"Gemmer Sojan was a Human male from Mimban who served the Rebel Alliance as a pilot. Originally a member of Blue Squadron, he flew the transport Bearing Lifter during the evacuation of Hoth, the ice planet that was home to the Rebels from 2 to 3 ABY. In the wake of the battle, he was integrated into Rogue Squadron, a brand new elite starfighter group led by Commander Luke Skywalker, one of the Heroes of Yavin. Sometime later, Sojan was stationed at the temporary Rebel base on Golrath, where he acquired a stone paperweight as a souvenir. The Rebels, however, needed a more temperate setting for their facilities, and Sojan helped the Alliance scout the planet Arbra in the Outer Rim Territories, as a possible location for a new base of operations. This ultimately led to the establishment of Hav"@en . . "Gemmer Sojan was a Human male from Mimban who served the Rebel Alliance as a pilot. Originally a member of Blue Squadron, he flew the transport Bearing Lifter during the evacuation of Hoth, the ice planet that was home to the Rebels from 2 to 3 ABY. In the wake of the battle, he was integrated into Rogue Squadron, a brand new elite starfighter group led by Commander Luke Skywalker, one of the Heroes of Yavin. Sometime later, Sojan was stationed at the temporary Rebel base on Golrath, where he acquired a stone paperweight as a souvenir. The Rebels, however, needed a more temperate setting for their facilities, and Sojan helped the Alliance scout the planet Arbra in the Outer Rim Territories, as a possible location for a new base of operations. This ultimately led to the establishment of Haven Base and an alliance with the native Hoojibs. Shortly afterwards, Sojan took part in one of the most fruitful missions launched from Haven Base. Along with Commander Skywalker and two other Rogues, he was tasked with flying a refitted TIE/LN starfighter into battle on planet Spindrift in order to take control of that planet's Imperial outpost. Sometime later, the stone Sojan had picked on Golrath began to pulsate with strange lights and kept him from sleeping properly. It was discovered that the stone projected holoimagery that could warn the Imperials of the current Rebel base's location. Because of that, Princess Leia Organa ordered an immediate raid on Golrath to destroy their former base, and a battle ensued. In 4 ABY, when the Rebel Alliance made a decisive move against the Empire over Endor, Sojan flew with Arvel Crynyd's Green Squadron, under the call sign Green Two. During the battle of Endor, Sojan destroyed the Imperial battlecruiser Pride of Tarlandia. Ultimately, the Alliance emerged victor of the confrontation, upon which the Empire shattered."@en . "Gemmer"@en . . . . "Rebel"@en . . . . . "Gemmer Sojan"@en . . . . . . "Gemmer Sojan"@en . . . . "Gemmer Sojan"@en . . "Blue"@en . . . "*Alliance to Restore the Republic\n**Blue Squadron\n**Rogue Squadron\n**Green Squadron"@en . . . . "Light"@en . .