"no"@en . . "Cossack is a unique unit available to the Russian player in some Civ games."@en . . . "225"^^ . . "650"^^ . . . . "118"^^ . "In-game icon of the Cossack"@en . . "4850"^^ . . "Yes"@en . . "1"^^ . . "Cossack"@en . . . "75000"^^ . "1.5"^^ . . . "5291"^^ . "35.0"^^ . . . . "6"^^ . . "Cossacks are usually associated with horsemanship, and this holds true in Random Kingdom - while they can fight dismounted, the Cossack is a mounted unit, using a lance and the trademark Shashka (a type of saber), but they also have some marksmanship skill."@en . "no"@en . . "128"^^ . . "Faction: Unaffiliated Species: Transformers Function: BOUNTY HUNTER Rank: 0 - Loner A being about whom little is really known, Cossack came to Earth shortly after the reawakening of the Ark, to hunt down and capture war criminals of the Cybertronian Civil War and other pangalactic conflicts. His motivations and the authority from which he derives his cause are unknown -- though it is rumored his own world was destroyed by Autobot and Decepticon forces during what to them was little more than a minor skirmish. Powered by experimental fusion reactors, Cossack \"breathes\" liquid nitrogen gas. As a T-90 battletank, he can travel up to 85 mph, and is armed with devastating weaponry. Since arriving on Earth, Cossack has become fond of Terran literary culture, especially poetry and philosophical works on the nature of war. Cossack was last seen: Tue Dec 7 21:56:08 1999."@en . "6.75"^^ . "Faction: Unaffiliated Species: Transformers Function: BOUNTY HUNTER Rank: 0 - Loner A being about whom little is really known, Cossack came to Earth shortly after the reawakening of the Ark, to hunt down and capture war criminals of the Cybertronian Civil War and other pangalactic conflicts. His motivations and the authority from which he derives his cause are unknown -- though it is rumored his own world was destroyed by Autobot and Decepticon forces during what to them was little more than a minor skirmish. Powered by experimental fusion reactors, Cossack \"breathes\" liquid nitrogen gas. As a T-90 battletank, he can travel up to 85 mph, and is armed with devastating weaponry. Since arriving on Earth, Cossack has become fond of Terran literary culture, especially poetry and philosophical "@en . "321"^^ . "Cossack"@ru . "Cossack \u2014 \u0430\u0432\u0442\u043E\u043C\u043E\u0431\u0438\u043B\u044C \u0438\u0437 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044B \u00ABMafia \u2161\u00BB."@ru . "The Cossack is a vehicle in Mafia II."@en . "266"^^ . "Cossack"@en . "The Cossack is a Russian cavalry unit featured in Age of Empires III and is available at the Stable once the Colonial Age is reached."@en . "5291"^^ . . "Age of Empires III"@en . "Cossacks were a Human ethnic group who traditionally lived in Russia. Pavel Chekov often used the term \"Cossack\" as an insult. (TOS episodes: \"The Trouble with Tribbles\", \"The Gamesters of Triskelion\", \"Spectre of the Gun\", \"Day of the Dove\", TOS novels: Spock, Messiah!, The Covenant of the Crown, Deep Domain, Dreams of the Raven, The Cry of the Onlies, Rules of Engagement, The Disinherited, The Patrian Transgression, TOS comic: \"The Return!\")"@en . "Light"@en . "900"^^ . . "3"^^ . . "190"^^ . . "5291"^^ . "Cossacks were a Human ethnic group who traditionally lived in Russia. Pavel Chekov often used the term \"Cossack\" as an insult. (TOS episodes: \"The Trouble with Tribbles\", \"The Gamesters of Triskelion\", \"Spectre of the Gun\", \"Day of the Dove\", TOS novels: Spock, Messiah!, The Covenant of the Crown, Deep Domain, Dreams of the Raven, The Cry of the Onlies, Rules of Engagement, The Disinherited, The Patrian Transgression, TOS comic: \"The Return!\")"@en . . . "Cossack \u2014 \u0430\u0432\u0442\u043E\u043C\u043E\u0431\u0438\u043B\u044C \u0438\u0437 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u044B \u00ABMafia \u2161\u00BB."@ru . "Cossack was Sadie King's horse. In April 2006, Sadie's mother-in-law Rosemary King told Sadie that the meat in the meal they had eaten was Cossack"@en . "16"^^ . "A Cossack with a Punisher Mk2"@en . "File:Icon coin.gif"@en . . . "Cavalry"@en . . "15"^^ . "1150"^^ . "1"^^ . "The Cossack is a Light Robot with 1 medium hardpoint and the jump ability. Having the third fastest max speed in the game (tied with the Gepard), it can dodge long range sniper fire and weave in and out to capture beacons with ease. The Cossack\u2019s jump ability is shared with only the Heavy Griffin and the Medium Rogatka. The Cossack does a very good job of capturing beacons. This is due to its speed and ability to jump. However, its low health makes the robot vulnerable to heavy weapons that damage near-instantly such as the Thunder or the Trebuchet."@en . . "Cossack is a unique unit available to the Russian player in some Civ games."@en . . . . . . . . "Duesenberg SJ"@ru . . . . "Cossack was Sadie King's horse. In April 2006, Sadie's mother-in-law Rosemary King told Sadie that the meat in the meal they had eaten was Cossack"@en . "Cossack is a term used in the Russian language to romantically describe the frontiersmen of southern Russia. The term was often used by Pavel Chekov. One way Chekov used the term was to describe the Klingons in a negative connotation. He once referred to Korax as a Cossack after Korax noted that Earthers reminded him of Regulan blood worms. (TOS: \"The Trouble with Tribbles\" ) Chekov also referred to the Providers of Triskelion as Cossacks. (TOS: \"The Gamesters of Triskelion\" )"@en . . . "4850"^^ . . "Cossack"@en . "30"^^ . "Cossack in the Carcyclopedia"@en . . . . "Cossack is a term used in the Russian language to romantically describe the frontiersmen of southern Russia. The term was often used by Pavel Chekov. One way Chekov used the term was to describe the Klingons in a negative connotation. He once referred to Korax as a Cossack after Korax noted that Earthers reminded him of Regulan blood worms. (TOS: \"The Trouble with Tribbles\" ) Chekov also referred to the Providers of Triskelion as Cossacks. (TOS: \"The Gamesters of Triskelion\" ) Additionally, Chekov once referred to American frontiersmen of the 19th century as \"western Cossacks\" who had little more than poisonous snakes and cactus plants. (TOS: \"Spectre of the Gun\" ) While under the influence of the Beta XII-A entity, Chekov referred to the entire Klingon race as Cossacks as well as \"filthy Klingon murderers\" for killing his imaginary brother Piotr Chekov. (TOS: \"Day of the Dove\" )"@en . . "5.0"^^ . "44"^^ . . . . "The Cossack is a vehicle in Mafia II."@en . "Mad man DLC car 1 .png"@ru . "The Cossack is a Russian cavalry unit featured in Age of Empires III and is available at the Stable once the Colonial Age is reached."@en . . "The Cossack is a Light Robot with 1 medium hardpoint and the jump ability. Having the third fastest max speed in the game (tied with the Gepard), it can dodge long range sniper fire and weave in and out to capture beacons with ease. The Cossack\u2019s jump ability is shared with only the Heavy Griffin and the Medium Rogatka. The Cossack does a very good job of capturing beacons. This is due to its speed and ability to jump. However, its low health makes the robot vulnerable to heavy weapons that damage near-instantly such as the Thunder or the Trebuchet. While it is true that the Cossack loses some of its use as the game progresses, it can still be of enormous tactical value if used with skill. As previously stated, it can be ripped apart very easily by almost anything, so pilots should make full use of its agility and speed to avoid direct confrontation as much as possible, instead using it to swiftly take beacons that are more out of the way. Equipping it with an Orkan can be great for corner-peeking and damaging heavier bots from behind. This allows it to expose itself for a minimal period of time. A more controversial, but effective setup would be the use of an Ecu shield, which grants the Cossack extra protection, at the cost of firepower. With this setup, the Cossack is capable of either dodging or blocking fire from almost every weapon, and makes for an amazing beacon-capper. the Ecu setup does, however, require a great deal of map knowledge and situational awareness to be effective though. Overall, the Cossack is a great robot to use to cap beacons and gain a tactical advantage against the enemy."@en . . . . . "123"^^ . "Yes"@en . . "Cossacks are usually associated with horsemanship, and this holds true in Random Kingdom - while they can fight dismounted, the Cossack is a mounted unit, using a lance and the trademark Shashka (a type of saber), but they also have some marksmanship skill."@en . . . . "File:Icon food.gif"@en . "321"^^ . . "Cossack"@en . "Arlington Torpedo"@ru . "369"^^ . "Cossack"@en . "118"^^ . . "no"@en . . . "2400"^^ . "39000"^^ . . "266"^^ . . . "123"^^ . "26"^^ . . "1"^^ .