"rightKubuntu \u00E8 una distribuzione derivata da Ubuntu. Il CD di Kubuntu \u00E8 prodotto sulle basi di Ubuntu con l'aggiunta di KDE. Potete ottenere gli stessi effetti installando Ubuntu e inserendo KDE ottenuto dai repositories della distribuzione. E' una versione di Ubuntu con numerosi estimatori."@it . "Kubuntu is a Linux distribution that is based on Ubuntu, which uses the KDE Plasma desktop by default."@en . "Kubuntu \u2013 dystrybucja Linuksa bazuj\u0105ca na Ubuntu. Wykorzystuje \u015Brodowisko graficzne KDE zamiast u\u017Cytego w Ubuntu Unity (dawniej GNOME). Nazwa jest zastrze\u017Conym znakiem towarowym Canonical, K reprezentuje \u015Brodowisko graficzne KDE, a Ubuntu dystrybucj\u0119, od kt\u00F3rej pochodzi. Kubuntu wykorzystuje te same oznaczenia wyda\u0144, co Ubuntu. Pierwsz\u0105 jego wersj\u0105 by\u0142o 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog z kwietnia 2005."@pl . "Canonical, cz\u0142onkowie spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci Kubuntu"@pl . "14"^^ . . . . . "Kubuntu"@it . "Kubuntu is a user friendly operating system based on Ubuntu. It uses KDE as its desktop. It has a 6 month release cycle and is part of the Ubuntu project (along with Edubuntu, Xubuntu and Lubuntu)."@en . "rightKubuntu \u00E8 una distribuzione derivata da Ubuntu. Il CD di Kubuntu \u00E8 prodotto sulle basi di Ubuntu con l'aggiunta di KDE. Potete ottenere gli stessi effetti installando Ubuntu e inserendo KDE ottenuto dai repositories della distribuzione. E' una versione di Ubuntu con numerosi estimatori. \n* Pagina principale http://www.kubuntu.org/ \n* Origine Isola di Man \n* Mailing List http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users \n* Forum Utenti Kubuntu Forums \n* Documentazione http://www.kubuntu.org/documentation.php \n* Download http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php \n* Bug Tracker https://bugs.launchpad.net/ \n* Siti web affini \n* KUDOS \n* Kubuntu Wiki \n* Freshmeat \n* [kubuntu forums] (Olandese) \n* Kubuntu Germany \n* Kubuntu Italy \n* Kubuntu Spain \n* Kubuntu Slovakia"@it . "2005-04-08"^^ . "Kubuntu \u2013 dystrybucja Linuksa bazuj\u0105ca na Ubuntu. Wykorzystuje \u015Brodowisko graficzne KDE zamiast u\u017Cytego w Ubuntu Unity (dawniej GNOME). Nazwa jest zastrze\u017Conym znakiem towarowym Canonical, K reprezentuje \u015Brodowisko graficzne KDE, a Ubuntu dystrybucj\u0119, od kt\u00F3rej pochodzi. Kubuntu wykorzystuje te same oznaczenia wyda\u0144, co Ubuntu. Pierwsz\u0105 jego wersj\u0105 by\u0142o 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog z kwietnia 2005."@pl . . "Kubuntu is a Linux distribution that is based on Ubuntu, which uses the KDE Plasma desktop by default."@en . . "Dost\u0119pna"@pl . . . "Kubuntu"@pl . . "150"^^ . . . . "13"^^ . "Kubuntu"@en . . . "Kubuntu users can install GNOME and any GNOME based packages that are available in the repositories just as Ubuntu users can install any KDE based app available in in it's repositories. Write the first section of your article here."@en . "Kubuntu is a user friendly operating system based on Ubuntu. It uses KDE as its desktop. It has a 6 month release cycle and is part of the Ubuntu project (along with Edubuntu, Xubuntu and Lubuntu)."@en . . . . "5"^^ . . . "Kubuntu.jpg"@en . "i386, AMD64, PowerPC, SPARC"@pl . . "Kubuntu users can install GNOME and any GNOME based packages that are available in the repositories just as Ubuntu users can install any KDE based app available in in it's repositories. Write the first section of your article here."@en . "kubuntu-icon.png"@en .