. "Name: Pegasus Seiya Origin: Saint Seiya Gender: Male, but looks like a girl. Age: 12 year old. Classification: Human, Bronze Saint, walking plot-powered mary sue. Powers and Abilities: Can punch very hard, scream for 5 minutes tops, fly like a badly animated paper plane, Atomizat-HAHAHAHA. (Have you EVEN SEEN anyone in Saint Seiya being atomized? PLEASE. Outlier of the ages), can play the guitar, Plot Convenience, can see and hear even if Saga removed his senses without reason, friendzoning. Lifting Strength: Human Level (He hasn\u00B4t lifted anything.)"@en . . . . . . "Pegasus Seiya (Downplayed)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Name: Pegasus Seiya Origin: Saint Seiya Gender: Male, but looks like a girl. Age: 12 year old. Classification: Human, Bronze Saint, walking plot-powered mary sue. Powers and Abilities: Can punch very hard, scream for 5 minutes tops, fly like a badly animated paper plane, Atomizat-HAHAHAHA. (Have you EVEN SEEN anyone in Saint Seiya being atomized? PLEASE. Outlier of the ages), can play the guitar, Plot Convenience, can see and hear even if Saga removed his senses without reason, friendzoning. Attack Potency: Possibly Low Street Level (Destroyed a small rock as a child) | Building Level with Multiple Athena Exclamations. (He needs two other gold clothed saints alongside while facing yet other three gold saints, which only managed to destroy one house in Athena\u00B4s Sanctuary ) | At least City Block Level with the Pegasus God Cloth. (Defeated Thanathos, who wasn\u00B4t able to kill a single human girl because threee fodder comic relief bronze saints and two silver saints were protecting her.) Speed:Below Average human level (Took him 12 hours to run thru a small sanctuary) | Lifting Strength: Human Level (He hasn\u00B4t lifted anything.) Striking Strength: Wall Level (His Pegasus Comet meteors damage small buildings) Durability: Human to wall Level (Comparable to Ikki, who got stabbed to death by Lyuminades disguesed as Esmeralda, and got defeated by Saga, who was able to throw people into walls with trippy space backgrounds) | Solar Light Level (Is comparable to the gold Saints, who died when they threw solar light at the Willing Wall, Lament Wall, wathever.) | City Block Level (Defeated Thanathos, who failed to kill a normal human girl, got thrown around by Hades, who threw people to pillars) Stamina: Shonen Protagonist High. He never gives up for wathever reason. He might be bleeding ten times the amount of blood he has, missing all him limbs and somehow, the Deus ex machina happens. Range: Couple of metters with Pegasus Ryu Sei Ken. (They were almost reaching the ends of the Star Wars Tournament arena) Standard Equipment: Pegasus Bronze Cloth, Pair of red and blue jeans. Intelligence: Below Average (didn\u00B4t go to school, he fights for a Goddess that doesn\u00B4t even pay him) Weaknesses: Gets obliterated by pretty much everyone, Can be stabbed and killed by normal people, being Friendzoned. \n* Pegasus Meteor Fist (Pegasus Ryu Sei Ken): Seiya throws a bunch of little fists with a pegasus in the background. \n* Pegasus Comet Fist (Pegasus Sui Sei Ken): Seiya throws a hadouken with the little fists combined into one. \n* Pegasus Rolling Crush: Seiya grabs the opponent\u00B4s breasts and throws him into the ground. Key: Pegasus Bronze Cloth | 7th Sense & 8th Sense | Pegasus God Cloth"@en . .