. . "Though inefficient and under-powered from the standpoint of the 24th century, over 1,000 years before the Lang cycle fusion engine was a mainstay of Promellian design for several generations and performed well in that role. In 2366, the derelict cruiser Cleponji was discovered by the USS Enterprise-D near the remains of Orelious IX. The ship's engines were still intact and Data was able to restore minimal power. However, the engines had been largely drained by the presence of aceton assimilators which had been deployed as a booby trap by the Menthar. (TNG: \"Booby Trap\" )"@en . "Lang cycle fusion engine"@en . "Though inefficient and under-powered from the standpoint of the 24th century, over 1,000 years before the Lang cycle fusion engine was a mainstay of Promellian design for several generations and performed well in that role. In 2366, the derelict cruiser Cleponji was discovered by the USS Enterprise-D near the remains of Orelious IX. The ship's engines were still intact and Data was able to restore minimal power. However, the engines had been largely drained by the presence of aceton assimilators which had been deployed as a booby trap by the Menthar. (TNG: \"Booby Trap\" )"@en . .