. "The IKS Negh'Var fires on DS9"@en . "IKS NeghVar attack.jpg"@nl . . . "iks_neghvar leads klingon assault.jpg"@nl . "IKS Negh'Var"@en . . . "24"^^ . . . "IKS Negh'Var"@nl . . . "active"@en . "The Negh'Var was designed mainly by Kurak, daughter of Haleka, and commissioned in 2372. (TNG novel: Diplomatic Implausibility) It was made the flagship of the Klingon fleet, serving as the command vessel for Chancellors Gowron and Martok during the Dominion War, and the conflict with the Federation that preceded it. One of the Negh'Var's first actions was the attack on Deep Space 9 in the year it was commissioned. (DS9 episode: \"The Way of the Warrior\"; Decipher RPG module: Starships; TNG video game: Birth of the Federation; DS9 novels: The Left Hand of Destiny, Book One, The Left Hand of Destiny, Book Two; WizKids modules: Tactics, Attack Wing)"@en . . . . . . . . "The IKS Negh'Var was a Klingon battleship and prototype of the Negh'Var-class. The Negh'Var entered the Klingon Defense Force as the fleet's new flagship. In early 2372, the Negh'Var, under command of General Martok led a Klingon task force to Deep Space 9 in preparation for the invasion of the Cardassian Union. After the beginning of the conflict the Negh'Var led an attack force back to Deep Space 9 to capture the Cardassian Detapa Council sheltering on the space station. Its powerful disruptors succeeded in penetrating the station's shields and allowing for a boarding action to take place. The attack ultimately failed due to the imminent arrival of Starfleet reinforcements and the Negh'Var retreated with the surviving Klingon warships. (DS9: \"The Way of the Warrior\")"@en . . "IKS Negh'Var"@nl . . "kling"@en . . . "De Negh'Var leidt een aanval op Deep Space 9"@nl . . . . . . "Negh'Var"@en . . "IKS Negh'Var"@en . . "The IKS Negh'Var (IKS-7500) was the prototype Negh'Var-class Klingon dreadnought starship in Klingon Defense Force service in the 24th century. The Negh'Var was designed mainly by Kurak, daughter of Haleka (TNG novel: Diplomatic Implausibility), and commissioned in 2372. It was made the flagship of the Klingon fleet, serving as the command vessel for Chancellors Gowron and Martok during the Dominion War, and the conflict with the Federation that preceded it. (DS9 episode: \"The Way of the Warrior\"; RPG reference: Starships, DS9 novels: The Left Hand of Destiny, Book One, The Left Hand of Destiny, Book Two)"@en . . . . "IKS Negh'Var"@de . "The IKS Negh'Var was a Klingon Negh'Var-type warship that was in service with the Klingon Defense Force in the late 24th century. Launched in the early 2370s, it was the first Negh'Var warship in the fleet, and served as the flagship of the Klingon Empire. It was equipped with a cloaking device. In early 2372, the Negh'Var led a task force of over fifty Klingon vessels in an invasion of the Cardassian Union. It was commanded by General Martok (or rather the changeling infiltrator that replaced Martok). The vessel later led the attack on Deep Space 9. (DS9: \"The Way of the Warrior\")"@en . . . "The IKS Negh'Var was a Klingon Negh'Var-type warship that was in service with the Klingon Defense Force in the late 24th century. Launched in the early 2370s, it was the first Negh'Var warship in the fleet, and served as the flagship of the Klingon Empire. It was equipped with a cloaking device. In early 2372, the Negh'Var led a task force of over fifty Klingon vessels in an invasion of the Cardassian Union. It was commanded by General Martok (or rather the changeling infiltrator that replaced Martok). The vessel later led the attack on Deep Space 9. (DS9: \"The Way of the Warrior\") In mid-2373, the Negh'Var, carrying Chancellor Gowron, retreated to Deep Space 9 along with other Klingon forces, which had been expelled from Cardassian space by the Dominion. (DS9: \"By Inferno's Light\") When the starship was seen in \"By Inferno's Light\", it was not identified as the Negh'Var in dialogue, but was mentioned in the script. The Negh'Var's actions during the Dominion War are unknown. According to the script for the episode, the pronunciation for Negh'Var was \"NEG-var\". [1] The Starships RPG sourcebook gives its registry as IKS-7500."@en . "thumb|Die IKS Negh'Var (2372) Die IKS Negh'Var ist ein klingonisches Raumschiff des Negh'Var-Typs und im sp\u00E4ten 24. Jahrhundert das Flaggschiff der klingonischen Verteidigungsstreitmacht. 2372 f\u00FChrt die Negh'Var unter dem Kommando von General Martok, bzw. dem Wechselbalg, der ihn ersetzt hat, einen gewaltigen Flottenverband nach Deep Space 9. Nachdem die F\u00F6deration nicht bereit ist, sich an der geplanten Invasion der Cardassianischen Union zu beteiligen und es zur Schlacht um Deep Space 9 kommt, ist die Negh'Var ebenfalls an vorderster Front zu finden. (DS9: , ) Etwa ein Jahr sp\u00E4ter zieht sich die Negh'Var gemeinsam mit anderen klingonischen Schiff nach Deep Space 9 zur\u00FCck, nachdem sich die Cardassianische Union dem Dominion angeschlossen hat, und die verb\u00FCndeten Truppen die Invasionsmacht der Klingonen zur\u00FCckdr\u00E4ngen. (DS9: ) Im Roman Der Weg des Kriegers f\u00FChrt die Negh'Var den ersten Schlag gegen die Cardassianer. Dabei wird die Bortas, die unter dem Kommando von Kanzler Gowron ebenfalls gegen die Cardassianer k\u00E4mpft, schwer besch\u00E4digt. Martok ist gezwungen, mit der Negh'Var die Evakuierung der Besatzung zu \u00FCbernehmen. Martok bef\u00FCrchtet bereits, dass ihn die Anwesenheit des klingonischen Kanzlers auf seinem Schiff sein Kommando \u00FCber eben dieses kosten wird."@de . "thumb|Die IKS Negh'Var (2372) Die IKS Negh'Var ist ein klingonisches Raumschiff des Negh'Var-Typs und im sp\u00E4ten 24. Jahrhundert das Flaggschiff der klingonischen Verteidigungsstreitmacht. 2372 f\u00FChrt die Negh'Var unter dem Kommando von General Martok, bzw. dem Wechselbalg, der ihn ersetzt hat, einen gewaltigen Flottenverband nach Deep Space 9. Nachdem die F\u00F6deration nicht bereit ist, sich an der geplanten Invasion der Cardassianischen Union zu beteiligen und es zur Schlacht um Deep Space 9 kommt, ist die Negh'Var ebenfalls an vorderster Front zu finden. (DS9: , )"@de . "De Negh'Var opent het vuur"@nl . . "IKS NeghVar attack.jpg"@en . . . . . "2373"^^ . "De IKS Negh'Var was een Klingon sterrenschip in dienst aan het einde van de 24e eeuw. Het schip werd gelanceerd in de 2370s en was de eerste van zijn klasse om te dienen als het vlaggenschip van het Klingon rijk. In het begin van 2372 leidde de Negh'Var een task force van meer dan vijftig Klingon schepen in een invasie van de Cardassian unie, onder het commando van generaal Martok (of eigenlijk de vormverwisselaar die Martok vervangen had). Het schip leidde later de aanval op Deep Space 9. (DS9: \"The Way of the Warrior\") Halverwege 2373 trok de Negh'Var, met kanselier Gowron aan boord, zich terug naar Deep Space 9, samen met andere Klingon schepen nadat de Dominion ze uit Cardassian ruimte hadden verjaagd. (DS9: \"By Inferno's Light\") Het schip werd in \"By Inferno's Light\" niet genoemd, maar de verwijzing is afkomstig uit het script. Wat de acties van de Negh'Var zijn geweest in de Dominion oorlog is onbekend."@nl . . . . "The IKS Negh'Var (IKS-7500) was the prototype Negh'Var-class Klingon dreadnought starship in Klingon Defense Force service in the 24th century. The Negh'Var was designed mainly by Kurak, daughter of Haleka (TNG novel: Diplomatic Implausibility), and commissioned in 2372. It was made the flagship of the Klingon fleet, serving as the command vessel for Chancellors Gowron and Martok during the Dominion War, and the conflict with the Federation that preceded it. (DS9 episode: \"The Way of the Warrior\"; RPG reference: Starships, DS9 novels: The Left Hand of Destiny, Book One, The Left Hand of Destiny, Book Two) Launched in the early 2370s, it was the first Negh'Var warship to serve in the Imperial Klingon Fleet, where it served as the flagship of the Klingon Empire. In early 2372, the Negh'Var led a task force of over fifty Klingon vessels in an invasion of the Cardassian Union. It was commanded by General Martok (or rather the changeling infiltrator that replaced Martok). The vessel later led the attack on Deep Space 9. In mid-2373, the Negh'Var, carrying Chancellor Gowron, retreated to Deep Space 9 along with other Klingon forces, which had been expelled from Cardassian space by the Dominion."@en . . . "The Negh'Var was designed mainly by Kurak, daughter of Haleka, and commissioned in 2372. (TNG novel: Diplomatic Implausibility) It was made the flagship of the Klingon fleet, serving as the command vessel for Chancellors Gowron and Martok during the Dominion War, and the conflict with the Federation that preceded it. One of the Negh'Var's first actions was the attack on Deep Space 9 in the year it was commissioned. (DS9 episode: \"The Way of the Warrior\"; Decipher RPG module: Starships; TNG video game: Birth of the Federation; DS9 novels: The Left Hand of Destiny, Book One, The Left Hand of Destiny, Book Two; WizKids modules: Tactics, Attack Wing)"@en . . "2371"^^ . "Active"@en . . "IKS-7500"@en . . "De IKS Negh'Var was een Klingon sterrenschip in dienst aan het einde van de 24e eeuw. Het schip werd gelanceerd in de 2370s en was de eerste van zijn klasse om te dienen als het vlaggenschip van het Klingon rijk. In het begin van 2372 leidde de Negh'Var een task force van meer dan vijftig Klingon schepen in een invasie van de Cardassian unie, onder het commando van generaal Martok (of eigenlijk de vormverwisselaar die Martok vervangen had). Het schip leidde later de aanval op Deep Space 9. (DS9: \"The Way of the Warrior\")"@nl . "Battleship"@en . . . "The IKS Negh'Var was a Klingon battleship and prototype of the Negh'Var-class. The Negh'Var entered the Klingon Defense Force as the fleet's new flagship. In early 2372, the Negh'Var, under command of General Martok led a Klingon task force to Deep Space 9 in preparation for the invasion of the Cardassian Union. After the beginning of the conflict the Negh'Var led an attack force back to Deep Space 9 to capture the Cardassian Detapa Council sheltering on the space station. Its powerful disruptors succeeded in penetrating the station's shields and allowing for a boarding action to take place. The attack ultimately failed due to the imminent arrival of Starfleet reinforcements and the Negh'Var retreated with the surviving Klingon warships. (DS9: \"The Way of the Warrior\")"@en .