. . . "Quantum, was a name chosen by Q, a member of the Q Continuum also known as Alec Parker, who was turned human and sent to Earth as a punishment for creating the Borg. In 2259, Quantum joined forces with Khan against Starfleet. He then turned on Khan and fought alongside the USS Enterprise. He was presumably killed by Khan, but survived and joined the Enterprise on their five-year mission."@en . . . "Male"@en . "Quantum"@en . . "Quantum, was a name chosen by Q, a member of the Q Continuum also known as Alec Parker, who was turned human and sent to Earth as a punishment for creating the Borg. In 2259, Quantum joined forces with Khan against Starfleet. He then turned on Khan and fought alongside the USS Enterprise. He was presumably killed by Khan, but survived and joined the Enterprise on their five-year mission."@en . . . . "Quantum (alternate reality)"@en . . . . "[[w:c:memoryalpha:Q Continuum"@en . . "Quantum on Earth"@en . "Active"@en . "Quantum"@en . "Starfleet [[w:c:memoryalpha:Officer"@en . "MV5BMTYwMTI3MTk3MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjk1Nzk1OA@@._V1._SX640_SY430_-1-.jpg"@en .