. . . "\u4EE3\u308F\u308B\u4EE3\u308F\u308B\u306E\u5B9F"@en . . "Replace something"@en . "Replace-Replace Fruit"@en . . "Kawaru Kawaru no Mi"@en . . "The Kawaru Kawaru no Mi is Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows user to replace broken parts of objects and living creatures body parts with anything. \"Kawaru\" means literally replace in japanese. it was eaten by Dover Stones."@en . "Kawaru Kawaru no Mi"@en . . "The Kawaru Kawaru no Mi is Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows user to replace broken parts of objects and living creatures body parts with anything. \"Kawaru\" means literally replace in japanese. it was eaten by Dover Stones."@en .