ","@en . "and"@en . . "Borealia, officially known as the Dominion of Borealia, is a sovereign state encompassing the northernmost portions of North America. The nation is bordered by Alaska, Canada, the United States, and the Arctic Ocean. Along with Acadia and the West Indies, Borealia is a constitutional monarchy within the Commonwealth Realm and was a former colony of the British Empire. The territory of modern day Borealia had been previously settled by many Aboriginal peoples, with the Cree and the Inuit being the most extensive. British colonization began in the 17th Century, with the entire territory being owned and administered by the Hudson's Bay Company. The fur trade initially dominated the region, with the majority of the help coming from the Aboriginal peoples and from the French-speaking M\u00E9tis. Beginning in the 1840s, Mormon pioneers from the United States (headed by Brigham Young) began to migrate into Rupert's Land in order to flee ongoing violence against the Latter Day Saints. Due to their mutual disdain towards the USA, the British were very welcoming towards the Mormon pioneers and the influx of English-speaking settlers into the region. A truce of convenience was established, whereby the British tolerated the \"unorthodox practices\" of the LDS Church, in exchange for unconditional loyalty to the Crown. As relations between the United Kingdom and the United States began to simmer in the aftermath of the American Civil War, the British began to reorganize their colonial holdings in North America. Following the establishment of Acadia in 1867, the Mormon colonists quickly proposed the establishment of a \"Colony of Deseret.\" While the British were mixed at the idea, the predominantly French-speaking M\u00E9tis opposed the idea of a Mormon-dominated state. A short-lived rebellion soon took place, whereby the M\u00E9tis (lead by Louis Riel) executed a Mormon settler. In 1870, the rebellion ended with the mutual agreement that any future colony would not be a Mormon-exclusive entity. Later that year, the British North-Western Territory and Rupert's Land were organized into the new \"Colony of Borealia.\" In 1880, the British Arctic Territories were incorporated into the colony. The colony was reorganized into the \"Dominion of Borealia\" in 1907, becoming the sixth dominion of the Commonwealth Realm (after Acadia, Australia, New Zealand, Newfoundland, and South Africa). The majority of Borealians are of English descent. Those of Danish, French, and German descent currently make up the largest minority. English is the only official language of Borealia, with the majority of Borealians being native speakers. Though officially a secular state, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has played a significant role across the nation (with a majority of Borealians being Mormon). Anglicans form the second largest group."@en . . . ", , the , , , and portions of , , , and ."@en . . "Prime Minister"@en . "Borealia (Russian America)"@en . "Hardworking and free"@en . ", ,"@en . "Capital"@en . ".ba"@en . "Dominion of Borealia"@en . . . ", ,"@en . . ""@en . ", , ,"@en . "Industriosus et liber"@en . "1907-09-26"^^ . "Queen"@en . "8291655"^^ . ""@en . "Flag of Borealia .svg"@en . . . "Borealia"@en . ","@en . "Wikipedia:Monarchy of the United Kingdom"@en .