"Athame (\u30A2\u30BB\u30A4\u30DF\u30CA\u30A4\u30D5?) is a weapon in the series."@en . "Athame"@fr . "4"^^ . . "Ueno Black Market"@en . "36"^^ . "Knife"@en . "95"^^ . "p3"@en . "98"^^ . . "An athame is a ritual dagger mainly used in Wicca as well as other neopagan traditions."@en . "smt2"@en . . "Athame"@en . . . . "smtif"@en . . "fifth"@en . "64549"^^ . . "Athame jest to specjalna bro\u0144, kt\u00F3ra poprzez wbicie jej w ofiar\u0119 powoduje, \u017Ce wszystkie moce zabitego wchodz\u0105 w jej ostrze, a dalej s\u0105 wch\u0142aniane przez w\u0142a\u015Bciciela. W sezonie 6, w epizodzie Witch Wars, Phoebe Halliwell u\u017Cy\u0142a tego sztyletu, aby pokona\u0107 wiele demon\u00F3w. Broni tej jednak u\u017Cywaj\u0105 zwykle Czarnoksi\u0119\u017Cnicy, kt\u00F3rzy dzi\u0119ki temu s\u0105 w stanie przechwyci\u0107 bardzo wiele mocy czarownic. Nie wiadomo czy taki typ sztyletu podzia\u0142a na istoty nietypowej budowy jak Shocker Demon, Water Demon, czy Slime Demon. Nie wiadomo czy w\u0142o\u017Cenie Athame w cia\u0142o zbudowane z wody lub \u015Bluzu spowoduje otworzenie si\u0119 \"kana\u0142u', kt\u00F3rym mo\u017Cna wch\u0142on\u0105\u0107 moce."@pl . . "18.7"^^ . "14"^^ . "To kill and vanquish magical beings and steal their powers"@en . "-"@en . "Athame"@es . . "48.6"^^ . . . "majin2"@en . . "*Witches\n*Warlocks\n*Demons\n*Mortals"@en . "-"@en . . . . "Un athame era una daga ritual hecha a partir de un trozo de metal o de s\u00EDlex tallado que hab\u00EDa sido bendecida por los Dioses Oscuros y pose\u00EDa la capacidad de alterar el mismo tejido de la realidad. La Legi\u00F3n Traidora de los Portadores de la Palabra utiliz\u00F3 athames durante la Batalla de Calth al inicio de la Herej\u00EDa de Horus. Varios de los Cultistas del Caos desplegados por ellos en la superficie de Calth fueron recompensados con estos cuchillos, que al haber sido bendecidos por los Ap\u00F3stoles Oscuros eran considerados una se\u00F1al de poder, y que emplearon para practicar miles de sacrificios humanos en preparaci\u00F3n para la lucha."@es . . "An Athame is a double edged ceremonial knife that witches often use to direct energies in their daily practices and rituals. Warlocks generally use athames in their ambitions to kill witches in order to obtain their powers. Though, demons such as Belthazor also enjoyed killing witches with athames, he had several in his altar, and was also able to summon them. There is a unique type of athame, which serves to strip someone of their powers when stabbing the person, called a Power-Sucking Athame. It differs from normal athames as powers are stored and can be used when equipped with the athame, while normal ones just instantly transfer the power from the victim into the warlock. They can also be used to scry if the blade is smeared with the blood of the target."@en . "15"^^ . . "25"^^ . . . "-"@en . "+2"@en . "13.3"^^ . "22"^^ . "16"^^ . "O athame \u00E9 uma faca de cabo preto tradicional das bruxas. Ele \u00E9 utilizado para lan\u00E7ar o c\u00EDrculo m\u00E1gico, para tra\u00E7ar emblemas m\u00E1gicos no ar, para direcionar a energia e para controlar e banir esp\u00EDritos. A faca atualmente tamb\u00E9m \u00E9 utilizada para representar o aspecto masculino da divindade e como um s\u00EDmbolo da vontade. Algumas bruxas s\u00F3 usam as suas facas em rituais e feiti\u00E7os, mas outras acreditam que, quanto mais for usada a faca (mesmo em situa\u00E7\u00F5es cotidianas), mais poderosa ela se torna. A escolha \u00E9 pessoal."@pt . "25"^^ . . "18"^^ . . "smt4"@en . . "13.3"^^ . "-"@en . "AT Bootite II x2, Nymph Swimsuit x3, UMA Skin x9"@en . "20"^^ . . . "22"^^ . "N/A"@en . . "Athames are almost completely identical to daggers, even using the dagger weapon skill. However, athames are exceptionally suited for engraving. Any non-cursed athame will not dull from engraving, (although any athame that has an enchantment of -3 or lower is too dull to engrave with, regardless of blessed/uncursed/cursed status) and athames engrave at up to 19 letters per turn rather than 1 letter per turn. They are useful for writing messages and Elbereth. Athames are rarer than daggers, as they are never randomly generated. However, the first gift that a wizard receives from his/her god is always Magicbane, a neutrally-aligned artifact athame, and master liches and arch liches have a chance of being generated with an athame. For master liches, the chance is 6/91 (about 6.6%); for arch liches it is 2/9 (about 22.2%). In addition, there's a 1/260 chance of an arch-lich-dropped athame being the Magicbane. Newt, prisoner in the wizard quest end, often carries one. Finally, prior to 3.3.0, wizards started out with athames."@en . "64549"^^ . . . "Parnitha"@fr . . "Not much is known about this object of power (as of yet) that seemingly it at least just as powerful as the Swords of the Cross, wielded by the White God's own chosen Knights. It has been suggested that the knife is not important because of any specific enchantment or material intrinsic to the knife, but (like the Swords of the Cross) powerful because of it's connection to a previous owner. The Swords are connected to Christ, and the Athame, the Leanansidhe suggests, is likewise connected to a powerful being. The Author has confirmed it was owned at one point by Morgan LeFay, and it gained more power than it may have already possessed by being present and employed in serious workings of Power performed by the original Merlin's fabled rival. \"Bianca presented her with a small black case. Lea opened it, and a slow tremble ran down her body, made her flame-red hair shift and glisten. My godmother closed it again and said, \"A princely gift. Happily, as is the custom of my people, I have brought a matter of equal worth, to exchange with you.\" \"A belt made from a twisted braid of silken threads of gold wound around her waist, and a dark-handled knife rested on a slant at her hip through a loop in the belt.\" \"She rested her fingers lightly on the knife\u2019s hilt. \"Don't cheapen it. This athame was no creation of theirs. And it was less a gift than a trade.\" Amoracchius and that thing are in the same league?\" \"The gown (Mab's) was belted with a woven silver rope, and a slightly curved, single-edged knife of some dark, glassy material hung at an angle through it.\" This athame has been referred to as a treacherous gift by the Leanansidhe because it allowed Nemesis to infect her, and through her Maeve was corrupted. Lea spent years in Winter's Wellspring at the heart of Mab's garden in Arctis Tor recovering from the experience. Mab found out that Lea had infected Maeve as well, but, unlike Lea, Maeve rejected her help and was beyond curing. Mab has only recently mastered her unfathomable fury to the point where her spoken voice is no longer aneurysm inducing."@en . "A ceremonial knife used to redirect energy"@en . "6"^^ . "athame"@en . "Stage 3 Item Shop, 2-9: Treasure"@en . "Athame"@en . . "Athames are almost completely identical to daggers, even using the dagger weapon skill. However, athames are exceptionally suited for engraving. Any non-cursed athame will not dull from engraving, (although any athame that has an enchantment of -3 or lower is too dull to engrave with, regardless of blessed/uncursed/cursed status) and athames engrave at up to 19 letters per turn rather than 1 letter per turn. They are useful for writing messages and Elbereth."@en . "10"^^ . "Thrusting Sword"@en . . "Kunai"@en . "Das Athame ist ein rituelles Messer, das in vielen ritualmagischen Systemen verwendet wird. Traditionell ist es ein zweischneidiger Dolch mit schwarzem Griff und Symbolen an der Klinge. Alternativ wird in gr\u00F6\u00DFeren Covens auch ein Ritualschwert benutzt, welches die selben Eigenschaften erf\u00FCllt."@de . "An Athame is a double edged ceremonial knife that witches often use to direct energies in their daily practices and rituals. Warlocks generally use athames in their ambitions to kill witches in order to obtain their powers. Though, demons such as Belthazor also enjoyed killing witches with athames, he had several in his altar, and was also able to summon them."@en . "An athame is a ritual dagger mainly used in Wicca as well as other neopagan traditions."@en . "48.6"^^ . "G\u00E9ante gazeuse hydrog\u00E8ne-h\u00E9lium, Atham\u00E9 est dot\u00E9e d'anneaux spectaculaires. Sa magnitude apparente depuis Thessia varie selon les conditions atmosph\u00E9riques et la distance relative. Pour les anciennes Asari, \"l'\u00E9toile myst\u00E9rieuse\" qui brillait certains mois pour dispara\u00EEtre les mois suivant \u00E9tait li\u00E9e au destin, c'est pourquoi elle porte aujourd'hui le nom de la matriarche du panth\u00E9on et d\u00E9esse de la proph\u00E9tie et du destin. Le culte d'Atham\u00E9 n'a cess\u00E9 de se transformer avec le temps, pour finalement devenir la base d'une religion monoth\u00E9iste au sein de laquelle ses trois cycles, demoiselle, matrice et matriarche, supervisent tous les aspects et r\u00F4les de la soci\u00E9t\u00E9 asari. Lorsqu'une Asari dit \"par la d\u00E9esse\", elle fait toujours r\u00E9f\u00E9rence \u00E0 Atham\u00E9."@fr . "To further the cause of Horus' rebellion, the Word Bearers' Chaplain Erebus had interpreted the will of the Chaos Gods and devised the means to achieve his lofty goals. The Dark Apostle took the Kinebrach Anathame, the daemonic blade that had mortally wounded Horus and begun his corruption by the Chaos Gods in the Temple of the Serpent Lodge, and prepared to perform an ancient ritual. Within his personal chambers aboard his flagship, the Destiny's Hand, Erebus presented the sword to the statues of the four Ruinous Powers, calling out prayers and incantations, saluting the dread lords of the Warp, each in turn. He had the doors to this chamber barred and his bodyguards standing watch outside. Cowled artisans stood ready at the Dark Apostle's side -- Guldire, chief among the Erebus' Warpsmiths, shadowed by his foremost apprentices. Though it seemed a sacrilege to do what he must, the weapon had already served its purpose -- in this form, at least. Utilising a rune-inscribed hammer from an apprentice Warpsmith, Erebus brought the hammer's head down and began to reforge the baleful weapon into its new forms. With each dolorous hammer blow, the Dark Apostle was able to break off a finger-length sliver of the blade's weird alloys. Though diminished, the Anathame was yet whole. Seven more times did Erebus break the dark blade; seven more shards were commended to his Warpsmiths, until finally he was done. The shards had been knapped from the blade by his own hand, in accordance with the old rituals. Then they were grown in the blood of the Neverborn, and fashioned into fine implements \u2013 each alike, but no two exactly the same. The fracturing of the Anathame was but the first step down a longer path. The diminished blade would be disposed of as the Dark Apostle had originally been instructed. Six daggers were forged from the metal taken from the Anathame for those Word Bearers who would lead the assault against the Ultramarines Legion on Calth; Dark Cardinal Kor Phaeron, Chief Librarian-Sorcerer Quor Vondar, Phael Rabor, Morpal Cxir, Foedral Fell, and Hol Beloth. The seventh was to be carried by Sergeant Kolos Undil, the leader of Erebus' cadre of bodyguards. The eighth and final dagger was forged for himself. Each of these servants of the Dark Gods could feel the untapped power that emanated from the dark blades. These were no mere ritual Athames, but true tools of the Gods. Although all the blades were similar -- hilts bound in black leather or wire, marked with golden runes and tied with devotional ribbon -- the blades were all markedly different. Crooked, or straight, one forked, another with waved edges. All were, however, of the same flinty black metal that pained the eyes. Though initially insulted that the bearer of one of these daggers was a mere sergeant, Erebus assured his fellow Word Bearers that Undil's possession of one would not diminish the potency of the rest, nor the honour in carrying one. Undil was a renowned warrior within the XVIIth Legion, as devout as his master and almost as devious. Erebus informed the bearers of the Athames that the blades were gifts of the gods. They possessed the power to shield the wielder from harm, or to aid him in the working of great sorceries. However, these esoteric weapons were dependent on the ability of he who carried them. These Athames were not merely ritual tokens, but tools of enlightenment. A wound from them could turn the mightiest Loyalist hero to the Traitors' cause, opening their eyes to the majesty of Chaos, and the perfidy of the Emperor. If the Word Bearers Primarch Lorgar intended to rid himself of Erebus, then he would be disappointed. That the eight Shards of Erebus now also offered his fellow commanders the opportunity of escape from Calth was unimportant to him. Whether or not they would learn how to effect flight through the Immaterium using the artefacts should they need it was something he would leave to the will of the gods. During the Battle of Calth, the Ultramarines 4th Company, under the command of Captain Remus Ventanus, converged on the fortress of Leptius Numinus. The Loyalists were able to power up the palace's data-engine and Vox assembly in order to contact other possible surviving Ultramarines, Imperial Army or Loyalist Mechanicum forces. Ventanus eventually established short-range communications with other besieged Ultramarine units. His situation was not unique. All of the Ultramarines on Calth's surface found themselves mired in the same predicament. Soon a large horde of Traitor forces commanded by the XVIIth Legion's Commander Morpal Cxir encircled the palace and launched an attack against its small group of valiant defenders. Terrible carnage was inflicted upon the Loyalist defenders by packs of horrific daemons summoned from the Empyrean as they punched through any breaks within the defensive line. During the ensuing battle, Captain Ventanus unintentionally utilised the Athame taken from Morpal Cxir in an earlier skirmish, and defeat the daemon Samus with it. At the time he had no other weapon at hand, and was amazed by the blade's lethal potency. When his sergeant, Kiuz Selaton, suggested gathering other such similar blades from the fallen Word Bearers and their human servants to utilise against the hordes of daemons that now ravaged Calth's surface, Ventanus wisely refused. But he did keep the Athame he had used and placed it safely in in his belt. At the climax of the Battle of Calth, Primarch Roboute Guilliman personally led his Suzerain Invictarus and whatever supporting Ultramarine forces he could muster to assault on orbital platform controlled by Kor Phaeron and his elite guard. The Dark Cardinal and his warriors each carried an Athame dagger. When confronted by the Primarch in personal battle, the Dark Cardinal was able to stun the Primarch utilising the fell powers granted to him by the Chaos Gods. Rendered temporarily helpless, instead of killing the Primarch, Kor Phaeron toyed with the idea of using his blade's innate abilities in an attempt to turn Guilliman to their cause, as Erebus had already done with Horus. Though he held the blade to the Primarch's throat, piercing his flesh, he was unable to strike a fatal blow. Guilliman was able to resist the dark influence of the malefic blade and launched a lethal counter-attack of his own, impaling Kor Phaeron through his chest with his inert Lightning Claws. This mortal blow forced the Dark Cardinal and the Word Bearers to retreat."@en . "Female only"@en . . "-"@en . . "Das Athame ist ein rituelles Messer, das in vielen ritualmagischen Systemen verwendet wird. Traditionell ist es ein zweischneidiger Dolch mit schwarzem Griff und Symbolen an der Klinge. Alternativ wird in gr\u00F6\u00DFeren Covens auch ein Ritualschwert benutzt, welches die selben Eigenschaften erf\u00FCllt."@de . "Athame"@de . "Athame is a Rogues Gallery Perk. __NoToC__"@en . . "304"^^ . "5"^^ . "Athame is a Rogues Gallery Perk. __NoToC__"@en . "Athame (\u30A2\u30BB\u30A4\u30DF\u30CA\u30A4\u30D5?) is a weapon in the series."@en . "smt1"@en . . . . "dagger"@en . "86400.0"^^ . "An athame, or atham\u00E9, (pronounced \"\u00E4-'th\u00E4-may\") is a wiccan ritual knife. It traditionally has a black handle with magical symbols on it. However, in practice there are many varieties and exceptions. File:Athame.jpg"@en . . "2"^^ . . "p5"@en . "1"^^ . "-"@en . . . . "67"^^ . "Athena Nebula"@en . . "Earth Hours"@en . . "G\u00E9ante gazeuse"@fr . . "Satellites Location: Milky Way / Athena Nebula / Parnitha System / Fifth planet Prerequisite: Priority: The Citadel II (Mass Effect 3)"@en . . "p1"@en . "smtsj"@en . "O athame \u00E9 uma faca de cabo preto tradicional das bruxas. Ele \u00E9 utilizado para lan\u00E7ar o c\u00EDrculo m\u00E1gico, para tra\u00E7ar emblemas m\u00E1gicos no ar, para direcionar a energia e para controlar e banir esp\u00EDritos. A faca atualmente tamb\u00E9m \u00E9 utilizada para representar o aspecto masculino da divindade e como um s\u00EDmbolo da vontade. Algumas bruxas s\u00F3 usam as suas facas em rituais e feiti\u00E7os, mas outras acreditam que, quanto mais for usada a faca (mesmo em situa\u00E7\u00F5es cotidianas), mais poderosa ela se torna. A escolha \u00E9 pessoal. O uso de uma faca sagrada em ritos pag\u00E3os \u00E9 bastante antigo. H\u00E1 um desenho de um vaso grego datado de aproximadamente 200 a.c. que mostra duas bruxas nuas tentando invocar os poderes da Lua para a sua magia. Uma delas est\u00E1 segurando uma varinha e a outra segura uma pequena espada. Em uma j\u00F3ia da Roma Antiga, h\u00E1 a figura de H\u00E9cate na forma tripla, onde seus tr\u00EAs pares de bra\u00E7os seguram os s\u00EDmbolos de uma tocha acesa, um a\u00E7oite e uma adaga m\u00E1gica. Uma xilogravura que ilustra a hist\u00F3ria de Gentibus Septenbrionalibus de Olaus Magnus, publicada em Roma em 1555, mostra uma bruxa controlando alguns fantasmas, brandindo um athame em uma m\u00E3o e um punhado de ervas m\u00E1gicas na outra. O mais curioso \u00E9 como o uso do athame tem sido encontrado em mitos de lugares t\u00E3o distantes. As origens da palavra athame foram perdidas na hist\u00F3ria. Alguns dizem que possa ter vindo de 'A Chave de Salom\u00E3o' (1572) que se refere \u00E0 faca como arthana, enquanto outros afirmam que athame vem da palavra \u00E1rabe al-adhamme (\"letra de sangue\"), que se refere a uma faca sagrada usada na tradi\u00E7\u00E3o mourisca. Em qualquer um dos casos, h\u00E1 manuscritos datados do s\u00E9culo XI que abordam o uso de facas rituais na Magia. O athame geralmente tem cabo mais escuro, n\u00E3o necessariamente preto, e preferencialmente de madeira (por ser mais natural). A l\u00E2mina \u00E9 dupla (dois cortes) e geralmente sem fio (principalmente na Wicca), pois ele serve para cortar energias. No entanto, o athame com corte deixa a simbologia ainda mais real (afinal, s\u00F3 algo que corte na realidade pode cortar no plano astral). Cabe a voc\u00EA decidir o que \u00E9 mais correto em suas pr\u00E1ticas pessoais, nesse sentido. Historicamente, o athame tem o cabo preto para fins de segurar a energia, mas nao h\u00E1 nenhuma regra para isso; o importante \u00E9 voce se identificar com ele. \u00C9 necess\u00E1ria a empatia com o utens\u00EDlio. Muitos bruxos afirmam que o athame \u00E9 de uso exclusivo ritual\u00EDstico e, para fins pr\u00E1ticos (cortar ervas e demais materiais), devemos usar a bolline (faca de cabo branco). Outros autores ainda afirmam que o athame deve ser usado para ambos os fins. Mais uma vez, voc\u00EA escolhe, mas o tradicional \u00E9 que ele seja usado apenas para fins ritual\u00EDsticos. Voc\u00EA deve escolher o que lhe for melhor. Se voc\u00EA seguir uma linha mais tradicional, fa\u00E7a o que for tradicional, para ter coer\u00EAncia. Depende das tradi\u00E7\u00F5es, das vertentes, de voc\u00EA. Na Wicca Tradicional, especificamente, o athame tem o cabo preto, fio duplo e corte."@pt . . . "Athame"@pl . "18.7"^^ . "Athame"@pt . . "pq"@en . . "Q's Blacksmith"@en . "Satellites Location: Milky Way / Athena Nebula / Parnitha System / Fifth planet Prerequisite: Priority: The Citadel II (Mass Effect 3)"@en . . "Planet View"@en . . . "-"@en . . "22"^^ . "smtim"@en . . . . . "G\u00E9ante gazeuse hydrog\u00E8ne-h\u00E9lium, Atham\u00E9 est dot\u00E9e d'anneaux spectaculaires. Sa magnitude apparente depuis Thessia varie selon les conditions atmosph\u00E9riques et la distance relative. Pour les anciennes Asari, \"l'\u00E9toile myst\u00E9rieuse\" qui brillait certains mois pour dispara\u00EEtre les mois suivant \u00E9tait li\u00E9e au destin, c'est pourquoi elle porte aujourd'hui le nom de la matriarche du panth\u00E9on et d\u00E9esse de la proph\u00E9tie et du destin. Le culte d'Atham\u00E9 n'a cess\u00E9 de se transformer avec le temps, pour finalement devenir la base d'une religion monoth\u00E9iste au sein de laquelle ses trois cycles, demoiselle, matrice et matriarche, supervisent tous les aspects et r\u00F4les de la soci\u00E9t\u00E9 asari. Lorsqu'une Asari dit \"par la d\u00E9esse\", elle fait toujours r\u00E9f\u00E9rence \u00E0 Atham\u00E9. Comme Janiri, la plan\u00E8te Atham\u00E9 a servi de point de ralliement lors de l'invasion des Moissonneurs. Les vaisseaux asari en fuite y d\u00E9chargeaient leurs propulseurs avant de pouvoir effectuer leur bond SLM. Les Moissonneurs ont \u00E9t\u00E9 alors forc\u00E9s de chasser les Asari de la plan\u00E8te, ce qui a permis \u00E0 Thessia de gagner un temps pr\u00E9cieux."@fr . "sh"@en . . "-"@en . . "Un athame era una daga ritual hecha a partir de un trozo de metal o de s\u00EDlex tallado que hab\u00EDa sido bendecida por los Dioses Oscuros y pose\u00EDa la capacidad de alterar el mismo tejido de la realidad. La Legi\u00F3n Traidora de los Portadores de la Palabra utiliz\u00F3 athames durante la Batalla de Calth al inicio de la Herej\u00EDa de Horus. Varios de los Cultistas del Caos desplegados por ellos en la superficie de Calth fueron recompensados con estos cuchillos, que al haber sido bendecidos por los Ap\u00F3stoles Oscuros eran considerados una se\u00F1al de poder, y que emplearon para practicar miles de sacrificios humanos en preparaci\u00F3n para la lucha."@es . . . "1"^^ . . . "13"^^ . . . . "None"@en . . "Not much is known about this object of power (as of yet) that seemingly it at least just as powerful as the Swords of the Cross, wielded by the White God's own chosen Knights. It has been suggested that the knife is not important because of any specific enchantment or material intrinsic to the knife, but (like the Swords of the Cross) powerful because of it's connection to a previous owner. The Swords are connected to Christ, and the Athame, the Leanansidhe suggests, is likewise connected to a powerful being. The Author has confirmed it was owned at one point by Morgan LeFay, and it gained more power than it may have already possessed by being present and employed in serious workings of Power performed by the original Merlin's fabled rival."@en . . . . . "R Turret Piece x1, W Horse Piece x5"@en . "smt4a"@en . "N\u00E9buleuse Ath\u00E9na"@fr . . "Parnitha"@en . . . . "133"^^ . . "86400.0"^^ . "-"@en . . . . "-"@en . "Dagger"@en . . . . . . "Police Station, Common Chest: 238/250/256 Floor"@en . "Charge"@en . "The athame is usually used for ritual and magical purposes only, to direct energy; if something such as herbs or cord needs to be cut, another knife called a boline or white-handled knife is used. Exceptions include \"kitchen witchcraft\", which actively encourages the use of magical tools for mundane purposes to increase the witch's familiarity with it. Many traditions associate the athame with the masculine principle and with the element of air, though traditions associating it with fire are not uncommon."@en . "The athame is usually used for ritual and magical purposes only, to direct energy; if something such as herbs or cord needs to be cut, another knife called a boline or white-handled knife is used. Exceptions include \"kitchen witchcraft\", which actively encourages the use of magical tools for mundane purposes to increase the witch's familiarity with it. Many traditions associate the athame with the masculine principle and with the element of air, though traditions associating it with fire are not uncommon. As a masculine principle, it is often used in combination with the cup, as feminine principle, and evokes clearly the act of procreation, as symbol of universal creativity. This moment is the central symbol of the Great Rite in Wicca rituals. Other traditions forbid the ritual use of blades in general, or specifically of iron blades. This is most common amongst traditions that have a particular fondness of the Sidhe, to whom iron is supposedly harmful. There are cleansing rituals to \"break in\" a newly acquired Athame, be it new, or acquired from another person. There is no proven etymology for this word as it does not appear in any European Language. In the book Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft, Prof. Ronald Hutton looks into the possible sources that Gerald Gardner may have used to obtain the word 'athame', but he does not pinpoint any clear single source. Some sources, however, (including Robert Graves) suggest that it is derived from Arabic Al Thame (or Adh-dhame), The Arrow."@en . "Splash Foe in GF. Row"@en . "Athame jest to specjalna bro\u0144, kt\u00F3ra poprzez wbicie jej w ofiar\u0119 powoduje, \u017Ce wszystkie moce zabitego wchodz\u0105 w jej ostrze, a dalej s\u0105 wch\u0142aniane przez w\u0142a\u015Bciciela. W sezonie 6, w epizodzie Witch Wars, Phoebe Halliwell u\u017Cy\u0142a tego sztyletu, aby pokona\u0107 wiele demon\u00F3w. Broni tej jednak u\u017Cywaj\u0105 zwykle Czarnoksi\u0119\u017Cnicy, kt\u00F3rzy dzi\u0119ki temu s\u0105 w stanie przechwyci\u0107 bardzo wiele mocy czarownic."@pl . "An athame, or atham\u00E9, (pronounced \"\u00E4-'th\u00E4-may\") is a wiccan ritual knife. It traditionally has a black handle with magical symbols on it. However, in practice there are many varieties and exceptions. File:Athame.jpg"@en . "171"^^ . "-"@en . "cinqui\u00E8me"@fr . . . "-"@en . . . "iron"@en . "?"@en . "To further the cause of Horus' rebellion, the Word Bearers' Chaplain Erebus had interpreted the will of the Chaos Gods and devised the means to achieve his lofty goals. The Dark Apostle took the Kinebrach Anathame, the daemonic blade that had mortally wounded Horus and begun his corruption by the Chaos Gods in the Temple of the Serpent Lodge, and prepared to perform an ancient ritual. Within his personal chambers aboard his flagship, the Destiny's Hand, Erebus presented the sword to the statues of the four Ruinous Powers, calling out prayers and incantations, saluting the dread lords of the Warp, each in turn. He had the doors to this chamber barred and his bodyguards standing watch outside. Cowled artisans stood ready at the Dark Apostle's side -- Guldire, chief among the Erebus' Warpsmit"@en . . "N/A"@en . "Gas Giant"@en . "31"^^ . . . "N/A"@en .