. . "La Deep Core Mining Corporation era una compa\u00F1\u00EDa minera en el N\u00FAcleo Profundo. Extra\u00EDa bronzium de Ebaq 9."@es . . . . . "La Deep Core Mining Corporation era una compa\u00F1\u00EDa minera en el N\u00FAcleo Profundo. Extra\u00EDa bronzium de Ebaq 9."@es . "Byss and the Deep Core"@en . . "Deep Core Mining Corporation"@en . . . . . "Deep-Core-Bergbaugesellschaft"@es . "default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20050421planet3"@es . . . "Deep Core Mining Corporation"@it . "Deep Core Mining Corporation mined planets and moons in the Deep Core, including bronzium on Ebaq 9."@en . "Estrazione mineraria"@it . . . . "Mining"@en . . . . . . . . . . "La Deep Core Mining Corporation compiva l'estrazione mineraria sui pianeti e le lune del Nucleo Profondo, tra cui la luna Ebaq 9, sulla quale estraeva il Bronzium."@it . . . "Deep Core Mining Corporation"@it . "Deep Core Mining Corporation"@es . "Deep Core Mining Corporation"@en . "La Deep Core Mining Corporation compiva l'estrazione mineraria sui pianeti e le lune del Nucleo Profondo, tra cui la luna Ebaq 9, sulla quale estraeva il Bronzium."@it . . . "Byss and the Deep Core"@en . "Byss and the Deep Core"@es . . "default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20050421planet3"@en . . "Deep Core Mining Corporation"@es . . "Deep-Core-Bergbaugesellschaft"@en . . . "Deep Core Mining Corporation"@en . "Deep Core Mining Corporation mined planets and moons in the Deep Core, including bronzium on Ebaq 9."@en . . . "Byss and the Deep Core"@es . .