"20"^^ . . "Brown"@en . "Seiji was born on Tatooine in a simple family. In his early years he quickly found himself deeply rooted in his hometown's underground gang organisation, and it was through this that he got to hear about the Sith for the first time. He immediately got more interested in the history of the Sith, and the more he learned the bigger his urge to join their ranks got. He also learned that to become a Sith, you had to be in contact with the dark side, and to do so by channeling pure emotions like love, passion, anger and hate. So, on his eighteenth birthday, he gathered his family in their livingroom, locked the doors and told them his plan. His father got enraged and his mother and little brother got frightened when he told them, and it didn't get better when they got to know that he was going to have to kill them if they wouldn't follow him to the dark side. Needless to say, none of them followed him. He grabbed a long iron pipe and slaid them, one after one, saving his brother to the end. Seiji asked again, right before killing him, if he was now willing to follow him. When Fedir refused, Seiji ended his life. When about to leave, Seiji found that his father was still alive, barely, but alive. He leaned down beside him and wispered in his ear. \"I will become a Sith, father. I promise you that\". He then embraced his father tightly, breaking his neck. Shortly after, before anybody had found out what he had done, he hitched a ride from some traders to Munto Codru, where he had heard that the Sith have their temple."@en . "Jervus Quala"@en . "Seiji Quala"@en . "100.0"^^ . "N/A"@en . "Seiji Quala\nthumb"@en . "Seiji was born on Tatooine in a simple family. In his early years he quickly found himself deeply rooted in his hometown's underground gang organisation, and it was through this that he got to hear about the Sith for the first time. He immediately got more interested in the history of the Sith, and the more he learned the bigger his urge to join their ranks got. He also learned that to become a Sith, you had to be in contact with the dark side, and to do so by channeling pure emotions like love, passion, anger and hate. So, on his eighteenth birthday, he gathered his family in their livingroom, locked the doors and told them his plan. His father got enraged and his mother and little brother got frightened when he told them, and it didn't get better when they got to know that he was going t"@en . "N/A"@en . . . "178.0"^^ . "Human"@en . "Blue"@en . "The Sith Empire"@en . . . . "Aneva Quala"@en . . "None"@en . "Seiji Quala"@en . "Fedir Quala"@en . . "Tatooine"@en .