. . . . . "A typical day on Earth. All is well. There is no crime, sickness, disease or any apparent problems. Children are at play in their holo-suite playgrounds, young adults attend classes about the achievements of Starfleet officers in the Federation's history and Starfleet officers enjoy shore leave. But suddenly, a dark shape moves in front of the sun, beginning an eclipse. It is no natural satellite, but it does not inspire terror or dread; just a minor distraction from the normal day-to-day lives. Once the alien fleet is positioned around Earth, it begins. The Siege of Earth has begun."@en . "Story:Star Trek: Conflict/Armageddon"@en . "A typical day on Earth. All is well. There is no crime, sickness, disease or any apparent problems. Children are at play in their holo-suite playgrounds, young adults attend classes about the achievements of Starfleet officers in the Federation's history and Starfleet officers enjoy shore leave. But suddenly, a dark shape moves in front of the sun, beginning an eclipse. It is no natural satellite, but it does not inspire terror or dread; just a minor distraction from the normal day-to-day lives. Meanwhile, the orbital stations above Earth as well as the starships in space dock, are scrambling. A huge unidentified fleet has warped into orbit around Earth without hailing or even saying anything. Each ship is easily the size of the continent of Australia, and bearing markings unknown to anything the Federation has ever encountered. They are not Borg, nor Dominion, nor even the rumored Ultari. For the first time, Starfleet is out of control of the situation. Not wanting to seem hostile, they won't fire on the ships in order to send them away. But a foreboding feeling now strikes into the hearts of those who see these mammoths move over small, fragile Earth. Once the alien fleet is positioned around Earth, it begins. Bursts of energy tear out of many gun ports on the ships' hulls, raining down on Earth. Pleas for help from across the world suddenly reach the office of the President and Starfleet Command, begging them to do something to save their cities. The order is given: the aliens have fired first, Starfleet is to retaliate. The nearest ships engage the enemy ships. No weapons they have are capable of even penetrating the alien ships' shields, but one single blast from the alien particle weapon destroys a Galaxy-class starship effortlessly. The Siege of Earth has begun."@en . .