. . . . "The Microprocessor initially consisted of a number of LSI integrated circuits on a system board. The \"micro\" in the name refers to \"microcode\", where the complex instruction set apparent to a machine code programmer is actually an emulation via software using a subset of instructions realised in hardware. This decision was made in order to simplify the design of the processor and reduce the area of circuit board and number of chips required for the processor to perform as required."@en . "Microprocessor (Caroline Era)"@en . "The Microprocessor initially consisted of a number of LSI integrated circuits on a system board. The \"micro\" in the name refers to \"microcode\", where the complex instruction set apparent to a machine code programmer is actually an emulation via software using a subset of instructions realised in hardware. This decision was made in order to simplify the design of the processor and reduce the area of circuit board and number of chips required for the processor to perform as required. Although IBM devoted an entire board to the CPU, manufacturers who used the licenced version generally used the Microprocessor on a board with many other components, such as memory and I/O, enabling even more advanced computers to be manufactured on single boards. Some manufacturers also mixed the chips with other components and rewrote the microcode to provide other facilities. This approach was also adopted back into IBM. In 1984, IBM released a somewhat improved version of the Microprocessor which occupied only half the space and used half the number of chips. This was licenced immediately and formed the basis of a new generation of small business, scientific and domestic computers. This halving was, however, not to be duplicated later."@en .