. "Slayerdramon is a Dragon Man Digimon whose name and design are derived from \"Slayer Dramon\". Its body is clad in Chrome Digizoid scale armour, and it is said that its form is one that can only be attained by those who complete the training that is called the \"Trial of the Four Great Dragons\", which can only be challenged by Dragon Digimon. It carries the extensible greatsword \"Fragarach\", and has mastered its original ultimate fencing technique, \"Ry\u016Bzanken\" (\u7ADC\u65AC\u5263 \"Ry\u016Bzanken\"? lit. \"Dragon Slashing Sword\"). There are three forms within Ry\u016Bzanken, from the first to the third."@en . "Dragon Man"@en . "Mega"@en . "Slayerdramon is a Dragon Man Digimon whose name and design are derived from \"Slayer Dramon\". Its body is clad in Chrome Digizoid scale armour, and it is said that its form is one that can only be attained by those who complete the training that is called the \"Trial of the Four Great Dragons\", which can only be challenged by Dragon Digimon. It carries the extensible greatsword \"Fragarach\", and has mastered its original ultimate fencing technique, \"Ry\u016Bzanken\" (\u7ADC\u65AC\u5263 \"Ry\u016Bzanken\"? lit. \"Dragon Slashing Sword\"). There are three forms within Ry\u016Bzanken, from the first to the third."@en . "Dramon-type"@en . . . "*"@en . "Slayerdramon"@en . . . . "\u30B9\u30EC\u30A4\u30E4\u30FC\u30C9\u30E9\u30E2\u30F3"@en . . . . "Vaccine"@en . "Thuraiyadramon"@en . . . ", ,"@en . . . . . "Dragon's Roar"@en . "Slayerdramon"@en .