. "Name: Saitama Origin: One Punch Man Age: 25 Classification: A god living inside a person Powers and Abilities: Can defeat LITERALLY anyone in one punch too casually with 0 effort (any feats, proof or logic contradicting this are invalid). Attack Potency: At least Universal+, since I heard that online and nobody lies on the internet. Lifting Strength: At least Immeasurable, likely Irrelevant (is vastly stronger than Superalloy Darkshine, who's strength \"can't be measured by numbers.\" Is also greater than Metal Bat who's power \"approaches infinity\") Striking Strength: Equivalent to the Big Bang. ONE himself said it! I\u2019d show you the proof, but I don\u2019t want to! Durability: True Infinity (Tanked attacks from Boros, whose power was stated as limitless) Stamina: Limitless (he broke his limiter) Range: Omniversal Standard Equipment: His fists Intelligence: Average Weaknesses: A mosquito, vs debating logic"@en . . . . . . . . . "Saitamnipotence"@en . . . . . . . "Name: Saitama Origin: One Punch Man Age: 25 Classification: A god living inside a person Powers and Abilities: Can defeat LITERALLY anyone in one punch too casually with 0 effort (any feats, proof or logic contradicting this are invalid). Attack Potency: At least Universal+, since I heard that online and nobody lies on the internet. Lifting Strength: At least Immeasurable, likely Irrelevant (is vastly stronger than Superalloy Darkshine, who's strength \"can't be measured by numbers.\" Is also greater than Metal Bat who's power \"approaches infinity\") Stamina: Limitless (he broke his limiter)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .