. . "Duplicate Boy was a member of the Heroes of Lallor, he was one of the five born with super-powers as a result of a nuclear accident on the planet. He was raised alongside the other four mutants by the government, only to be banished for disobeying the dictatorship of the planet. Later Duplicate Boy and his four teammates were tricked into battling the Legion of Super-Heroes by Dr Marden King, a relative of Jungle King, whose death he blamed on the Legion."@en . "[defaults to 125]"@en . . "Duplicate Boy"@en . . . . . "Duplicate Boy was a member of the Heroes of Lallor, he was one of the five born with super-powers as a result of a nuclear accident on the planet. He was raised alongside the other four mutants by the government, only to be banished for disobeying the dictatorship of the planet. Later Duplicate Boy and his four teammates were tricked into battling the Legion of Super-Heroes by Dr Marden King, a relative of Jungle King, whose death he blamed on the Legion. Duplicate Boy and Shrinking Violet fell in love despite their teams' hostilities.The two teams eventually parted peacefully and remained as allies after the people of Lallor overthrew their dictatorship and invited the Heroes of Lallor to return. Duplicate Boy along with the rest of his team then assisted the Legion in battling Darkseid and his Daxamite army in their attempt to conquer the universe. Following Darksied's defeat, the Heroes of Lallor helped in rebuilding. During this time he used telescopic vision to spy on Shrinking Violet, who he learned had started a relationship with fellow Legionnaire, Colossal Boy, earning him Duplicate Boy's wrath. Duplicate Boy tracked down Colossal Boy and gave him a severe beating, only to stop when he noticed that 'Violet' the real Shrinking Violet. He left without telling anyone what he had learned. Eventually, the true Violet returned, having been kidnapped by rebels of her home planet Imsk and replaced by a Durlan, Yera. Angry that Duplicate Boy had learned of her being replaced and kept it a secret, Violet ended their relationship. Duplicateboy-JR.gif Duplicate-boyrat.gif Duplicate boy24.gif Duplicate Boy_BOF.PNG Duplicate Boy1-Heroes of Lallor-Elp.gif Duplicate Boy2-Heroes of Lallor-Elp.gif Classic Duplicate Boy Act318 JR rr.gif Rev_Duplicate_Boy_SLSH219_JR_rr.gif Duplicator-Ord Quelu.gif"@en . "Duplicate Boy"@en . . . . . . .