. "King of the Colymar \n* His father was Intagarn of the Jenstali Clan \n* He showed King Ortossi to enter the Six Sisters causing him to vanish. \n* In 1492 ST, he became King of the Colymar \n* He led the Colymar Tribe to join with the kingdom of Sartar. \n* He died or retired in 1502 ST"@en . "Venharl Intagarnsson"@en . "King of the Colymar \n* His father was Intagarn of the Jenstali Clan \n* He showed King Ortossi to enter the Six Sisters causing him to vanish. \n* In 1492 ST, he became King of the Colymar \n* He led the Colymar Tribe to join with the kingdom of Sartar. \n* He died or retired in 1502 ST"@en . .