"A Kabarak is a communal corps consisting of Loric Citizens who ensure the smooth running of the planet Lorien. They are situated outside of the city centre, out in the country. Known Kabarak are located in Alwon, where it is noted that the Kabarakians wear red silk and ceremonial charms; Malka, which is located within city limits and is close to where Number Nine had lived with his grandfather; there is also a Kabarak located in the Outer Territories on the other side of the planet. Those who work in a Kabarak have jobs that include Loralite Mining, Chim\u00E6ra husbandry and farming. A job with the Kabarak is considered a high honor, and a gateway to a governmental postition later on in life. Having been expelled from the Lorien Academy, Sandor has the opportunity to work with them, or work forThe Munis. Sandor's Parents both decide that it is the best thing for him. Sandor reluctantly agrees but is later approached by Brandon on behalf of the Lorien Defence Academy who have noticed his talents and offer him a mentorship at the Lorien Defence Academy in engineering."@en . . "A Kabarak is a communal corps consisting of Loric Citizens who ensure the smooth running of the planet Lorien. They are situated outside of the city centre, out in the country. Known Kabarak are located in Alwon, where it is noted that the Kabarakians wear red silk and ceremonial charms; Malka, which is located within city limits and is close to where Number Nine had lived with his grandfather; there is also a Kabarak located in the Outer Territories on the other side of the planet."@en . "Workforce"@en . "Kabarak"@en . . "Lorien"@en . . "Smooth running of Lorien"@en . .