"left|thumb|190px|Ok\u0142adka 262. Unblendable\nYasutora pada po ciosie Nnoitry, kt\u00F3ry jest rozczarowany poziomem przeciwnika. Ichigo, Rukia, Renji i Ury\u016B wyczuwaj\u0105 zmian\u0119 w Reiatsu Chada. Kurosaki biegn\u0105c przez korytarz Las Noches i stara si\u0119 nie dopu\u015Bci\u0107 do siebie my\u015Bli, \u017Ce przyjacielowi mog\u0142o co\u015B si\u0119 sta\u0107.\n\nUlquiorra wchodzi do celi Orihime i po jej wyrazie twarzy stwierdza, \u017Ce dziewczyna ju\u017C o tym wie. Wbrew temu, co m\u00F3wi Cifer, Inoue wci\u0105\u017C powtarza, \u017Ce Yasutora nie zgin\u0105\u0142. Espada rozwodzi si\u0119 nad losem przyjaci\u00F3\u0142 Orihime; twierdzi, \u017Ce pr\u0119dzej czy p\u00F3\u017Aniej wszystkich ich czeka unicestwienie. Dodaje r\u00F3wnie\u017C, \u017Ce grupa zapewne wiedzia\u0142a o tym ju\u017C w chwili wyruszenia do Hueco Mundo, a na miejscu Inoue, gdyby dowiedzia\u0142 si\u0119, \u017Ce kto\u015B przyby\u0142 go uratowa\u0107, czu\u0142by raczej gniew ni\u017C rozbawienie. Dziewczyna policzkuje Arrancara, a ten odchodz\u0105c oznajmia, \u017Ce wr\u00F3ci za godzin\u0119, a do tego czasu jedzenie ma znikn\u0105\u0107 - inaczej wmusi je w ni\u0105 si\u0142\u0105.\n\nRukia, tak samo jak Ichigo, martwi si\u0119 losem Chada, gdy niespodziewanie wychodzi na powierzchni\u0119, gdzie panuje s\u0142oneczny dzie\u0144. Za ni\u0105 pojawia si\u0119 zamaskowana osoba, kt\u00F3ra m\u00F3wi, \u017Ce wszystko jej wyja\u015Bni. Zanim Kuchiki zd\u0105\u017Cy zareagowa\u0107, \u00F3w osoba przemieszcza si\u0119 ju\u017C bli\u017Cej budynku. Po wej\u015Bciu do ciemnego pomieszczenia przedstawia si\u0119 jako Aaroniero Arruruerie - 9. Espada z wygl\u0105du identyczny do Kaiena Shiby."@pl . "1"^^ . "4"^^ . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 263. Unexpected\nRukia nie dowierza, \u017Ce stoi przed ni\u0105 jej dawny mentor - Kaien Shiba.\n\nTymczasem Tesra pyta znudzonego Nnoitr\u0119, czy nie zamierza dobi\u0107 p\u00F3\u0142martwego Yasutor\u0119. Gilga odpowiada, \u017Ce zdeptanie chocia\u017Cby tysi\u0105ca karaluch\u00F3w nie sprawi, \u017Ce kto\u015B uzna go za silnego. Espada wyrusza zwabiony silnym Reiatsu jednego z przeciwnik\u00F3w, jednak\u017Ce wci\u0105\u017C \u017Cywy Sado przymierza si\u0119 do ataku. Jego pi\u0119\u015B\u0107 blokuje Tesra, za co obrywa mu si\u0119 od Nnoitry.\n\nRukia toczy wewn\u0119trzn\u0105 walk\u0119 pomi\u0119dzy sercem, a rozs\u0105dkiem. Chocia\u017C widzi przed sob\u0105 stoj\u0105cego Kaiena, przypomina sobie wszystkie tragiczne wydarzenia z przesz\u0142o\u015Bci i zaprzecza, by to mog\u0142o mie\u0107 miejsce. Po sposobie poruszania si\u0119 i charakterystycznej mowie Kuchiki w ko\u0144cu wierzy, \u017Ce to jej wicekapitan. Aaroniero wyjmuje ze schowka pufy i zaprasza dziewczyn\u0119 na przyjacielsk\u0105 pogaw\u0119dk\u0119. Opowiada jej jak to sta\u0142 si\u0119 tym, kim jest; gdy Rukia zanios\u0142a jego umieraj\u0105ce cia\u0142o do siedziby rodu Shiba, niebawem rozpad\u0142o si\u0119 w py\u0142 i trafi\u0142o do Hueco Mundo. Poniewa\u017C tamten Hollow by\u0142 eksperymentem Aizena i po trafieniu do Hueco Mundo mia\u0142 si\u0119 zregenerowa\u0107, ich cia\u0142a duchowe uleg\u0142y zespoleniu i Hollow przyj\u0105\u0142 posta\u0107 Kaiena. Z jakiego\u015B powodu w\u0142adz\u0119 nad cia\u0142em przej\u0119\u0142a wola Kaiena, a potem potajemnie zaj\u0105\u0142 miejsce w Espadzie, by w ukryciu czyha\u0107 na moment, w kt\u00F3rym b\u0119dzie m\u00F3g\u0142 zg\u0142adzi\u0107 Aizena. Wyja\u015Bnia, \u017Ce b\u0142\u0119kitne niebo na zewn\u0105trz to tak naprawd\u0119 sztuczny tw\u00F3r umieszczony przez S\u014Dsuke wewn\u0105trz Las Noches, a wszystkie miejsca, do kt\u00F3rych dociera blask tego nieba, znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 pod jego absolutn\u0105 kontrol\u0105. Kaien wyra\u017Ca swoje zadowolenie faktem, i\u017C to Rukia do niego dotar\u0142a, poniewa\u017C tylko ona b\u0119dzie w stanie zrealizowa\u0107 jego plan. Aaroniero proponuje przeniesienie si\u0119 w inne miejsce, a gdy Kuchiki zrywa si\u0119 z miejsca, tnie jej policzek. Z dziwnym u\u015Bmiechem na ustach stwierdza, \u017Ce dziewczyna zrobi\u0142a post\u0119py."@pl . . . "Yasutora Sado"@en . "Szayelaporro Granz"@pl . "THERE IS NO HEART WITHOUT YOU is the thirtieth volume of the Bleach manga series."@en . . "268"^^ . "269"^^ . "Tom 31 Ichigo.png"@pl . "thumb|190px|left|Cover of 264: Don't Say That Name Again\nGin Ichimaru traces his fingers over a control panel of sorts. However, a cold voice calls out behind him, asking whether or not the intruders have breached the Espada Pavilion. Gin turns to see the figure of Ulquiorra Cifer standing in the doorway. Gin dodges this question, instead stating that Ulquiorra's visit is a surprise to him, as he previously believed that Ulquiorra hated him, thus why Ulquiorra had never visited him until recently. Ulquiorra denies this, prompting Gin to ask that they begin a friendlier relationship with each other, also revealing that he has been somewhat lonely since Luppi's death, as it seems that they had used to talk a lot in the past. Ulquiorra brings the conversation back on track by asking Gin if he has been manipulating the hallways & corridors from their original position. Gin cheerfully denies this, saying that he would never do anything \"mean\" like that and that he also hates sad stories.\n\nBack inside Aaroniero's palace, Aaroniero questions the surprised look on Rukia's face, stating that he is delighted that Rukia managed to avoid his attack, as this shows her improvement and growth, to which he states is always an officer's greatest delight. Rukia can only question in return how much of his story was true. Aaroniero responds by stating that everything he said was true and asks if she truly believes that he would lie to her and that if it is really so strange that he would attempt to kill her. Aaroniero goes on to further explain by stating his former position as the Vice-captain of the 13th Division and states as the woman who killed him with her bare hands. This greatly unnerves Rukia, with the horrible memories from that night flooding her mind. As he raises his blade, Aaroniero asks if she is finally able to atone for her sins by allowing him to kill her in return. Rukia boldly and firmly states that she is, but not yet, not now. She says that she will never forget what she did, no matter how many years pass and that if offering up her life will bring him even a little peace, then she would gladly do so. However, she came to Hueco Mundo to bring Orihime home and will not relinquish her life to him until then. \n\nAaroniero quickly passes off his act of vengeance as a practical joke, stating that although he would like to see Rukia pay for what she did, there's no way he would do something as stupid as kill her, reminding her that there is something that \"only she can do\" for him if she really wants to apologize for her past actions. He reveals that her \"assignment\" is to bring him the heads of all her friends. This greatly alarms Rukia, who coldly questions if he is going to pass this off as a joke again. She corrects herself, saying that there is no way someone can pass of something like \"I'll let you go if you kill all your friends\" as a joke. With rising anger inside her, she pushes his hand back, telling him not to insult Kaien. She angrily states that there is no way a monster like him could be Kaien, as Kaien was the person who would never make jokes to test his soldiers, or force her to choose between herself and her friends; that the Kaien that she and everyone in the 13th Division loved and respected wasn't that type of person. Aaroniero tries to defend himself against these claims by stating once more that he is Kaien, but before he can finish, Rukia screams for him to never say that name again, and releases her Zanpakut\u014D before attacking him.\n\nElsewhere, Renji senses Rukia's rising Reiatsu, but before he can dwell on it any further, both he and Dondochakka fall in a large trap hole in the ground, which sends them plummeting to another location. As Renji dusts himself off and gets back to his feet, a taunting voice appears over the loudspeaker, remarking of how Renji fell through the simplest trap, despite the dozens laid out before entering a side door, and introduces himself as the Octava Espada, Szayelaporro Granz."@en . "\u9ED2\u5D0E \u4E00\u8B77"@en . "266"^^ . "''Esa profunda herida, es como el abismo del"@es . . "267"^^ . "left|190px|thumb|Ok\u0142adka 269. The End is Near\n\u015Anie\u017Cnobia\u0142e ostrze Zanpakut\u014D Rukii wreszcie rozbija s\u0142\u00F3j, w kt\u00F3rym utrzymywa\u0142y si\u0119 obie czaszki Aaroniero. P\u0142yn, w kt\u00F3rym by\u0142y zanurzone oba o\u015Brodki osobowo\u015Bci Arrancara, rozpryskuje si\u0119 dooko\u0142a, natomiast gigantyczna posta\u0107 Glotoner\u00EDi zostaje rozerwana na strz\u0119py. Zar\u00F3wno Kuchiki jak i Arruruerie w przeci\u0105gu kilku kolejnych sekund upadaj\u0105 na ziemi\u0119. Czaszki Noveno Espady w swej agonii zaczynaj\u0105 krzycze\u0107; jedna daje upust swej nienawi\u015Bci, druga natomiast lamentuje, b\u0142agaj\u0105c o pomoc. Ostatecznie obie rozpadaj\u0105 si\u0119, dope\u0142niaj\u0105c zwyci\u0119stwo p\u00F3\u0142przytomnej Rukii. \n\nCi\u0119\u017Cko ranna szlachcianka czo\u0142ga si\u0119 po komnacie. W uszach rozbrzmiewaj\u0105 jej s\u0142owa Kaiena. \"Nie umieraj. Za wszelk\u0105 cen\u0119, nie mo\u017Cesz umrze\u0107 w samotno\u015Bci Kuchiki\"\u2026 Przed oczyma rannej pojawiaj\u0105 si\u0119 wspomnienia o jej bliskich i przyjacio\u0142ach. Do\u015Bwiadczona przez los Rukia, kt\u00F3ra doskonale pami\u0119ta\u0142a smak samotno\u015Bci oraz szcz\u0119\u015Bcie, jakiego do\u015Bwiadczy\u0142a b\u0119d\u0105c ratowan\u0105 przez przyjaci\u00F3\u0142, zd\u0105\u017Ca przysi\u0105c uprowadzonej Inoue, \u017Ce za kilka chwil j\u0105 odnajdzie, jednak w nast\u0119pnej chwili upada nieprzytomna. \n\nW jednej chwili wiadomo\u015B\u0107 o \u015Bmierci Aaroniero dociera do wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci Espady. Poinformowani wykazuj\u0105 si\u0119 r\u00F3\u017Cnymi reakcjami na odej\u015Bcie kompana. Przyk\u0142adem nietypowej reakcji mo\u017Ce by\u0107 Coyote Starrk, kt\u00F3ry pomimo przegranej Arrancara po prostu \u015Bpi. W pewnym momencie w jego gardle do nadgarstka zanurza si\u0119 r\u0119ka. Kiedy Arrancar d\u0142awi\u0105c si\u0119 wstaje, spostrzega, \u017Ce autork\u0105 dosy\u0107 nieprzyjemnego \u017Cartu jest Lilynette Gingerbuck - jego Fracci\u00F3n. Espada nie powiedziawszy ani s\u0142owa powraca do pozycji le\u017C\u0105cej, jednak Gingerbuck nie daj\u0105c za wygran\u0105 przekonuje Starrka do wstania, \u0142askocz\u0105c go po j\u0105drach. Po dosy\u0107 komicznej scenie nastroje obecnych w komnacie Arrancar\u00F3w w jednej sekundzie powa\u017Cniej\u0105. Zielonow\u0142osa dziewczyna przyznaje, \u017Ce Aaroniero poleg\u0142, jednak Coyote ze swoim zwyczajowym wyrazem twarzy pyta, co wed\u0142ug niej powinien zrobi\u0107 w takiej sytuacji.\n\nW tym samym czasie, nieco dalej Lumina i Verona informuj\u0105 swojego pana o \u015Bmierci jego kompana. Szayelaporro wydaje si\u0119 dopiero teraz dowiedzie\u0107 si\u0119, co si\u0119 sta\u0142o. Wydaje si\u0119 to by\u0107 zrozumia\u0142e, poniewa\u017C w przeciwie\u0144stwie do pozosta\u0142ych cz\u0142onk\u00F3w Espady, on by\u0142 w pewnym stopniu zaabsorbowany walk\u0105 z Abarai. Batalia z wicekapitanem 6. Oddzia\u0142u wydaje si\u0119 by\u0107 dla Espady dziecinn\u0105 zabaw\u0105; wskazuj\u0105 na to wyra\u017Anie obra\u017Cenia na ciele Renjiego i brak najmniejszego zadrapania na stroju Granza. Szayelaporro bez wi\u0119kszego trudu prowokuje Abarai, m\u00F3wi\u0105c o \u015Bmierci Rukii. Kiedy ch\u0142opak wyczuwa wygasaj\u0105ce Reiatsu przyjaci\u00F3\u0142ki, wierzy s\u0142owom przeciwnika i zaczyna w\u015Bciekle go atakowa\u0107.\n\nTymczasem Ichigo nadal mknie do przodu, przedzieraj\u0105c si\u0119 przez kolejne korytarze Las Noches. W kt\u00F3rym\u015B momencie wyczuwa zmian\u0119 w odbiorze Reiatsu Kuchiki. Jak si\u0119 okazuje, nie tylko on znajdowa\u0142 si\u0119 w tym korytarzu; Przedstawiciel Shinigami natychmiast zostaje zaczepiony przez kolejnego cz\u0142onka Espady - Ulquiorr\u0119!"@pl . "264"^^ . "thumb|190px|left|Cover of 269: The End is Near\nAaroniero and Rukia fall to the ground barely alive and Aaroniero's heads fall out of the jar they were stored in. The bottom head begins screaming about the pain it's in and the top head curses Rukia before splitting in half, and they die. Rukia attempts to get up and thinks to herself that she must not die alone and states that she going to save Orihime. However, she passes out.\n\nAll of the Espada sense Aaroniero's death and they take it in different ways. A female Arrancar wakes up Coyote Starrk. Starrk, however, tries to sleep. Lilynette forces him to stay up though and tells Starrk that Aaroniero has been killed. However, he states that he already knows and asks her what she wants him to do.\n\nTwo Arrancar named Lumina and Verona go up to Szayelaporro Granz and tell him about Aaroniero's death. He states that he was so preoccupied with his fight he didn't even notice. He then tells Lieutenant Renji Abarai that Rukia and an Espada have killed each other in battle and Renji furiously attacks him. Szayelaporro easily blocks his Shikai and states that without a Bankai, he can't win. However, Renji puts more force behind his attack and is able to injure him. Renji then tells Szayelaporro to get out of the way.\n\nIchigo senses what happened to Rukia and someone from behind tells him he's shocked that he noticed something like that and only thought of him as someone with raw power. Ichigo looks behind him and spots Ulquiorra, who tells him that it's been a while."@en . "265"^^ . "Ep320RukiaCharaPic.png"@en . . "\u673D\u6728 \u30EB\u30AD\u30A2"@es . "262"^^ . "mar"@es . "263"^^ . "Nnoitra Gilga"@en . "\u30A2\u30FC\u30ED\u30CB\u30FC\u30ED"@en . "261"^^ . "THERE IS NO HEART WITHOUT YOU"@en . "Tom 31 Nnoitra.png"@pl . "\u8336\u6E21 \u6CF0\u864E"@es . "\u30CE\u30A4\u30C8\u30E9\u30FB\u30B8\u30EB\u30AC"@es . "\u30CE\u30A4\u30C8\u30E9"@en . . . "\u30B6\u30A8\u30EB\u30A2\u30DD\u30ED"@en . . "4"^^ . "''\"That deep wound, it's like the sea's abyss"@en . "THERE IS NO HEART WITHOUT YOU is the thirtieth volume of the Bleach manga series."@en . "Ichigo Kurosaki"@es . . . . "thumb|190px|left|Cover of 261: LEFT ARM OF THE DEVIL\nThe chapter begins with Chad repeating the name of his left arm's true form: Brazo Izquierda del Diablo. Stunned, Gantenbainne can only repeat the name in apparent wonder and fear, with the \"devil\" of Chad's arm reflected in his eyes. Now back into focus, Gantenbainne grins as he charges up another one of his Resurrecci\u00F3n's attacks, stating that Diablo is \"a hell of a name.\" Gantenbainne hurls the fiery blast toward Chad, who merely crushes it in his left hand. \n\nNow feeling a twinge of fear, Gantenbainne rushes Chad, attempting to finish him off with one powerful punch. However, Chad just as easily blocks his fist with his right arm's true form: Brazo Derecha de Gigante. Chad takes the opportune moment and outstretches his left hand, charging up an electrical current in his fingers and solidifying it in his fist, before dealing his La Muerte attack, which literally blows Gantenbainne out of his Resurrecci\u00F3n form and destroys the wall behind them, leading them out into the desert-like dome of Las Noches.\n\nAs Gantenbainne lays defeated on the ground, Chad kneels before him and thanks the Arrancar for pushing him into unlocking his full potential and as a gesture of kindness he'll \"spare his life and pray for his good fortune.\" Now back on his feet, Chad questions the interior dome of Las Noches, but is soon warned by the fallen Privaron Espada of an approaching enemy. Chad quickly dons his transformed arms and deals a massive blow squarely in the enemy's stomach, but to no avail as an unaffected and wickedly grinning Nnoitra proceeds to cut Chad down with a single strike."@en . . "Ichigo Kurosaki"@pl . . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 256. Bang The Bore\nRenji u\u015Bwiadamia sobie, \u017Ce ma do czynienia z jednym z najsilniejszych Arrancar\u00F3w. Po chwili s\u0142yszy wrzask Dondochakki wydobywaj\u0105cy si\u0119 z dziury, przez kt\u00F3r\u0105 spad\u0142 Abarai. Nie chc\u0105c zosta\u0107 przygniecionym przez Birstanne'a, odsuwa si\u0119 na bok. Ku zdziwieniu, Dondochakka spada w\u0142a\u015Bnie w tym miejscu, w kt\u00F3rym stoi Renji i przygniata go swoim cia\u0142em. Po chwili Arrancar zauwa\u017Ca przeciwnika i zwraca si\u0119 do Renjiego, \u017Ce jest to najwybitniejszy naukowiec w Hueco Mundo. Kiedy Abarai m\u00F3wi, \u017Ce skoro zwraca si\u0119 do niego, to m\u00F3g\u0142by przynajmniej z niego zej\u015B\u0107, Dondochakka w ko\u0144cu zauwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce przygniata swojego towarzysza.\n\nSzayelaporro delikatnie przypomina im o swojej obecno\u015Bci, a widz\u0105c wrogi wzrok Renjiego, wyja\u015Bnia, \u017Ce pomimo i\u017C znajduje si\u0119 w najlepszej dziesi\u0105tce Arrancar\u00F3w, to nie posiada jakiej\u015B wybitnej mocy bojowej. Pragnie powiedzie\u0107 o sobie nieco wi\u0119cej, jednak\u017Ce Abarai nie zamierza da\u0107 mu tej mo\u017Cliwo\u015Bci, poniewa\u017C nie przyby\u0142 tutaj na pogaduchy. Od razu uwalnia Bankai i, ku zaskoczeniu, po chwili ono znika. Espada komentuje, \u017Ce tak to w\u0142a\u015Bnie jest, gdy przerywa si\u0119 komu\u015B w p\u00F3\u0142 zdania. Chcia\u0142 powiedzie\u0107 Renjiemu, \u017Ce w tym pomieszczeniu nie mo\u017Ce u\u017Cywa\u0107 Bankai, poniewa\u017C on zna wszystkie jego szczeg\u00F3\u0142y: kszta\u0142t, moc, Reiatsu, a nawet struktur\u0119 cz\u0105steczek duchowych. Shinigami zastanawia si\u0119 jak to mo\u017Cliwe; przecie\u017C takie informacje mo\u017Ce posiada\u0107 tylko osoba, kt\u00F3ra prze\u017Cy\u0142a atak Hihi\u014D Zabimaru. Espada spieszy z odpowiedzi\u0105, \u017Ce to zas\u0142uga jego m\u0142odszego brata - Yylfordta. Renjiego dziwi fakt, \u017Ce starszy brat nie zamierza pom\u015Bci\u0107 Yylfordta. Szayelaporro odpowiada, \u017Ce to oczywiste i wyja\u015Bnia, \u017Ce informacje o Bankai Abaraiego zebra\u0142 za pomoc\u0105 pluskiew rejestruj\u0105cych, kt\u00F3re wyhodowa\u0142 w ciele brata. Espada postanawia przej\u015B\u0107 do ataku, lecz prosi Renjiego, aby zbytnio nie szala\u0142, gdy\u017C on nigdy dot\u0105d nie widzia\u0142 obiektu, kt\u00F3ry potrafi\u0142by u\u017Cywa\u0107 Bankai, wi\u0119c jest troch\u0119 podekscytowany i chcia\u0142by, aby cia\u0142o Abaraiego by\u0142o po \u015Bmierci w dobrym stanie.\n\nTymczasem Rukia napiera na swojego przeciwnika, jednak\u017Ce techniki Shikai na nic si\u0119 zdaj\u0105, poniewa\u017C Kaien doskonale je zna. Espada przechodzi do sedna i uwalnia Nejiban\u0119 - Zanpakut\u014D, kt\u00F3re w przesz\u0142o\u015Bci nale\u017Ca\u0142o do Kaiena."@pl . . "\u8336\u6E21 \u6CF0\u864E"@pl . "\u30A2\u30FC\u30ED\u30CB\u30FC\u30ED"@pl . . . "Ichigo y sus amigos se est\u00E1n moviendo cada vez m\u00E1s al centro del Hueco Mundo y hacia el rescate de Orihime. Rukia se encuentra con la Novena Espada llamado Aaroniero Arruruerie cuyo aspecto es similar al ex teniente de la decimotercera division fallecido, Kaien Shiba. Rukia tarda en darse valor para ataquar a el arrancar ya que piensa que est\u00E1 peleando con el real Kaien, pero al descubrir que es un impostor re\u00FAne las fuerzas suficientes para derrotar al arrancar."@es . ""@en . . "Rukia Kuchiki"@pl . "Nnoitra Gilga"@es . "Ep190NnoitraCharaPic.png"@en . . "Rukia Kuchiki"@en . "Szayelaporro Granz"@es . "Ep190SzayelCharaPic.png"@en . "Aaroniero Arruruerie"@es . "Aaroniero Arruruerie"@pl . "Ep153AaronieroCharaPic.png"@en . "Ichigo y sus amigos se est\u00E1n moviendo cada vez m\u00E1s al centro del Hueco Mundo y hacia el rescate de Orihime. Rukia se encuentra con la Novena Espada llamado Aaroniero Arruruerie cuyo aspecto es similar al ex teniente de la decimotercera division fallecido, Kaien Shiba. Rukia tarda en darse valor para ataquar a el arrancar ya que piensa que est\u00E1 peleando con el real Kaien, pero al descubrir que es un impostor re\u00FAne las fuerzas suficientes para derrotar al arrancar."@es . "120"^^ . "There Is No Heart Without You"@pl . . "Tom 31 Yasutora.png"@pl . . . "\u9ED2\u5D0E \u4E00\u8B77"@pl . "\u673D\u6728 \u30EB\u30AD\u30A2"@en . "Tom 31 Aaroniero.png"@pl . "Aaroniero Arruruerie"@en . "2007-10-04"^^ . "thumb|190px|left|Cover of 262: Unblendable\nChad is seen critically injured from the blow dealt by Nnoitra, with the shield of his right arm sliced cleanly in two. Chad's eyes widen in horror as he falls to the ground, while Nnoitra clicks his tongue in disappointment, stating that Chad is \"As weak as Hell\". Chad's defeat is felt throughout Las Noches, most particularly through Ichigo and friends, who each take a hardened expression to this news while Ichigo begins to pick up speed, clearly pained and worried; mentally telling himself to believe in Chad, they swore to make out of this mess and return alive.\n\nElsewhere in Las Noches, Chad's defeat is also felt by Orihime, who gives a sorrowful expression to Ulquiorra upon the latter entering the room. Ulquiorra explains that Nnoitra is an idiot for disobeying a direct order to await the enemy within his own chambers and presents Orihime with food to eat. However, Orihime refuses to eat and states that \"Sado-Kun is not dead\" over and over again. Now clearly annoyed, Ulquiorra sarcastically questions what Orihime expects him to say: \"Don't worry, I'm sure he's still alive so he'll make it here to rescue you?\" Ulquiorra rebuffs this by stating that \"I am not here to be your friend.\" Ulquiorra also questions if such a trivial matter is really that important, since her friends will be dead one way or another. Ulquiorra goes on to explain that they should have known what they were getting into the moment they invaded this place, and if they didn't, then the fault lies in their own stupidity and he would be infuriated if they came here to throw their lives away for a \"Spoiled, sniveling little girl who isn't even worth it.\"\n\nUlquiorra takes his words too far, however, as Orihime steps up and delivers a hard slap across his face in retaliation, to which the former coldly stares at her before exiting the room, warning her that if she has not eaten her meal within the hour, then he will \"strap her down and force it down her throat.\" As Ulquiorra exits, Orihime can be seen breaking down in tears.\n\nMeanwhile, Rukia races up a flight of stairs, believing it to be the quickest way to reach Chad. Unfortunately, the stairs lead her to a long suspension bridge connected to a large, oddly-structured tower. As Rukia questions why she is outside when she clearly went inside the building, an even stranger figure immediately appears behind her, asking if \"she would care for him to explain it to her.\" As Rukia whips around to face him, the figure appears behind her yet again, and enters the tower while beckoning her to follow. Hand now to the hilt of her sword, Rukia approaches the door and boldly enters the pitch-black building. As she does, the doors close shut behind her and the figure can be heard somewhere in the darkness, breathing a sigh of relief and explaining that he \"Simply can't stand the sunlight.\" As torches are mysteriously lit throughout the room, the figure removes his elongated mask and introduces himself as \"The Noveno Espada, Aaroniero Arruruerie.\" However, contradictory to his name, his face is that of Kaien Shiba, Rukia's deceased mentor."@en . "thumb|190px|left|Cover of 267: Legions of the Reglets\nRukia asks Aaroniero what he is and he introduces himself anew. He then states that if it's about the heads, then she should keep it to herself as they have grown tired of hearing people's thoughts on it a long time ago. Aaroniero notes that she used Rikuj\u014Dk\u014Dr\u014D, a Kid\u014D spell that Captain Byakuya Kuchiki specializes in. He then tells Rukia that she is a fool for attacking the wall behind him instead of actually hitting him, since it would have at least wounded him. Rukia tells him that she hit the wall behind him because if there was a chance that it would take away his shape-shifting ability then that would be all that would matter, since she needed to know for sure that he wasn't Kaien so she could cut him down without mercy. Aaroniero laughs at this since she made it sound like she could defeat him if she knew his true form. He then appears behind her in the blink of an eye and tells her not to underestimate him. He then states that as long as there is shadow, he can still use his shape-shifting ability. Aaroniero's face then becomes Kaien's yet again and he states that he doesn't know why a replication of the sun was put in Hueco Mundo, even though there are guys like him who need darkness to use their powers. He then tells Rukia that she's dead wrong in thinking his power is shape-shifting and states that despite being a Gillian, he was still able to become an Espada because he has limitless evolutionary potential. He states that he had devoured Metastacia's spirit body after it returned to Hueco Mundo and took its powers. He then shows Rukia his Zanpakut\u014D, Glotoner\u00EDa, which is actually a deformed arm with tentacles spouting out of it. He states that his Zanpakut\u014D's ability is to devour a dead Hollow and take its abilities and tells Rukia that the nostalgia of Kaien she's feeling isn't false. Aaroniero tells her that this body really is Kaien, along with all of his memories and experience. He then decides to go into his Resurrecci\u00F3n, which turns his lower body into a huge blob-like mass. He states that this is the power of 33,650 Hollows and asks Rukia if she can win alone against this giant army. Rukia goes to attack him and apologizes to Kaien as she wasn't able to even save his body from the hands of the enemy. She thinks to herself that she no longer has the will to fight Kaien's body and gets attacked by Aaroniero who uses Kaien's released Zanpakut\u014D. She defends herself with her own Zanpakut\u014D, but it easily breaks through it and impales Rukia through her chest."@en . "Cover of THERE IS NO HEART WITHOUT YOU"@en . "Yasutora Sado"@es . "Don't Kill My Volupture"@es . . "200"^^ . . "268"^^ . "There Is No Heart Without You"@es . "269"^^ . "Yasutora Sado"@pl . "thumb|190px|left|Cover of 263: Unexpected\nFilled with shock and confusion, Rukia can only stutter Kaien's name as she stands before the figure of her seemingly resurrected mentor. \n\nElsewhere, the lanky figure of Nnoitra Gilga looms over the desert, searching for the nearest energy levels using his Pesquisa. He is not kept waiting long, and is soon approached by his Fracci\u00F3n, Tesra Lindocruz. Upon arrival, Tesra notices the battered body of Yasutora Sado and inquires as to whether or not Nnoitra is going to deliver the finishing blow. His Espada master responds by stating that such an act is useless, for who will recognize his strength even if he kills 1,000 weaklings? \n\nNnoitra then notices that the nearest energy level, , was taken in by Aaroniero Arruruerie. As Nnoitra gets up to leave, his Fracci\u00F3n questions where they are going. Nnoitra explains that he found a massive Reiatsu in that direction, and is going to go \"crush it.\" However, before he can take another step, a faint voice from behind tells to him to wait. Nnoitra turns to see a weakened Chad, rising to his feet and clutching his freshly bleeding wound. Despite his severe injuries, Chad states that he will not let Nnoitra leave, to which the latter only grins and is surprised that former is still alive at all. Electrical sparks fly from Chad's left arm as he gathers all of his remaining energy into one last blow. Before the strike can connect, Tesra intervenes and blocks his fist with the solid Chakram in his Zanpakut\u014D. Tesra states that such an attack could never reach \"Nnoitra-sama\" as Chad curses one last time before finally falling to the ground, unconscious. Tesra re-sheaths his Zanpakut\u014D and turns to leave, but finds himself on the bladed edge of Nnoitra's Zanpakut\u014D, who angrily questions why Tesra intervened. Stammering his apologies, Tesra expressed his concern that, at the opponent's full-power, such an attack might have injured him. Nnoitra reprimands his Fracci\u00F3n by reminding him that there is \"No force in the universe that could break his body, for [he is] the strongest Espada.\"\n\nBack at the tower, Rukia finally gathers up the courage to ask whether or not the figure standing before her is the real Kaien Shiba, but catches herself, remembering that she killed him with her own hands long ago. Before she can question herself any further, the pseudo-Kaien jumps down from the raised platform he was standing on to give Rukia a comical and warm welcome. After hearing him speak and act like Kaien, she becomes convinced that the person standing before her is, however, impossible it may seem, truly Kaien. After finding some stored cushions and sitting down with her, Kaien explains what happened after the night of his death: How his spirit body completely disintegrated after Rukia gave his farewells to his family, how the Hollow who consumed him, Metastacia, was designed to return to Hueco Mundo upon its destruction, how the two were still merged at the time, and how Kaien managed to gain control of the new spirit body and take the place of the 9th Espada without S\u014Dsuke Aizen's notice. Aaroniero further informs Rukia that the sole reason he drew her into the building was to shield her from the illusionary sky of Las Noches, for everywhere the light touches is monitored by Aizen. Aaroniero beckons Rukia to follow him, for he has a task for her that only she can do. As Rukia makes her way to follow, Aaroniero sharply draws his sword, and attempts to spear Rukia through her left eye. However, Rukia evades the attack in time and manages to put a fair distance between herself and the attacker. As the wound on Rukia's left cheek bleeds profusely, Aaroniero calls out her name in two separate voices."@en . "thumb|190px|left|Cover of 266: Hide Away From The Sun\nAaroniero tells Rukia to prepare herself and she is easily overpowered by his attacks. As she is battling him, she notes that everything about him is exactly like Kaien and that no matter how much she tries to deny it her mind, body, and eyes tell her that this must be Kaien. She tries to convince herself that she should only believe the Kaien of her memories, but as she's doing this her Zanpakut\u014D is knocked away. She immediately uses Had\u014D #33: S\u014Dkatsui, but he easily dodges and it hits the wall in the back, causing light to go in the room. As Aaroniero congratulates Rukia on being able to use that spell without incantation, he notices the hole in the wall and goes to a different location. Rukia wonders why, as she was completely defenseless and could have been easily killed, and remembers before that he took her into this room to get away from the light and comes up with a theory. She then uses Bakud\u014D #4: Hainawa, and holds Aaroniero down. He tells Rukia that she can't beat him with weak techniques like this, but Rukia begins casting a double chant. She uses Bakud\u014D #61: Rikuj\u014Dk\u014Dr\u014D, to hold Aaroniero down even longer and then uses Had\u014D #63: S\u014Dren S\u014Dkatsui, to break the wall directly behind Aaroniero. The light that comes from the wall melts off Kaien's face, and two small Hollow heads in a glass cylindrical capsule with red liquid is revealed to be Aaroniero's true face. Rukia asks him what he is and he introduces himself as the 9th Espada."@en . "266"^^ . "267"^^ . "264"^^ . "thumb|190px|left|Title Cover of 268: \u541B \u6B7B\u306B\u305F\u3082\u3046\u3053\u3068\u52FF\u308C\nRukia recalls the day when Kaien first trained her. When they were training, Rukia got distracted and lost her sword. After that, when they ate lunch, Rukia told Kaien that she has little talent with a sword, and her Kid\u014D was average among the Gotei 13. So was it really alright for her to be here, where does her heart lie, why is she here in the Gotei 13. Kaien answer that it's obvious, it's to \"fight\" and to \"protect\". Rukia asked him what to protect, which Kaien gave a pretty vague answer. Kaien then told her Captain J\u016Bshir\u014D Ukitake's philosophy: There are two types of fights, fights to protect your life and fight to protect your pride. But he thought that both are telling them to protect the same thing, the heart. Then he asked Rukia where does she think that heart lies, which Rukia says that somewhere in their body, but Kaien told her that the heart is right between them. When they interact with each other, a heart is born between them for the first time. It's not in the body. When you think of something or someone, a heart is born there. Suppose you were the only person in the world, there wouldn't be a heart anywhere. If Rukia wanted to be here with all her heart, then her heart lies here, and that's the reason for her to be here. Kaien told Rukia that from now on, when she fights, she absolutely must never die alone. Because when they die, they soul-body would eventually turn to dust, so their heart will be left with their companions. If they leave them with their companions, their hearts will live on inside them. Then Rukia remembers when Kaien died, he thanked Rukia because he can leave his heart with her. Suddenly, Rukia grabs Nejibana, which makes Aaroniero calls her pitiful for lingering on, but still unable to cut him down. But she freezes Nejibana, and then points Sode no Shirayuki at Aaroniero. He says it's an eyesore for her to pretend to fight him with a broken sword. But then Rukia actives San no mai, Shirafune, reforging her Zanpakut\u014D with ice particles and piercing through Aaroniero's head. She tells him that she remembered where the heart lies. What's inside Aaroniero is indeed Kaien's spirit body, but Kaien isn't in there. Kaien left his heart with her. Then she bids Aaroniero farewell."@en . "265"^^ . "262"^^ . . "\u30CE\u30A4\u30C8\u30E9"@pl . "263"^^ . "261"^^ . . "\u30B6\u30A8\u30EB\u30A2\u30DD\u30ED"@pl . "thumb|190px|left|Cover of 265: Bang The Bore\nAs Renji realizes that Szayelaporro is one of top ten Arrancar, he hears Dondochakka yelling from the hole he fell in. Renji questions how he could possibly still be falling since he fell before him and decides to get away from the hole. However, another hole appears behind him and Dondochakka falls on top of him. While still on top of him, Dondochakka spots Szayelaporro and notes that he's the top researcher and spiritual weapons specialist in Hueco Mundo. Renji then gets fed up with Dondochakka not moving and kicks him out of the way. The two of them then argue and Szayelaporro tells them to stop. Renji then looks over at him and Szayelaporro tells him not to give him such a scary look. He then explains that even though he's an Espada, his combat ability isn't very high at all. As he begins to tell him who he is, Renji tells him to be quiet since he doesn't want to hear his life story and he only wants to beat him. He then attempts to activate his Bankai, Hihi\u014D Zabimaru, but it ends up breaking mid release. Szayelaporro tells him he can't release his Bankai in this room because he knows everything about it. He then explains that because of that, he was able to set up a mechanism in this room that stops him from releasing his Bankai and Renji states that the only way he would be able to do that is if he actually encountered him using Bankai before. Szayelaporro tells him that he knew because he fought his brother, Yylfordt Granz, whom Renji immediately remembers. Szayelaporro thanks him for remembering \"that scum\" and Renji tells him from the way he's talking he's not out for revenge. Szayelaporro tells him he's correct and states that he put spirit-recording insects on his brother and that's why he knows about him. He then draws his Zanpakut\u014D and states that this is his first time meeting a Bankai user, and asks Renji to keep his body as intact as possible.\n\nAaroniero dodges Rukia's attack and states that she's foolish to think that she will be able to beat him with techniques he already knows about. Aaroniero then releases Kaien's Zanpakut\u014D, Nejibana, and states that this will be just like old times."@en . "4"^^ . "\u9ED2\u5D0E \u4E00\u8B77"@es . "Szayelaporro Granz"@en . . "2010-03-02"^^ . "\u30B6\u30A8\u30EB\u30A2\u30DD\u30ED\u30FB\u30B0\u30E9\u30F3\u30C4"@es . "Nnoitra Gilga"@pl . "Ep158SadoCharaPic.png"@en . "Ichigo Kurosaki"@en . . "The Slashing Opera"@es . "Tom 31 Rukia.png"@pl . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 267. Legions of the Reglets\nAaroniero ostrzega Ruki\u0119, by nie komentowa\u0142a ich wygl\u0105du - maj\u0105 ju\u017C tego do\u015B\u0107. Espada komentuje atak, kt\u00F3rego przed momentem u\u017Cy\u0142a Kuchiki i stwierdza, \u017Ce czego\u015B takiego nie by\u0142o w jego danych. Stwierdza, \u017Ce gdyby uderzy\u0142a go bezpo\u015Brednio, by\u0107 mo\u017Ce zosta\u0142by zraniony. Rukia odpowiada, \u017Ce zale\u017Ca\u0142o jej na tym, aby udowodni\u0107 przed sam\u0105 sob\u0105, \u017Ce jej przeciwnik nie jest Kaienem, a gdy to zrobi, zdo\u0142a zabi\u0107 go bez zawahania. Aaroniuero kpi sobie z dziewczyny i udaj\u0105c si\u0119 do cienia, ponownie przybiera wygl\u0105d Kaiena. Arrurerie opowiada o swoich mocach; jako jedyny z Espady by\u0142 Gillianem, poniewa\u017C jako jedyny z Arrancar\u00F3w mo\u017Ce ewoluowa\u0107 w niesko\u0144czono\u015B\u0107. Gdy cia\u0142o Shiby i Metastacii wr\u00F3ci\u0142o do Hueco Mundo, po\u017Car\u0142 je za pomoc\u0105 Glotoner\u00EDi. Tak naprawd\u0119, Aaroniero przybra\u0142 prawdziwe cia\u0142o Kaiena, dysponowa\u0142 jego prawdziw\u0105 moc\u0105 i \u017Cy\u0142y w nim prawdziwe wspomnienia jego osoby.\n\nUwalnia swoje Resurrecci\u00F3n, tym samym uwalniaj\u0105c moc wszystkich Hollow\u00F3w, kt\u00F3re do tej pory po\u017Car\u0142, a by\u0142o ich 33 650. Rukia w my\u015Blach przeprasza Kaiena za to, \u017Ce go zabi\u0142a, a potem jego cia\u0142o zosta\u0142o przej\u0119te. M\u00F3wi, \u017Ce jej pragnieniem by\u0142o odebranie jego cia\u0142a tamtemu Hollowowi i nie pozwolenie, by wpad\u0142o w r\u0119ce wroga, jednak\u017Ce zawiod\u0142a, a teraz nie ma ju\u017C si\u0142, by walczy\u0107. Zostaje przebita tr\u00F3jz\u0119bem Kaiena i si\u0119ga pami\u0119ci\u0105 do b\u0142ogich chwil sp\u0119dzonych z Shib\u0105."@pl . . "\u30FC\u30ED\u30CB\u30FC\u30ED\u30FB\u30A2\u30EB\u30EB\u30A8\u30EA"@es . "left|190px|thumb|Ok\u0142adka 261. LEFTARM OF THE DEVIL\nSado stoi przed Gantenbainnem, prezentuj\u0105c swoj\u0105 now\u0105 moc, Brazo Izquierda del Diablo. W pierwszej chwili Privaron Espada wydaje si\u0119 by\u0107 w szoku, powtarzaj\u0105c sformu\u0142owanie Diabe\u0142, jednak kiedy Yasutora zbli\u017Ca si\u0119 do niego, ten, \u0142aduj\u0105c Rugir der Dragon, zaczyna wykpiwa\u0107 nazw\u0119 nowego ramienia Chada, nazywaj\u0105c j\u0105 \"strasznie przesadzon\u0105\". \n\nAtak Mosquedy zostaje wystrzelony, jednak Sado bez trudu blokuje go swym bia\u0142ym ramieniem. Gantenbainne przypuszcza kolejny atak, jednak\u017Ce ten tak\u017Ce nie odnosi oczekiwanego skutku, zatrzymuj\u0105c pi\u0119\u015B\u0107 Arrancara na tarczy Brazo Derecha de Gigante. Korzystaj\u0105c z blisko\u015Bci przeciwnika, Yasutora bierze zamach i uderza przy pomocy swojego nowego ramienia, korzystaj\u0105c z ruchu La Muerte.\n\n\u015Aciana rozkrusza si\u0119 pod wp\u0142ywem ciosu Sado. Cz\u0142owiek pochyla si\u0119 nad nieprzytomnym Arrancarem. Wed\u0142ug niego, zdo\u0142a\u0142 w pe\u0142ni zrozumie\u0107 swoj\u0105 moc tylko dlatego, \u017Ce Mosqueda walczy\u0142 pe\u0142ni\u0105 swoich si\u0142. Yasutora dzi\u0119kuje pokonanemu, obiecuj\u0105c, \u017Ce nie zabije go, a wr\u0119cz odwrotnie - zostawi go przy \u017Cyciu i b\u0119dzie si\u0119 modli\u0142 za jego istnienie. \n\nChad ju\u017C odchodzi, kiedy nagle s\u0142yszy t\u0142umione \"Uciekaj\". Nagle pojawia si\u0119 przed nim Nnoitra. Yasutora bez zastanowienia pr\u00F3buje zaatakowa\u0107, chocia\u017C pokonany przez niego wcze\u015Bniej Privaron Espada zrywa si\u0119 z miejsca, b\u0142agaj\u0105c, aby ten ucieka\u0142. Sado uderza Gilg\u0119 z ca\u0142ej si\u0142y, jednak ten nawet nie reaguje. Chwil\u0119 p\u00F3\u017Aniej strumie\u0144 krwi Yasutory wybija ku niebu\u2026"@pl . . . "That red guilt, it's not the color of death\"''"@en . "200"^^ . "Esa culpa roja, no es el color de la muerte''"@es . "Tomo 30.png"@es . "\u673D\u6728 \u30EB\u30AD\u30A2"@pl . . "Tom 31 Szayelaporro.png"@pl . "Ep216IchigoCharaPic.png"@en . "Rukia Kuchiki"@es . . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 266. Hide Away From The Sun\nRukia z trudem blokuje i unika atak\u00F3w Aaroniero. Patrz\u0105c z boku na postaw\u0119 i spos\u00F3b walki przeciwka, bez w\u0105tpliwo\u015Bci stwierdza, \u017Ce to styl i postawa Kaiena. I chocia\u017C jej serce zaprzecza, to jej wzrok i cia\u0142o wo\u0142a do niej pot\u0119\u017Cnym g\u0142osem \"To pan Kaien!\". Kuchiki toczy wewn\u0119trzn\u0105 walk\u0119, w kt\u00F3rej stara si\u0119 uwierzy\u0107 nie w tego, kt\u00F3rego widz\u0105 jej oczy, lecz w Kaiena, kt\u00F3rego nosi w sercu; kt\u00F3ry nauczy\u0142 j\u0105 walczy\u0107 i pokaza\u0142, gdzie jest jej miejsce na \u015Bwiecie, kt\u00F3rego ciep\u0142o tak dobrze zna. Przeciwnik wybija jej z r\u0105k Zanpakut\u014D, a Rukia u\u017Cywa Had\u014D 33. S\u014Dkatsui, kt\u00F3rego Aaroniero unika. Atak tworzy dziur\u0119 w \u015Bcianie, co wyra\u017Anie niepokoi Espad\u0119 i zmusza go do wycofania si\u0119 w g\u0142\u0105b pomieszczenia. Rukia u\u015Bwiadamia sobie, \u017Ce musi by\u0107 co\u015B nie tak ze \u015Bwiat\u0142em, kt\u00F3rego przeciwnik si\u0119 tak boi i postanawia to sprawdzi\u0107.\n\nU\u017Cywaj\u0105c najpierw Hainawy, a potem po\u0142\u0105czonych Rikuj\u014Dk\u014Dr\u014D i S\u014Dren S\u014Dkatsui sprawia, \u017Ce do pomieszczenia dostaje si\u0119 \u015Bwiat\u0142o, a w miejscu twarzy Kaiena pojawia si\u0119 baniak z dwoma czaszkami. Na pytanie Rukii kim s\u0105, czaszki przedstawiaj\u0105 si\u0119 jako Noveno Espada, Aaroniero Arruruerie."@pl . "left||190px|thumb|Ok\u0142adka 268. \u541B \u6B7B\u306B\u305F\u3082\u3046\u3053\u3068\u52FF\u308C\nRukia bezw\u0142adnie wisi przebita - o ironio - przez uwolniony Zanpakut\u014D Kaiena. \u015Amiech wroga rozbrzmiewa w uszach pokonanej. P\u00F3\u0142przytomna Rukia wspomina, kiedy to wsp\u00F3lnie z Shib\u0105 udali si\u0119 na G\u00F3r\u0119 Koifushi, w Hokutan . W\u0142a\u015Bnie tam po raz pierwszy dosz\u0142o do treningu mi\u0119dzy Kaienem a Kuchiki. \n\nDziewczyna opisuje wszystko bardzo dok\u0142adnie, chocia\u017C sama m\u00F3wi, \u017Ce my\u015Bli wydaj\u0105 si\u0119 jej by\u0107 bardzo odleg\u0142e. Podczas przyjacielskiej walki mi\u0119dzy dwoma Shinigami, m\u0142oda Kuchiki rozproszy\u0142a si\u0119 widz\u0105c zbijaj\u0105cego si\u0119 w powietrze ptaka. Drugie uderzenie Rukii Kaien r\u00F3wnie\u017C odbi\u0142. Para przerwa\u0142a trening z inicjatywy Kaiena, kt\u00F3ry s\u0142ysza\u0142 burczenie w brzuchu Rukii, wi\u0119c postanowi\u0142 zrobi\u0107 przerw\u0119. \n\nKuchiki opowiada kompanowi, i\u017C nigdy nie by\u0142a dobra w walce mieczem, natomiast dobre oceny od zawsze mia\u0142a z Kid\u014D. Wed\u0142ug niej nawet jej umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci w kwestii tej dziedzinie nie s\u0105 wystarczaj\u0105ce jak na Gotei 13. Dziewczyna zastanawia si\u0119, po co w\u0142a\u015Bciwie do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142a do Gotei 13. Shiba daje jej reprymend\u0119, przypominaj\u0105c zasad\u0119 \"by walczy\u0107 i chroni\u0107\". Kuchiki prosi o wyja\u015Bnienie zasady, tj. sprecyzowanie, co powinna chroni\u0107. Kaien ko\u0144cz\u0105c kulk\u0119 ry\u017Cow\u0105 odpowiada, \u017Ce powinna ochrania\u0107 wszystko, co potrzebuje tego. M\u0142oda szlachcianka nazywa odpowied\u017A \"lamersk\u0105\". M\u0119\u017Cczyzna m\u00F3wi o bitewnej filozofii kapitana Ukitake; wed\u0142ug Shiby i walka w ochronie honoru i walka w ochronie \u017Cycia s\u0105 jednym i tym samym - sercem. Kuchiki w dalszym ci\u0105gu krytykuje trafno\u015B\u0107 odpowiedzi. Kaien pyta m\u0142od\u0105 Shinigami, gdzie wed\u0142ug niej znajduje si\u0119 serce. Rukia jest troch\u0119 zdezorientowana; po chwili wskazuje okolice klatki piersiowej. Shiba nie wyklucza poprawno\u015Bci odpowiedzi, m\u00F3wi\u0105c jednocze\u015Bnie, \u017Ce wed\u0142ug niego znajduje si\u0119 w pi\u0119\u015Bciach. M\u0142ody Shiba przyr\u00F3wnuje serce do czego\u015B, czym mo\u017Cna si\u0119 dzieli\u0107 z drug\u0105 osob\u0105. Jaki\u015B czas p\u00F3\u017Aniej Kaien zostaje wicekapitanem. Rukia przypomina sobie, \u017Ce Shiba zabroni\u0142 jej umiera\u0107 w samotno\u015Bci.\n\nZdawa\u0142oby si\u0119 pokonana Rukia chwyci\u0142a tr\u00F3jz\u0105b Aaroniero. Espada nie traktuje tego jako pow\u00F3d do obaw; uwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce cho\u0107by prze\u017Cy\u0142a, Shinigami nie b\u0119dzie w stanie go zrani\u0107. Kuchiki przymra\u017Ca swoj\u0105 r\u0119k\u0119 do tr\u00F3jz\u0119bu przeciwnika, po czym celuje w znajom\u0105 twarz z\u0142amanym mieczem. Rukia u\u017Cywa wtedy San no Mai, Shirafune i przepo\u0142awia twarz dawnego przyjaciela. Maska spada, ukazuj\u0105c oblicze Aaroniero. Kuchiki m\u00F3wi, \u017Ce chocia\u017C Arruruerie ma duchowe cia\u0142o Kaiena, to sam Shiba ju\u017C nie istnieje, a samo swoje serce powierzy\u0142 jej. Po tych s\u0142owach dziewczyna zabija przeciwnika."@pl . . . . ""@en . "\u8336\u6E21 \u6CF0\u864E"@en . "THERE IS NO HEART WITHOUT YOU"@en . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 264. Don't Say That Name Again\nUlquiorra wchodzi do pomieszczenia, w kt\u00F3rym przebywa Gin i wywi\u0105zuje si\u0119 pomi\u0119dzy nimi kr\u00F3tka rozmowa. Cifer zauwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce Ichimaru korzysta z systemu sterowania korytarzy.\n\nRukia jest w ci\u0119\u017Ckim szoku po niespodziewanym ataku jej by\u0142ego mentora. Kaien jednak nie wydaje si\u0119 tym zamartwia\u0107. Wr\u0119cz przeciwnie, cieszy si\u0119, \u017Ce jego podw\u0142adna unikn\u0119\u0142a ciosu, kt\u00F3ry kiedy\u015B m\u00F3g\u0142by j\u0105 zabi\u0107. Po chwili wydaje si\u0119 zmieni\u0107 zdanie i stwierdza, \u017Ce to nic dziwnego, \u017Ce pr\u00F3bowa\u0142 j\u0105 zabi\u0107. W ko\u0144cu on, wicekapitan 13. Oddzia\u0142u przyby\u0142 do Hueco Mundo po fuzji z Hollowem, a Rukia jest t\u0105, kt\u00F3ra pozbawi\u0142a go \u017Cycia. Dziewczyna powraca my\u015Blami do koszmarnej nocy i z ust Kaiena s\u0142yszy pytanie, czy jest gotowa zgin\u0105\u0107 z jego r\u0119ki. Rukia o\u015Bwiadcza, \u017Ce jest na to gotowa, lecz jeszcze nie teraz - przyby\u0142a do Hueco Mundo, aby ocali\u0107 Orihime i dop\u00F3ki tego nie zrobi, nie mo\u017Ce sobie pozwoli\u0107 na \u015Bmier\u0107. Jak gdyby nigdy nic, Shiba po prostu stwierdza, \u017Ce \u017Cartowa\u0142 i wyskakuje z pretensjami do swojej podw\u0142adnej, \u017Ce brak jej poczucia humoru.\n\nJednak\u017Ce Kaien chce, by Rukia pomog\u0142a mu zrealizowa\u0107 pewien plan i tym samym odkupi\u0142a swoje winy - dziewczyna ma przynie\u015B\u0107 mu g\u0142owy wszystkich swoich towarzyszy. Ma by\u0107 to banalnie proste, poniewa\u017C Kuchiki zna ich moce i s\u0142abe strony. Rukia wie, \u017Ce co\u015B takiego nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 \u017Cartem i w\u015Bciek\u0142a w ko\u0144cu u\u015Bwiadamia sobie, \u017Ce Kaien, kt\u00F3rego zna\u0142a, nigdy nie wypowiedzia\u0142by takich s\u0142\u00F3w. Kuchiki zabrania przeciwnikowi wi\u0119cej wypowiada\u0107 imienia jej mentora i uwalnia Shikai.\n\nRenji zdaje si\u0119 wyczuwa\u0107, \u017Ce z jego przyjaci\u00F3\u0142k\u0105 jest co\u015B nie tak. Podczas kr\u00F3tkiej rozmowy z Dondochakk\u0105, Arrancar wpada w pu\u0142apk\u0119 i spada pod ziemi\u0119. Po chwili taki sam los spotyka Abaraia. Wicekapitan znajduje si\u0119 w przestronnym pomieszczeniu, gdzie na powitanie zostaje pochwalony za wpadni\u0119cie w najprostsz\u0105 z pu\u0142apek. Po chwili osoba wychodzi z ukrycia i przedstawia si\u0119 jako Octava Espada - Szayelaporro Granz."@pl . "There Is No Heart Without You"@es .