"Henry 310.png"@en . "Henry becomes an apprentice."@en . "The Author, Truest Believer,"@en . "30101"^^ . . "Henry denies having feelings for Violet."@en . "20221"^^ . . "Progress is made."@en . . . . "Henry tells his grandfather all about his dream."@en . "Henry Mills"@es . "Henry 503.png"@en . "Emma asks to see Henry's book."@en . "Henry Mills is the biological son of Emma Swan and Neal Cassidy, the nephew of Neal Nolan, the grandson of Snow White, Prince Charming, Rumplestiltskin, and Milah, the great-grandson of Peter Pan, the adopted son of Regina Mills, and one of the main characters in the fantasy-drama series Once Upon a Time. He is a ten- (later eleven-) year-old boy who, after been given a book about fairy tales, discovers that the people living in his town of Storybrooke are fairytale characters trapped there by a curse castes by his adoptive mother Regina (really The Evil Queen from Snow White). He tracks down his biological mother Emma and brings her to the town seeing her as the saviour and the one to break the curse."@en . "Henry 303.png"@en . . "Henry looks on as his grandfather works in the mines."@en . "Henry and August have an intriguing conversation."@en . . "Henry 412.png"@en . "Henry is marked by the first Dark One."@en . "Henry reads to his grandfather."@en . "40118"^^ . "left"@en . "Henry Daniel Mills"@en . . "David 317.png"@en . . . . "Henry 513.png"@en . . "Graham comes to Henry for clarification."@en . "Hook 316.png"@en . "20130"^^ . "10109"^^ . . . "Henry is given birth to behind bars."@en . "11907"^^ . "20906"^^ . . . . "Henry 321.png"@en . "Henry bonds with his first crush."@en . "MM 514.png"@en . "Henry is rewarded with a kiss."@en . "( Robbie Kay )"@en . "Henry does his thing."@en . "Henry 502 01.png"@en . . . . . . "11327"^^ . "Henry 511.png"@en . . . "Related to Villain, Rebellion Heroes, In love heroes"@en . "Henry tells Emma that someone has added a story to his book."@en . "To help break the Evil Queen's curse"@en . . "Author"@en . "Emma is pregnant."@en . "Henry 404.png"@en . . "Prince Charming - Grandfather"@en . . "Henry decides to help Hook with his plan."@en . . "Henry helps Ruby find a job."@en . . "Henry 115.png"@en . "Henry joins in on the festivities."@en . "Henry searches for hidden clues."@en . "Henry continues to warm up to his captors, because YOLO."@en . "10420"^^ . . "Queen Eva - Great-Grandmother"@en . "David teaches Henry how to drive."@en . "\"The Brothers Jones\""@en . "Henry 309.png"@en . "Henry Daniel Mills"@en . "11001"^^ . "Henry Mills"@en . "Henry 214.png"@en . . . . "Henry 402.png"@en . . . . "30503"^^ . "Henry finally steps foot in the Enchanted Forest."@en . "Queen Regina - Adoptive Mother"@en . "Archie tries to get Henry to stop believing in the 'curse'."@en . "Neal lets Henry sail them home."@en . "Henry 505 02.png"@en . "Henry notices things, apparently."@en . . . "Henry 411.png"@en . "20812"^^ . "Henry wants to help Emma find Ashley."@en . . "Henry is told that Emma and Mary Margaret have been sucked into a portal."@en . . "Henry 213.png"@en . . "Roland 510.png"@en . "Henry 417.png"@en . . . "The curse is broken."@en . "96"^^ . "Emma 218.png"@en . "Henry makes a second first impression."@en . "Student"@en . "11735"^^ . "A discovery is made."@en . . "Henry 414.png"@en . "Henry is almost killed by his own mother."@en . "Regina keeps Henry out of harm's way."@en . . "Henry Mills is one of the main characters of Once Upon a Time. Henry is the biological son of protagonist Emma Swan, and the adopted son of antagonist Regina Mills. A lonely boy, Henry came to believe that the people living in his small town were under the effect of a powerful curse that robbed them of their memories of their past identities as fairytale characters. This led him to look up his birth mother, whom he knew to be the key to everyone's salvation. Over the years, Henry's family faced a number of foes and challenges and won every time; eventually, Henry himself got to step up and be the hero, which led to him becoming the new Author."@en . "\"Dreamcatcher\""@en . "Henry and his mother, living the normal life."@en . . "10305"^^ . "Henry 216.png"@en . "300"^^ . "Neal 219.png"@en . "Henry Swan"@es . . . . "51032"^^ . "31423"^^ . "30835"^^ . "Henry 307.png"@en . . . "Emma and Henry attend David's homecoming party."@en . "50119"^^ . "Henry 413.png"@en . . "Henry wonders what the fairytale land was like."@en . "King Leopold - Great-Grandfather"@en . "Henry reaches out to Jefferson."@en . "Henry is held hostage by Cruella De Vil."@en . "Henry continues to scour the book."@en . "200"^^ . . "Henry is sealed inside his mother's office."@en . . "Henry 109.png"@en . "Henry 313.png"@en . "Henry Mills"@en . "Emma 102.png"@en . "Apprentice"@en . "Henry 416.png"@en . "The truest believer."@en . "Regina 319.png"@en . "Emma returns Henry's book to him."@en . . "Henry bids his two mothers goodbye."@en . "Regina tries to tempt Henry with magic."@en . . "Once Upon a Time"@en . "Henry 210.png"@en . "Henry discovers his mother's intentions."@en . "Pan has an interesting conversation with Henry."@en . "Henry tells his mother about Operation Light Swan."@en . "Henry says something about his book."@en . "42234"^^ . . . . . "Regina"@es . "Rumplestiltskin - Grandfather"@en . "22232"^^ . . "Henry is reunited with his parents, and his heart."@en . "Henry 406.png"@en . "11610"^^ . "Emma 122.png"@en . "Henry talks to the stranger."@en . "Henry Mills is the biological son of Emma Swan and Neal Cassidy, the nephew of Neal Nolan, the grandson of Snow White, Prince Charming, Rumplestiltskin, and Milah, the great-grandson of Peter Pan, the adopted son of Regina Mills, and one of the main characters in the fantasy-drama series Once Upon a Time. He is a ten- (later eleven-) year-old boy who, after been given a book about fairy tales, discovers that the people living in his town of Storybrooke are fairytale characters trapped there by a curse castes by his adoptive mother Regina (really The Evil Queen from Snow White). He tracks down his biological mother Emma and brings her to the town seeing her as the saviour and the one to break the curse. He is played by Jared S. Gilmore."@en . "Henry EL 222.png"@en . "Henry decides never to change fate."@en . "Prince James - Great Uncle"@en . "Henry 118.png"@en . "Cruella educates the Author about his own craft."@en . "Emma is offered Henry for a meeting between Regina and Mr. Gold."@en . "20409"^^ . "Henry is told of his father's demise."@en . "10803"^^ . "50419"^^ . "Henry gets the chance to meet his namesake."@en . . . "Henry accepts his fate."@en . . "Henry is sad that he cannot be with Emma."@en . "31207"^^ . "10718"^^ . "30425"^^ . "Henry 215.png"@en . "20708"^^ . . "41819"^^ . "Henry discovers a plethora of potential storybooks."@en . . "Emma unintentionally harms her son."@en . "Henry Mills is one of the main characters of Once Upon a Time. Henry is the biological son of protagonist Emma Swan, and the adopted son of antagonist Regina Mills. A lonely boy, Henry came to believe that the people living in his small town were under the effect of a powerful curse that robbed them of their memories of their past identities as fairytale characters. This led him to look up his birth mother, whom he knew to be the key to everyone's salvation. Over the years, Henry's family faced a number of foes and challenges and won every time; eventually, Henry himself got to step up and be the hero, which led to him becoming the new Author."@en . "40308"^^ . "Henry tells Emma that he found her birth father, Prince Charming."@en . "A heartbroken Henry has his tears harvested."@en . "Emma 220.png"@en . "Student, Author"@en . "Henry_Mills.png"@es . "Henry is frozen with the rest of Pan's victims."@en . "Henry meets his father."@en . "Henry tries to blow up magic."@en . "Henry tastes the forbidden fruit in the form of a turnover."@en . . . "42120"^^ . "Henry 407.png"@en . "Henry 221.png"@en . . "Henry Mills, o Henry Swan, es uno de los personajes principales de la serie Once Upon a Time."@es . "To bring Hook back from the Underworld"@en . "Henry 506.png"@en . "To save his mother from darkness"@en . . . "Regina 512.png"@en . "Henry Mills, o Henry Swan, es uno de los personajes principales de la serie Once Upon a Time."@es . "Such angst."@en . . "Henry helps?"@en . "Henry 420.png"@en . . "31139"^^ . "Henry 415.png"@en . "Peter Pan - Great-Grandfather"@en . "Henry fills Emma in on the curse."@en . "Henry rips out his own heart."@en . "Henry and the others return to Storybrooke, where Emma awaits."@en . "Baelfire - Father"@en . "Henry's first flight includes an adventure."@en . "Henry and Emma make amends."@en . "Henry 217.png"@en . "11228"^^ . "40805"^^ . "Once Upon a Time"@es . . "10603"^^ . . "Belle - Step-Grandmother"@en . "20308"^^ . "To find The Author and thwart his plans"@en . "Henry 419.png"@en . . "Emma Swan drives her biological son home."@en . . "Henry prepares for his first day on the job."@en . . "Henry provides his mother with relationship advice."@en . "I can talk to dead people..."@en . . "Henry is given hope, in the form a book."@en . "31124"^^ . "\"It's delicious, cheesy and doesn't lie.\""@en . "Henry tells Emma that they should stop \"Operation Cobra\"."@en . . "20628"^^ . "right"@en . "Henry celebrates his grandfather."@en . "Henry 320.png"@en . "Emma 121.png"@en . "20627"^^ . . "Henry drops the Crimson Crown into the cauldron."@en . "Burnt."@en . "Henry is saddened by Regina's message."@en . "Snow White - Grandmother"@en . "A charming family stroll."@en . . "Henry makes a new friend... or does he?"@en . "Henry 508.png"@en . "Henry learns that he's to be staying in town for good."@en . "\"I love you, Henry...\""@en . . "Regina realizes how much she loves her son, Henry."@en . . . "Standard powers of the Author"@en . "Henry 315.png"@en . "Belle 501 02.png"@en . . "Henry decides to trust his mother again."@en . "Henry 211.png"@en . "Henry learns a little about his father."@en . . . "Henry talks in code."@en . . "Emma removes everyone's memories of the last six weeks."@en . "10510"^^ . "Milah - Grandmother"@en . "11125"^^ . . "Emma teaches Henry how to hit a door."@en . "Henry Swan"@en . . "\"Going Home\""@en . "Henry convinces Regina of the good in her."@en . "\"Pilot\""@en . "Henry EL 309.png"@en . "Henry 322.png"@en . "Henry is set up by Ava and Nicholas."@en . "Ruth - Great-Grandmother"@en . . "Prince Neal - Uncle"@en . . "Henry sees his mother, other mother and grandmother are doomed."@en . . . "Henry finds the key to the door."@en . "Henry welcomes Mary Margaret home from prison."@en . "Henry 502 02.png"@en . "Henry is taken through a portal by the cunning Greg and Tamara."@en . "Operation Mongoose is in motion."@en . "Henry 410.png"@en . "Emma returns home to Storybrooke."@en . "Henry 212.png"@en . "12003"^^ . . . . "Henry the lightweight."@en . "Henry 505 01.png"@en . "Emma Swan - Mother"@en . "20506"^^ . "Henry meets Regina for the \"first\" time."@en . . "MM EL 311.png"@en . "David takes Henry to the stables to learn how to care for a steed."@en . "Henry is caught in another horrible nightmare."@en . "30107"^^ . "Henry 409.png"@en .