"*\"Come on iiiin, you are missing the Fuun!\"\n*\"All around the Sta-actus plant, the stalker chased the bandit, the stalker thought 'twas all in fun - POP! Goes the bandit!\"\n*\"Oh haiiii!\"\n*\"Roland told me you were comin' - I still owe him for all that buttcrap with General Rancid. So, you gotta hijack a train, hunh? Chiiild's play! Lemme introduce you to my ladies.\"\n*\"Runnin', runnin', runnin', I'm runnin' over here, run, run, run-run, run.\"\n*\"This here's Mushy Snugglebites, and this is Felicia Sexopants. These fiiiine-ass womens could stop that train for yas, but I'ma need their badonkadonks first, and they got stoled by the bandits a few days ago. Go get 'em!\"\n*\"Naptime!\"\n*\"That's right, bitches - my big brudder's about to teach you some MANNERS. Nobody steals Mushy Snugglebites' badonkadonk and lives!\"\n*\"That's Mushy Snugglebites' badonkadonk. She's my main squeeze. Lady's got a gut fulla' dynamite and a booty like POOOW!\"\n*\"Got the badonkadonks? Best day evaaaa. Bring 'em back here and I'll use 'em to make some fine-ass damsels who can hijack that train for yas.\"\n*\"Hey I told ya'z to get outta heeya, get out or do I gotta shank a bitch?\"\n*\"Get-outta-my-shop-or-I'll-punch-yo-butt. That's-how-Tiny-Tina-roll.\"\n*\"Put a little bomb in the hot ass damsel, blow stuff up and make people die.\"\n*\"I'm a little teapot, bloody and cut. Here is my handle and here is my butt.*explosion noise* Oops.\"\n*\"Squishy. Squishy squishy squishy.\"\n*\"Oh daaaaaayum, you lookin' good, ladies. Let's get to work.\"\n*That's right. Twin sisters, man. Hhhahhhhhh. Take 'em. Take 'em take 'em take 'em take 'em.\"\n*\"Just put my damsels near the choo-choo track and set 'em off! Good plan? Great plan!\"\n*\"You're cordially invited BITCH!!!\"\n*\"When you are ready to begin the Tea-Party, please smack Mister Flesh Stick in his bitch face.\"\n*\"Gonna eat so many goddamn crumpets, it's going to be a Crumpocolypse.\"\n*\"Ten... Nine...\" *launches rockets* \"I got bored.\"\n*\"BURN ALL THE BABIES!!!!!\"\n*\n*\"Make it RAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!\"\n*\"Sup, sucka? It's Tina. I wrote you a poem and it goes a little somethin' like this BREAK IT DOWN. Ahem. Kill Jack. Kill Jack. Kill Jack kill Jack kill Jack KIIIILL JAAAAACK! Kill Jack. A poem by Tiny Tina.\"\n*\"Climb the pipe to the train or you'll go insane wut wut. That's a rap song I wrote.\"\n*\"Get some cookies, so you can eat 'em and grow up big and strong and kick Piston in the butt-butt.\"\n*\"Real badasses eat chocolate chip cookies, I'ma gonna get that tattooed across my back in Old English font.\"\n*\"Wait a minute. Those cookies aren't chocolate chip. Those...are...raisins. WHYYYYYY-HY-HYYYYY?! SHAWTY, DESTROY ALL THE FOOD DISPENSERS! WIPE THE RAISIN ABOMINATIONS OFF THE MAP! I JUST WANTED CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES! WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE?\"\n*\"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. Do you know who just arrived in Beatdown? SULLY THE STABBER! He's my THIRD favorite mass-murderer in the ENTIRE WORLD! You HAVE to go get his autograph for me.\"\n*\"Get his signature on this. Please. PLEASEpleasepleasepleasepleaseplease! If you don't get his autograph I'm gonna DIEEEEE. He's my favoritest. He killed every living person on the Bathymas with nothing but a rusty butterknife. If you don't take it I'm gonna start crying. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. [making a song out of it] oh-baby please please PLEASE! That was 'Please' by Tiny Tina with Vault Hunter on bass.\"\n*\"He said...no? Well. There's only one thing to do -- look him in the eye, nod politely, and KILL THE LIVING CRAP OUT OF HIM!\""@en . . . "Tiny Tina"@en . "NPC"@en . . "TNSDMysteries: The Nutcracker Scoob"@en . . "--02-21"^^ . "Tiny Tina is a toddler in the childrens home run by Mrs. Featherwig."@en . "thumb|right|150px|The photo of Tina and Roland.\n* She is introduced as an old friend of Roland's and she has a picture of them together in her room. Roland also mentions beforehand that, \"I've saved her life a few times, and she has saved mine more times than I can count.\"\n*There are a few unique weapons that are associated with Tiny Tina. These weapons include pink hearted camouflage and/or stuffed bunny image decals.\n**Teapot\n**Cobra\n**Boom Puppy\n*Tina's voice is performed by Ashly Burch, sister of Anthony Burch - Lead writer of Borderlands 2. She is also credited with the voice of the cursed gun, Bane.\n* Tina has unusual gender-specific dialogue, referring to both male and female Vault Hunters as \"girl.\" She also makes a number of sexual comments in an appreciative manner in regards the female members of her tea party, whilst during the Assault on Dragon Keep storyline she confesses to liking Maya in The Siren's invitation, asking if Maya likes her in turn. Additionally, her original motivation for helping the Vault Hunters train for Mad Moxxi was going to be due to her having a crush on Mad Moxxi.\n*Tina switches verbal mannerisms frequently. Her speech styles include a stereotypical inner-city American speech pattern, little girl speech patterns, stereotypically pretentious British English speech, to randomly violent and murderous speech, and others."@en . . . . . "Black"@en . . "Tiny Tina is an explosives expert from Borderlands 2. Despite her young age of 13 she is quite knowledgeable about her line of work. The Vault Hunters require her assistance when they need to stop a Hyperion supply train which they believed carries a Vault Key. She gives the group the task of finding two rockets so she can attach her toys in order to complete the mission. She also offers missions herself which require the player to find certain people and items in order to have a tea party. \"Come on iiiin, you are missing the Fuun!\" - Tiny Tina"@en . . "Female"@en . "Human"@en . . "Tina and her parents were sold to Hyperion to become test subjects for Jack's slag mutation experiments, an event which led to the deaths of her parents. She escaped their fate using a grenade that she had hidden in her dress at her mother's insistence, and once she was free of Hyperion's reach she vowed revenge on the man that had sold her family: Flesh-Stick."@en . "===Borderlands 2===\nTiny Tina's demolitions expertise is called into action when a Hyperion supply train believed to be carrying a Vault key needs to be stopped. With that objective in sight, she then sets the Vault Hunters to the task of finding two rockets to carry a 'suicide'-bomber toy each, and then to set them on target.\n\nHer collaboration with the Vault Hunters continues when she has them gather items and guests for a very special tea party. During the final mission Tina will contact the Vault Hunters and wish them luck in stopping Hyperion and even reads them a poem repeatedly telling the Vault Hunters to 'kill Jack'.\nMr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage\nTina appears in a supporting role in Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage. Initially she is hired by Mad Moxxi to help the Vault Hunters train prior to battling Motor Momma, but also asks their assistance in obtaining the autograph of her third favorite mass-murderer, Sully the Stabber, as well as walking her \"puppy\", a Badass Fire Skag named Enrique. She also provides commentary on many of the Vault Hunters' actions throughout the course of the DLC.\nTiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep\nTina takes on the role of the 'Bunker Master' for the game 'Bunkers & Badasses', where she is shown to be bad at this, by fumbling in such ways as creating impossible fights early on and not balancing the gameplay in certain areas. The real problems underlying Tina's mental state start becoming more apparent as the player progresses, being obsessed with eating only crumpets and constantly trying to insert a manifestation of the now deceased Roland whenever she wants to, to the dismay of the other Vault Hunters. Tiny Tina's character develops over the course of the campaign and she learns to accept Roland's death.\nBorderlands: The Pre-Sequel\nTina makes her first appearance during the game while Lilith was interrogating Athena, inviting the Vault Hunters to play another round of Bunkers and Badasses, but was turned down.\nLater, after Athena finishes telling her story, Tina introduces herself and requests Athena to tell a story about fighting a raid boss. As she had no idea what a raid boss was, she \"came up\" with a story about fighting one . After that, Tina requests Athena to tell the story of her working for Handsome Jack again."@en . . "Tiny Tina is an explosives expert from Borderlands 2. Despite her young age of 13 she is quite knowledgeable about her line of work. The Vault Hunters require her assistance when they need to stop a Hyperion supply train which they believed carries a Vault Key. She gives the group the task of finding two rockets so she can attach her toys in order to complete the mission. She also offers missions herself which require the player to find certain people and items in order to have a tea party. Tiny Tina appears in two Downloadable Content games, the first being Mr. Torgue\u2019s Campaign of Carnage where she helps the Vault Hunters train prior to battling Motor Momma. She also gets the group to obtain the autograph of her third favourite mass-murderer and help her walk her puppy, a Fire Skag named Enrique. In Tiny Tina\u2019s Assault on Dragon Keep the group plays a Dungeons and Dragons-esque game called Bunkers and Badasses. At first the gameplay is not balanced, but as she fixes this the player learns about her past and Tiny Tina also undergoes some character development. \"Come on iiiin, you are missing the Fuun!\" - Tiny Tina"@en . "*Borderlands 2\n**Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage\n**Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep\n*Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel"@en . "Borderlands 2"@en . "Black"@en . "Teen angst with anger issues and explosives"@en . . . "Tiny Tina is a toddler in the childrens home run by Mrs. Featherwig."@en . "22.0"^^ . . . "Human"@en . . "Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel"@en .