. . . . "Previous episode"@en . "Transcript:Horrid Henry's Perfect Day"@en . "22"^^ . . "1"^^ . "Airdate"@en . "The synopsis, plot, characters and trivia could be found in this link: Horrid Henry's Perfect Day (episode). Peter: [as the car rumbles along the road] I spy with my little eye something beginning with... 'M'! Henry: [feeling bored and looking out of the window. He suddenly stepped out of his reverie.] Funfair! Peter: [looks at Henry] Well, 'Funfair' doesn't begin with 'M'. Henry: No! Funfair! [points at the funfair] Look, a funfair! [Scene was cut to display the funfair] [faces his mother] I want to go! Can I, can I, can I? Henry: [walks back in] Errmm... I must have lost it on the way home."@en . "2008-03-12"^^ . "Transcript Information"@en . "\"Horrid Henry's Sick Day\""@en . "\"Horrid Henry and the Secret Club\""@en . "Series No."@en . "The synopsis, plot, characters and trivia could be found in this link: Horrid Henry's Perfect Day (episode). Peter: [as the car rumbles along the road] I spy with my little eye something beginning with... 'M'! Henry: [feeling bored and looking out of the window. He suddenly stepped out of his reverie.] Funfair! Peter: [looks at Henry] Well, 'Funfair' doesn't begin with 'M'. Henry: No! Funfair! [points at the funfair] Look, a funfair! [Scene was cut to display the funfair] [faces his mother] I want to go! Can I, can I, can I? Henry's mother: [frowns] You're not going anywhere, Henry. Not after that school report. Henry's mother: \"Peter is such a joy to teach. His work has been simply super!\" Oh, well done, Peter! [Henry tries to sneak out of the kitchen] [stern] Henry. Where's your report? Henry: [walks back in] Errmm... I must have lost it on the way home. Peter: It's okay, Henry. [pulls out Henry's report] Look! I found it in the dustbin! [passes the torn and smudged report to his mother] Henry's mother: [flips open the report] \"The most horrible boy in the class. His work this term is gra--\" F-minus?! [glares at Henry] This is even worse than last year's report! Henry: Wow! I beat my record! Henry's mother: No treats for you, Henry. Only good children deserve to go to the funfair. Peter: [in such a way that annoyed Henry] I've been good, Mum. Can I go? Henry's mother: Of course you can, Peter. [Peter returned] Henry: \"I want to go. I want to go to the fair.\" Judge: \"Horrid Henry. You are charged for being willfully and horribly horrid. Does Henry deserve to go to the fair?\" Peter: \"No! Henry melted my crayons on the raidiator!\" Miss Battle-Axe: \"Henry set off the fire alarm!\" Aunt Ruby: \"Henry was sick on my carpet!\" Margaret: \"Henry called me pretty --\" [everyone gasps] \"...pretty ugly.\" [everyone sighs in relief] Judge: \"Enough! Henry, I sentence you to never...\" [bangs the gavel on the table] \"...ever, go to the fair!\" Henry: \"NO! I'll be good!\" [wakes up, dazed] I'll be good. [stares at the sunlight shining on him for a moment before his 'Eureka' moment strikes] EUREKA! THAT'S IT! I'll be good! [a halo forms above his head before disappearing] Because good children get to go to the fair. Henry: Out of my way, worm. I'm taking Mum and Dad their juice. [a halo forms above his head before disappearing] Peter: But I always take them their juice. Henry: Too late, slow-coach. Peter: [stares at the juice] Oh! You haven't put anything horrible in there, have you, Henry? Henry: No! Open the door! Peter: Well, I can take it in for you. [he tugs for the tray] Henry: No! Let go! [Just then, his mother opens the door. Peter lost his balance, and the juice spilt on Peter and his mother, so it looked like Henry had caused the accident.] Henry's mother: Oh, don't be horrid, Henry. Go and get something to clear up this mess. [slams the door] Henry: [surprised at the sudden change of events] Eh? Peter: Can I come with you, Dad? I love going to the supermarket. Henry's father: Of course you can, Peter. [opens the door for Peter to go in, but Henry got in first. He stared at Henry for a moment before pointing to the house.] Out, Henry! Henry: But that's not fair! You're taking Peter! Why can't I come? Henry's father: Because I remember the last time you came shopping. Henry: That was an accident! I'll be good; I promise! I just want to help. Please? [his father scratched his chin] Henry's father: \"Cucumber, Tomatoes, Salad...\" [walked to another aisle] Peter: [fighting with Henry over pushing the trolley] Dad said that I can push the trolley. Henry: You did it last time! Peter: DAD! Henry's being mean! Henry's father: [walked towards the brothers] Don't be horrid, Henry! Henry: [takes his hands off the handle of the trolley] It's okay. Peter can push. Henry's father: [waggles the pen he was holding in the air] I don't care what -- [Henry's words sank in] What did you say? Henry: Peter can push the trolley. I don't mind. [a halo forms above his head] Henry's father: Are you feeling okay, Henry? Henry: Fine, thank you. Henry's father: [as he walks] Err... Well done. Well done there. Henry: [his halo disappears] Being good is really hard work. [glares] Henry's father: [turns around with a can in his hand] I don't know... How about liq and broccoli? Peter: Errmm... yes, but Mum likes spicy parsenette. Henry's father: Fine. [speaking to Henry] Henry, we need baked beans. Peter: I know where they're, Dad! Henry: [half shouting] It's okay, I'm on to it. [starts running. Peter saw him went, and wanting to beat him, he ran off with the trolley after glancing at his father. Henry saw cans of baked beans stacked one above another, and stopped.] These are possibilities. [He squatted down, and proceeded to take one from the bottom. Seeing that they were about to fall, he stopped.] Peter: [as he walks towards Henry] Henry, don't! Henry: Oops! Nearly forgot. [climbed up and about to take the top can] Henry's father: [walked up] Henry? What are you doing? [saw Henry] Get down from there! Henry: It's okay, Dad! I've got it! [the pyramid came into pieces and Henry fell] Woah... [raises the can] I've got the baked beans, Dad! Henry's father: Lunchtime! Peter, can you -- [Peter and Henry ran in] Peter: Lay the table? Yes, please! Henry: Why can't I do it? I want to lay the table. Henry's father: All right, Henry. But don't break anything. [walks away] Peter: I always lay the table. Henry: Let go! Peter: You let go! Henry: Alright, have it your way. [let go of the tablecloth, and Peter stumbled and fell and the tablecloth was laid nicely on the table. He took advantage of Peter's fall and laid the cutlery on the table. A halo forms above his head.] Henry's father: [walks in] Thank you, Peter. What a good boy you are. [Henry's halo disappeared] Henry's mother: Henry, sit up properly. Henry: I am sitting up properly. Henry's mother: Oh! So you are. Well, don't slurp your food. Henry: I'm not slurping. I've eaten all my carrots. [held his bowl up for his mother to see] Henry's mother: Good heavens! Henry; what a good boy. Peter: Well, I've eaten all my carrots too. [His mother leaned over to kiss Henry. Jealous, he kicked Henry under the table] Henry: Ouch! Peter kicked me! Henry's mother: [stands up] Peter! [clears the table and walks away with her husband] Peter: I know what you're doing. You're only being good so you can go to the fair. But it won't work; so there. Henry: Oh, no? Peter: [in a determined voice] No. Because sooner or later, you'll do something horrid. You always do, smelly. Henry: [stares at Peter menacingly and remembered that he needed to be good] I forgive you. [a halo forms above his head before disappearing] Henry: Mum? Can I do some gardening? Henry's mother: [looks at Henry] You? Why? [resumes gardening] Henry: To be helpful, of course! Henry's mother: Well, err... There is one job that needs doing... Henry: [pinches his nose and stares at the pile of dung] Yuck! Henry's mother: You said you wanted to help! [hands Henry a spade] It's good for the roses. [walks away] Henry: [squats and shoved the spade into the pile] Eww... Shoveling poo! This had better be worth it. [continues doing so] Peter: [as he and Margaret emerges from the fence] There he is. Margaret: [waves her toy sword] Ha! Enemy ahoy! Henry: Go away, Margaret. [Peter and Margaret crawled through the hole under the fence] Margaret: Captain Margaret to you! Prepare to do battle! Charge! [Peter and she ran towards Henry and he stands up] Surrender, worm! Henry: [lifted his arms] Okay. Margaret: [shocked] What? Henry: I surrender. Margaret: No! [waves her toy sword] First, you've got to fight. So we can tie you up and make you walk the plank. Then, you surrender! Henry: Not today. Margaret: Oh! [takes off her pirate hat and drops it] What's the point? Come on, Peter; let's go and play Mummies and Daddies. Peter: Come back! You've got to make him fight! Henry: [snickers] Nice try, Peter. [a halo forms above his head before disappearing. Then he continued his chore] Peter: Eughh! [He takes off his bandana and takes some dung from the pile and piled in it, then twirled it.] Henry... Henry: [sees what he was going to do and stands up] You wouldn't dare. [Peter threw the bandana but Henry ducked] Henry's mother: Henry, I -- [the bandana full of poo landed on her face] Egh! [wipes the dung] Peter? Why did you do that? Peter: Because Henry won't be horrid to me! Henry's mother: Peter! That is the silliest thing I have ever heard! [to Henry] Henry, I've changed my mind. You can come to the fair. Henry: Yes! [jumps on the pile of dung and some landed on Peter's face. He cries] Peter: Ooh, ooh, shall we go on the Teacups? Or the Hoopla? I love the sights! Henry's mother: I think as Henry's been such a good boy today, he should choose. Henry: [a halo forms above his head] Okay! I'll choose! [takes the halo and puts it behind him] Peter: Oh, thanks for letting me sit on the front seat, Henry! Henry's father: This is... [clears throat] This isn't really a scary ride, is it, Henry? Henry: Nope! At least... I don't think so! [chuckles] Henry: [punching his fist in the air] Haha... Yes! AGAIN! AGAIN!! [chuckles]"@en . "Episode No. overall"@en . . "Next episode"@en . . "22"^^ . . "Episode No. in series"@en . .