. . "Moon Phases, zu deutsch Mondphasen, sind ein Element der Spielmechanik, das in Final Fantasy IV: The After Years zum Tragen kommt. Dabei beeinflussen die unterschiedlichen Phasen des Mondes sowohl die Protagonisten, als auch die Gegner. Die einzelnen Phasen lauten New Moon (dt: Neumond), Waxing Moon (dt: Zunehmender Mond), Full Moon (dt: Vollmond) und Waning Moon (dt: Abnehmender Mond) und wechseln in eben dieser Reihenfolge."@de . . . . . . "thumb|right|Moon Phase w PGSM Moon Phase (jap. \u30E0\u30FC\u30F3\u30FB\u30D5\u30A7\u30A4\u30BA) \u2013 przedmiot, kt\u00F3ry Usagi dosta\u0142a od Mamoru. Wyst\u0119puje tylko w PGSM. Jest odpowiednikiem zegarka Mamoru w mandze i pozytywki w anime. Mamoru da\u0142 Usagi Moon Phase jako prezent w akcie 36. Gdy ch\u0142opak zosta\u0142 porwany przez Kr\u00F3low\u0105 Beryl, zegarek z\u0142ama\u0142 si\u0119 wzd\u0142u\u017C tarczy, lecz gdy p\u00F3\u017Aniej Usagi wzi\u0119\u0142a go, naprawi\u0142 si\u0119 sam, lecz nadal nie tyka\u0142."@pl . . . . . . "Moon Phase"@de . . . . . . . "Moon Phase"@pl . "thumb|right|Moon Phase w PGSM Moon Phase (jap. \u30E0\u30FC\u30F3\u30FB\u30D5\u30A7\u30A4\u30BA) \u2013 przedmiot, kt\u00F3ry Usagi dosta\u0142a od Mamoru. Wyst\u0119puje tylko w PGSM. Jest odpowiednikiem zegarka Mamoru w mandze i pozytywki w anime. Mamoru da\u0142 Usagi Moon Phase jako prezent w akcie 36. Gdy ch\u0142opak zosta\u0142 porwany przez Kr\u00F3low\u0105 Beryl, zegarek z\u0142ama\u0142 si\u0119 wzd\u0142u\u017C tarczy, lecz gdy p\u00F3\u017Aniej Usagi wzi\u0119\u0142a go, naprawi\u0142 si\u0119 sam, lecz nadal nie tyka\u0142. Moon Phase by\u0142 wzorowany na zegarku Mamoru w mandze, kt\u00F3ry nie dzia\u0142aj\u0105c od pocz\u0105tku zacz\u0105\u0142 chodzi\u0107 do ty\u0142u w momencie, gdy bohaterowie zacz\u0119li przypomina\u0107 sobie przesz\u0142o\u015B\u0107. Gdy zegarek ponownie przesta\u0142 chodzi\u0107 by\u0142o to dla Usagi znakiem, \u017Ce Mamoru \u017Cyje. Moon Phase by\u0142 r\u00F3wnie\u017C wzorowany na pozytywce z anime, jednak mia\u0142a ona ca\u0142kiem inn\u0105 funkcj\u0119."@pl . "Moon Phases, zu deutsch Mondphasen, sind ein Element der Spielmechanik, das in Final Fantasy IV: The After Years zum Tragen kommt. Dabei beeinflussen die unterschiedlichen Phasen des Mondes sowohl die Protagonisten, als auch die Gegner. Die einzelnen Phasen lauten New Moon (dt: Neumond), Waxing Moon (dt: Zunehmender Mond), Full Moon (dt: Vollmond) und Waning Moon (dt: Abnehmender Mond) und wechseln in eben dieser Reihenfolge."@de . . . . . . "The Moon Phase system is first explained by Biggs and Wedge at the beginning of Ceodore's tales in The After Years as a mysterious side effect of the phases of the moon. During each phase, one particular type of battle command will have its effectiveness lowered, indicated by red lettering, while another is raised, indicated by green lettering. This condition not only applies to playable characters, but to enemies as well, and can be used to directly affect the difficulty of some battles with proper planning. There are a total of four different phases that always follow the same cycle\u2014New, Waning, Waxing, and Full. Phases are cycled every time the player uses a tent or cottage, stays at an inn, or happen automatically after thirty minutes of playtime. In addition to affecting battle parameters, certain enemies will only appear during a specific Moon Phase in certain areas. The effects of Moon Phases still occur even when the player is on the Red Moon or True Moon. The Moon Phase will also affect the power of Band abilities - if a Band ability uses commands to calculate damage that are weaker under the current phase, the Band will be weaker as well. The Divine Heal Band specifically has a different effect depending on the Moon Phase."@en . "Moon Phase"@en . . "The Moon Phase system is first explained by Biggs and Wedge at the beginning of Ceodore's tales in The After Years as a mysterious side effect of the phases of the moon. During each phase, one particular type of battle command will have its effectiveness lowered, indicated by red lettering, while another is raised, indicated by green lettering. This condition not only applies to playable characters, but to enemies as well, and can be used to directly affect the difficulty of some battles with proper planning."@en .