. . "Later, Peach followed Beldam, Marilyn, Doopliss, and Fawful through a geyser field until they came to a twisted and evil-looking castle. The young mermaid assumed that this was where Cackletta lived as she looked up at it nervously. \u201CThis way.\u201D Beldam, Marilyn, Doopliss, and Fawful said in unison as they point inside an opening. Peach gulped nervously, nodded and followed them in. She was a bit creeped out by the interior of the castle hallways as she followed Beldam, Marilyn, Doopliss, and Fawful in. What really freaked Peach out was the garden of souls, where the plant-like creatures looked as if they were trying to tell Peach this: \u201CDon\u2019t go any farther. Turn back.\u201D Then, a creature grabbed onto Peach\u2019s leg, making her yelp. She struggled until she swam up and swam off after Beldam and the others until she came to a room. \u201CCome in. Come in, my child.\u201D A sinister female voice said. Peach froze with shock and spun around to see Cackletta there. \u201CWe mustn\u2019t lurk in doorways. It\u2019s rude.\u201D She scolded as she swam over a mirror to put on makeup. \u201COne MIGHT question your upbringing. Now, then. You\u2019re here because you have a thing for this boy. This, er, prince fellow named Mario. Not that I blame you. He is quite a catch, isn\u2019t he?\u201D As she continued, she used Winguardium Leviosa on all the objects on every spread-out item. She then used a lipstick for her lips. \u201D Well, angelfish, the solution to your problem is simple. The only way to get what you want\u2026 is to become a human yourself.\u201D Peach gasped upon hearing this. \u201CCan you do that?\u201D She asked with a light of hope inside of her. Cackletta smirked and turned towards Peach. \u201D My dear sweet child. That\u2019s what I do. It\u2019s what I live for. To help unfortunate merfolk- like yourself. Poor souls with no one else to turn to. \u201D Peach became a bit nervous as the evil sorceress began to sing. Cackletta: I admit that in the past I\u2019ve been a nasty (Beldam, Marilyn, Doopliss, and Fawful snickered, earning a glare from Cackletta, causing them to shut up.) (On her table, a hologram of a skinny man and a fat woman appeared. \u201CPathetic.\u201D Marilyn and Doopliss said in annoyance, each earning a smack on the back of the head from Beldam and Fawful. \u201CQuiet, both of you!\u201D Fawful scolded as Cackletta continued to sing.) Cackletta: Poor unfortunate souls (She snapped his fingers and the hologram man was more fit and the woman was skinny. The two smiled and hugged.) (\u201CWow!\u201D Peach exclaimed with a smile.) (Meanwhile, at a doorway to the entrance of the garden of souls, Toadsworth looked in and looked shocked. He then signaled for the others to come over. Toad, Toadette, Sora and the others (Bubbles and Kuki were shaking because they were terrified by the garden) came up. They then tiptoed through the garden while Bubbles and Kuki followed, extremely scared out of their wits.) (The holograms then turned into holograms of poor unfortunate souls, making Peach gasp in horror, and she backed away.) (Cackletta plucked one of those pink string things.) (On \u2018saint\u2019, Cackletta then puts the pink string over her head making her look like a nun.) After that, Cackletta swam over to Peach, putting a hand on the mermaid\u2019s shoulder. \u201CNow, here\u2019s the deal.\u201D She began to explain to Peach as they swam over to the table. \u201CI will make you a potion that will turn you into a human for three days. Got that? Three days. Now listen, this is important.\u201D As Cackletta continued, a hologram of three suns passed by over a hologram of the earth. \u201CNow, before the sun sets on the third day, you\u2019ve got to get dear old Mario to fall in love with you.\u201D \u201CHuh?\u201D Peach asked in confusion. \u201CThat is, he\u2019s got to kiss you.\u201D Cackletta continued. \u201CThat sounds easy.\u201D Peach said with a smirk. \u201CNot just any kiss; this kiss of true love.\u201D Cackletta said, as a hologram of a crown appeared on a heart that shimmered. \u201CEven better.\u201D Peach said with a smile. Unknown to anyone, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Toadsworth, Toad, Toadette, and the merkids Bubbles and Kuki were still pretty much scared out of their wits, yet Wally held the Asian merkid\u2019s hand, comforting her) snuck into the room and stayed at the doorway. \u201CIf he does kiss you before the sun sets on the third day, you\u2019ll remain human, permanently.\u201D Cackletta smiled as a hologram of a silhouette of a human girl ran, making Peach smile. \u201CGreat!\u201D Peach exclaimed. \u201CNot so fast.\u201D Cackletta said. \u201CBut if he doesn\u2019t kiss you, you\u2019ll turn back into a mermaid.\u201D The hologram of the silhouetted girl turned into a silhouette of Peach in her mermaid form and the real Peach frowned, and the hologram faded. \u201CAw, gee.\u201D The young mermaid muttered sadly. \u201CAnd \u2013 you belong\u2026 to me.\u201D Cackletta finished in a dark tone. \u201CNo, Peach!\u201D Sora yelled, but without warning, Fawful activated a forcefield around him and the others, silencing them. \u201CHave we got a deal?\u201D Cackletta asked Peach. \u201CWell, if I become human, I\u2019ll never be with my father or sisters ever again.\u201D Peach said half to herself. \u201CThat\u2019s right!\u201D Cackletta agreed in fake shock. \u201CBut you\u2019ll have your man.\u201D She then chuckled fiendishly. \u201CLife is full of tough choices, innit?\u201D (A/N: She said \u201Cisn\u2019t it\u201D the same way Ursula did.) She chuckled fiendishly again, then realized something. \u201D Oh! And there is one more thing. We haven\u2019t discussed the subject of payment. You can\u2019t get something for nothing, you know.\u201D \u201CWhat?!\u201D Peach exclaimed in disbelief. \u201CBut I don\u2019t have any-\u201D She started, but got cut off by Cackletta. \u201CI\u2019m not asking much. Just a token, really, a trifle.\u201D Cackletta responded, \u201CYou\u2019ll never even miss it. What I want from you is\u2026 your voice.\u201D Peach gulped at the thought of this and put her hand on his throat. \u201CMy\u2026 my voice?\u201D She asked nervously. \u201CYou got it, sweetcakes.\u201D Cackletta replied. \u201CNo more talking, singing, zip.\u201D She then popped her lips after \u2018zip\u2019. \u201CBut without my voice, how can I-?\u201D Peach asked, but was cut off again. \u201CYou\u2019ll have your looks. Your pretty face. And don\u2019t underestimate the importance of body language! Ha!\u201D Cackletta responded in rhythm like she was singing and on \u2018body language!\u2019, she started shaking her butt and began to sing again. Cackletta: The men up there don\u2019t like a lot of blabber (As she said this line, Cackletta swam over to a cupboard and opened the door.) (She threw a few ingredients into a cauldron as Peach looked on.) (Cackletta then threw a tongue into the cauldron.) (As Cackletta sang the next line, she made a vision of Mario smiling appear before Peach, who smiled lovingly at the image.) (As Cackletta said that part, the vision of Mario looked like he was saying it, and the vision disappeared, as Cackletta jumped forward, scaring the living daylights out of Peach.) (Cackletta then put a hand on Peach\u2019s shoulder, and made a contract appear with a quill.) (Peach read the first part, which read, \u201CI hereby hand over unto Cackletta, the dark lord, one voice.\u201D She didn\u2019t bother to read the fine print, and she skipped to the far bottom, which read, \u201CSigned, for all eternity, X.\u201D) (A stern look came onto Peach\u2019s face as she looked up.) (Peach grabbed the pen as Sora, Donald, Goofy, Toadsworth, Toad, Toadette and the merkids\u2019 eyes widened in horror as their jaws drop open in shock.) Peach then turned her own head away while clenching her teeth as she signed \u2018Princess Peach Toadstool\u2019 on the dotted line. When Peach finished signing her own name, Cackletta took the contract back and smiled evilly. Her cauldron then started glowing blue. Cackletta: Paluga, sevruga, come winds of the Caspian Sea. (As Cackletta chanted this, a blue whirlwind appeared around her and Peach, who looked extremely nervous. Sora, Blossom and Nigel looked determined, and swam towards the whirlwind to go in and save Peach, only to get knocked back two feet.) Then, two huge green phantom-like hands appeared. Each was to her left and right. She then turned green all over, as did Peach. \u201CNow\u2026 sing.\u201D Cackletta ordered darkly as she looked at Peach with a look of insanity in her eyes and an evil toothy grin. Peach nodded nervously, took a deep breath and began to sing. \u201CKeep singing!\u201D Cackletta exclaimed. Then, the one phantom hand held Peach, who was still singing, still while the other went into her mouth and down her throat and took a gold-glowing sphere out. It was Peach\u2019s voice! Even though it was taken from her, Peach\u2019s voice still sang. She then clasped her hands over her throats as she looked on with a look of shock on her face. The phantom hands took the sphere to Cackletta and it went into her necklace as she smiled fiendishly. Then, Cackletta began to laugh wickedly as Peach got trapped in a yellow bubble, and she began to completely change. Her tail split into two and transformed into two human legs. After the transformation was done, Peach was now a twenty-one-year-old human girl with her same hairstyle and blue eyes. The bubble that had her trapped then popped, and Peach landed on the ground. Her friends swam over to her and helped her swim to the surface as quick as possible as Cackletta continued to laugh. Then, in the upper world, in an ocean nearby Mario\u2019s hometown, Peach came out of the water, gasping for air. Soon enough, the others came up, too, and Stitch got on top of Toadsworth, as they all helped Peach swim to shore."@en . . . . . "The Little Mermaid: Cartoon Crossover Style Chapter 6: Cackletta's Deal"@en . . . . . . . "Chapter 6: Cackletta\u2019s Deal Later, Peach followed Beldam, Marilyn, Doopliss, and Fawful through a geyser field until they came to a twisted and evil-looking castle. The young mermaid assumed that this was where Cackletta lived as she looked up at it nervously. \u201CThis way.\u201D Beldam, Marilyn, Doopliss, and Fawful said in unison as they point inside an opening. \u201CCome in. Come in, my child.\u201D A sinister female voice said. Peach froze with shock and spun around to see Cackletta there. Peach gasped upon hearing this. \u201CCan you do that?\u201D She asked with a light of hope inside of her. I\u2019ve mended all my ways"@en . "Later, Peach followed Beldam, Marilyn, Doopliss, and Fawful through a geyser field until they came to a twisted and evil-looking castle. The young mermaid assumed that this was where Cackletta lived as she looked up at it nervously. \u201CThis way.\u201D Beldam, Marilyn, Doopliss, and Fawful said in unison as they point inside an opening. \u201CCome in. Come in, my child.\u201D A sinister female voice said. Peach froze with shock and spun around to see Cackletta there. Peach gasped upon hearing this. \u201CCan you do that?\u201D She asked with a light of hope inside of her. Cackletta: Poor unfortunate souls"@en . . . . . . "Chapter 6: Cackletta\u2019s Deal Later, Peach followed Beldam, Marilyn, Doopliss, and Fawful through a geyser field until they came to a twisted and evil-looking castle. The young mermaid assumed that this was where Cackletta lived as she looked up at it nervously. \u201CThis way.\u201D Beldam, Marilyn, Doopliss, and Fawful said in unison as they point inside an opening. Peach gulped nervously, nodded and followed them in. She was a bit creeped out by the interior of the castle hallways as she followed Beldam, Marilyn, Doopliss, and Fawful in. What really freaked Peach out was the garden of souls, where the plant-like creatures looked as if they were trying to tell Peach this: \u201CDon\u2019t go any farther. Turn back.\u201D Then, a creature grabbed onto Peach\u2019s leg, making her yelp. She struggled until she swam up and swam off after Beldam and the others until she came to a room. \u201CCome in. Come in, my child.\u201D A sinister female voice said. Peach froze with shock and spun around to see Cackletta there. \u201CWe mustn\u2019t lurk in doorways. It\u2019s rude.\u201D She scolded as she swam over a mirror to put on makeup. \u201COne MIGHT question your upbringing. Now, then. You\u2019re here because you have a thing for this boy. This, er, prince fellow named Mario. Not that I blame you. He is quite a catch, isn\u2019t he?\u201D As she continued, she used Winguardium Leviosa on all the objects on every spread-out item. She then used a lipstick for her lips. \u201D Well, angelfish, the solution to your problem is simple. The only way to get what you want\u2026 is to become a human yourself.\u201D Peach gasped upon hearing this. \u201CCan you do that?\u201D She asked with a light of hope inside of her. Cackletta smirked and turned towards Peach. \u201D My dear sweet child. That\u2019s what I do. It\u2019s what I live for. To help unfortunate merfolk- like yourself. Poor souls with no one else to turn to. \u201D Peach became a bit nervous as the evil sorceress began to sing. Cackletta: I admit that in the past I\u2019ve been a nasty They weren\u2019t kidding when they called me, well, a witch (Beldam, Marilyn, Doopliss, and Fawful snickered, earning a glare from Cackletta, causing them to shut up.) But you\u2019ll find that nowadays I\u2019ve mended all my ways Repented, seen the light and made a switch True? Yes And I fortunately know a little magic It\u2019s a talent that I always have possessed And here lately, please don\u2019t laugh I use it on behalf Of the miserable, lonely and depressed (On her table, a hologram of a skinny man and a fat woman appeared. \u201CPathetic.\u201D Marilyn and Doopliss said in annoyance, each earning a smack on the back of the head from Beldam and Fawful. \u201CQuiet, both of you!\u201D Fawful scolded as Cackletta continued to sing.) Cackletta: Poor unfortunate souls In pain In need This one longing to be thinner That one wants to get the girl And do I help them? (She snapped his fingers and the hologram man was more fit and the woman was skinny. The two smiled and hugged.) Yes, indeed (\u201CWow!\u201D Peach exclaimed with a smile.) Those poor unfortunate souls So sad So true (Meanwhile, at a doorway to the entrance of the garden of souls, Toadsworth looked in and looked shocked. He then signaled for the others to come over. Toad, Toadette, Sora and the others (Bubbles and Kuki were shaking because they were terrified by the garden) came up. They then tiptoed through the garden while Bubbles and Kuki followed, extremely scared out of their wits.) They come flocking to my cauldron Crying, \u201CSpells, Cackletta please!\u201D And I help them? Yes, I do Now it\u2019s happened once or twice Someone couldn\u2019t pay the price And I\u2019m afraid I had to rake \u2019em \u2018cross the coals (The holograms then turned into holograms of poor unfortunate souls, making Peach gasp in horror, and she backed away.) Yes, I\u2019ve had the odd complaint (Cackletta plucked one of those pink string things.) But on the whole I\u2019ve been a saint (On \u2018saint\u2019, Cackletta then puts the pink string over her head making her look like a nun.) To those poor unfortunate souls After that, Cackletta swam over to Peach, putting a hand on the mermaid\u2019s shoulder. \u201CNow, here\u2019s the deal.\u201D She began to explain to Peach as they swam over to the table. \u201CI will make you a potion that will turn you into a human for three days. Got that? Three days. Now listen, this is important.\u201D As Cackletta continued, a hologram of three suns passed by over a hologram of the earth. \u201CNow, before the sun sets on the third day, you\u2019ve got to get dear old Mario to fall in love with you.\u201D \u201CHuh?\u201D Peach asked in confusion. \u201CThat is, he\u2019s got to kiss you.\u201D Cackletta continued. \u201CThat sounds easy.\u201D Peach said with a smirk. \u201CNot just any kiss; this kiss of true love.\u201D Cackletta said, as a hologram of a crown appeared on a heart that shimmered. \u201CEven better.\u201D Peach said with a smile. Unknown to anyone, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Toadsworth, Toad, Toadette, and the merkids Bubbles and Kuki were still pretty much scared out of their wits, yet Wally held the Asian merkid\u2019s hand, comforting her) snuck into the room and stayed at the doorway. \u201CIf he does kiss you before the sun sets on the third day, you\u2019ll remain human, permanently.\u201D Cackletta smiled as a hologram of a silhouette of a human girl ran, making Peach smile. \u201CGreat!\u201D Peach exclaimed. \u201CNot so fast.\u201D Cackletta said. \u201CBut if he doesn\u2019t kiss you, you\u2019ll turn back into a mermaid.\u201D The hologram of the silhouetted girl turned into a silhouette of Peach in her mermaid form and the real Peach frowned, and the hologram faded. \u201CAw, gee.\u201D The young mermaid muttered sadly. \u201CAnd \u2013 you belong\u2026 to me.\u201D Cackletta finished in a dark tone. \u201CNo, Peach!\u201D Sora yelled, but without warning, Fawful activated a forcefield around him and the others, silencing them. \u201CHave we got a deal?\u201D Cackletta asked Peach. \u201CWell, if I become human, I\u2019ll never be with my father or sisters ever again.\u201D Peach said half to herself. \u201CThat\u2019s right!\u201D Cackletta agreed in fake shock. \u201CBut you\u2019ll have your man.\u201D She then chuckled fiendishly. \u201CLife is full of tough choices, innit?\u201D (A/N: She said \u201Cisn\u2019t it\u201D the same way Ursula did.) She chuckled fiendishly again, then realized something. \u201D Oh! And there is one more thing. We haven\u2019t discussed the subject of payment. You can\u2019t get something for nothing, you know.\u201D \u201CWhat?!\u201D Peach exclaimed in disbelief. \u201CBut I don\u2019t have any-\u201D She started, but got cut off by Cackletta. \u201CI\u2019m not asking much. Just a token, really, a trifle.\u201D Cackletta responded, \u201CYou\u2019ll never even miss it. What I want from you is\u2026 your voice.\u201D Peach gulped at the thought of this and put her hand on his throat. \u201CMy\u2026 my voice?\u201D She asked nervously. \u201CYou got it, sweetcakes.\u201D Cackletta replied. \u201CNo more talking, singing, zip.\u201D She then popped her lips after \u2018zip\u2019. \u201CBut without my voice, how can I-?\u201D Peach asked, but was cut off again. \u201CYou\u2019ll have your looks. Your pretty face. And don\u2019t underestimate the importance of body language! Ha!\u201D Cackletta responded in rhythm like she was singing and on \u2018body language!\u2019, she started shaking her butt and began to sing again. Cackletta: The men up there don\u2019t like a lot of blabber They think a girl who gossips is a bore (As she said this line, Cackletta swam over to a cupboard and opened the door.) Yes, up there it\u2019s much preferred For ladies not to say a word And after all, dear, what is idle prattle for? Come on, they\u2019re not all that impressed with conversation (She threw a few ingredients into a cauldron as Peach looked on.) True gentlemen avoid it when they can But they dote and swoon and fawn On a lady who\u2019s withdrawn It\u2019s she who holds her tongue who gets his man (Cackletta then threw a tongue into the cauldron.) Come on, you poor unfortunate soul Go ahead! Make your choice! (As Cackletta sang the next line, she made a vision of Mario smiling appear before Peach, who smiled lovingly at the image.) I\u2019m a very busy woman And I haven\u2019t got all day It won\u2019t cost much JUST YOUR VOICE!!!! (As Cackletta said that part, the vision of Mario looked like he was saying it, and the vision disappeared, as Cackletta jumped forward, scaring the living daylights out of Peach.) You poor unfortunate soul It\u2019s sad But true (Cackletta then put a hand on Peach\u2019s shoulder, and made a contract appear with a quill.) If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet You\u2019ve got to pay the toll Take a gulp and take a breath And go ahead and sign the scroll! (Peach read the first part, which read, \u201CI hereby hand over unto Cackletta, the dark lord, one voice.\u201D She didn\u2019t bother to read the fine print, and she skipped to the far bottom, which read, \u201CSigned, for all eternity, X.\u201D) Fawful, comrades, now I\u2019ve got her, girls The boss is on a roll This poor- (A stern look came onto Peach\u2019s face as she looked up.) Un- (Peach grabbed the pen as Sora, Donald, Goofy, Toadsworth, Toad, Toadette and the merkids\u2019 eyes widened in horror as their jaws drop open in shock.) Fortunate soul! Peach then turned her own head away while clenching her teeth as she signed \u2018Princess Peach Toadstool\u2019 on the dotted line. When Peach finished signing her own name, Cackletta took the contract back and smiled evilly. Her cauldron then started glowing blue. Cackletta: Paluga, sevruga, come winds of the Caspian Sea. (As Cackletta chanted this, a blue whirlwind appeared around her and Peach, who looked extremely nervous. Sora, Blossom and Nigel looked determined, and swam towards the whirlwind to go in and save Peach, only to get knocked back two feet.) Now rings us glossitis and max laryngitis, La voce to me! Then, two huge green phantom-like hands appeared. Each was to her left and right. She then turned green all over, as did Peach. \u201CNow\u2026 sing.\u201D Cackletta ordered darkly as she looked at Peach with a look of insanity in her eyes and an evil toothy grin. Peach nodded nervously, took a deep breath and began to sing. \u201CKeep singing!\u201D Cackletta exclaimed. Then, the one phantom hand held Peach, who was still singing, still while the other went into her mouth and down her throat and took a gold-glowing sphere out. It was Peach\u2019s voice! Even though it was taken from her, Peach\u2019s voice still sang. She then clasped her hands over her throats as she looked on with a look of shock on her face. The phantom hands took the sphere to Cackletta and it went into her necklace as she smiled fiendishly. Then, Cackletta began to laugh wickedly as Peach got trapped in a yellow bubble, and she began to completely change. Her tail split into two and transformed into two human legs. After the transformation was done, Peach was now a twenty-one-year-old human girl with her same hairstyle and blue eyes. The bubble that had her trapped then popped, and Peach landed on the ground. Her friends swam over to her and helped her swim to the surface as quick as possible as Cackletta continued to laugh. Then, in the upper world, in an ocean nearby Mario\u2019s hometown, Peach came out of the water, gasping for air. Soon enough, the others came up, too, and Stitch got on top of Toadsworth, as they all helped Peach swim to shore."@en . . . . . .