. "The Spirit of the Living Earth holds that creation itself is a spiritual entity compromised of various other smaller spirits that exist everywhere around in the Material World within their own realms. The material world itself is a vaporous illusion, one that parts to reveal the true power of spirit beyond. Only by propitiating these spirits can one expect their aid and compliance, and eventually, enlightenment and salvation by turning into a spirit themselves. Yin and Yang drawn together from the basis of all energy and all life, and so the Veils use these energies to develop their spirituality in hopes of moving beyond the pathetic thiefly existence of the Kuei-jin. Culturally, the Cerulean Veil draws on shintoistic and various animistic traditions. Introspective and insightful, the Cerulean Veils hold that all actions have consequences within the realms of spirit and that each deed can insult or please a certain kind of spirit. Each action has a proper form and every of the myriads of rules the spirits adhere to has a reason. For that reason, they seem odd to the ceremonial court of the Quincunx, their words and actions dictated by the strange inhabitants of the Mirror Lands. Among mortals, the Cerulean Veils are careful and dignified. They do not indulge in food, drink or sex; indeed, as most mortals lack the capacity to deal with spirits at all, most Veils consider them transitory and of limited importance. Only when the spirits direct do the Veils break from their ordered routine to interact with the evanescent world. Since each soul is unique, reason the Veils, every individuals must have a similarly unique road to enlightenment. Thus, each Cerulean Veil discovers the proper way to expand her own spirit, whether alike or different from her mentor\u2019s. The Spirit of the Living Earth has been labelled heretic because they have no qualms about trafficing with demons and other tainted spirits- as they are still spirits. They Cerulean Veils believe that, as any spirit can be coerced, charmed or forced to do what a practitioner wants, if the right preparations are taken, they can command Yomi Wan's servants without being harmed. Their anachronistic ways and disdain of the pompous Courts of the Kuei-jin do the rest and most Cerulean Veils have been declared Akuma by the Ancestors."@en . "Spirit of the Living Earth"@en . . "The Spirit of the Living Earth holds that creation itself is a spiritual entity compromised of various other smaller spirits that exist everywhere around in the Material World within their own realms. The material world itself is a vaporous illusion, one that parts to reveal the true power of spirit beyond. Only by propitiating these spirits can one expect their aid and compliance, and eventually, enlightenment and salvation by turning into a spirit themselves. Yin and Yang drawn together from the basis of all energy and all life, and so the Veils use these energies to develop their spirituality in hopes of moving beyond the pathetic thiefly existence of the Kuei-jin."@en .