. . "Babil"@en . "Land"@en . "According to Sir Leonard Woolley's thesis (a world renowned British archaeologist who excavated in Mesopotamia for decades) Sumerians were indeed Aryans and linguistic evidence shows a great deal of connection to support this to go along with all the found cultural artifacts and even preserved statues. The Semitic (and as attested blood thirsty) Akkadians in the third millennium BC invaded Sumer (Shinar) and began to push out and outright took over Sumer and eventually much of Mesopotamia. The Sumerians themselves were the descendants of the Armenian Aryan settled communities in Armenia and Caucasus which is attested by archaeological evidence that they gradually moved down to northern and later southern Mesopotamia in the fifth millennium BC as the water began to recede (in the sixth millennium much of southern Mesopotamia was under water hence all the epic stories of Flood and the hero in the Epic of Gilgamesh). Just few of the remarkable artifacts found by Sir Woolley and others."@en . "Offensive"@en . . "Asian"@en . "This image depicts an artistic reconstruction of a Sumerian Ziggurat in the city of Ur."@en . "Central Asia"@en . . "+50% Catapult fire rate\n+15 Villager hit points\nFarm production doubled"@en . . "The Sumerians are widely regarded as the first civilization to develop real cities, as well as the wheel and a writing system. The Sumerian civilization was based in southern Mesopotamia, or what is today known as southern Iraq. Circa 2112 BCE, it is recorded that King Utukhegal of Ur finally got rid of the Gutians and effectively establish what would be the third dynasty of Ur. This lasted until about 2002 BCE, when the Elamites finally put an end to Sumerian influence once and for all."@en . . "Sumerians"@en . "According to Sir Leonard Woolley's thesis (a world renowned British archaeologist who excavated in Mesopotamia for decades) Sumerians were indeed Aryans and linguistic evidence shows a great deal of connection to support this to go along with all the found cultural artifacts and even preserved statues. The Semitic (and as attested blood thirsty) Akkadians in the third millennium BC invaded Sumer (Shinar) and began to push out and outright took over Sumer and eventually much of Mesopotamia. The Sumerians themselves were the descendants of the Armenian Aryan settled communities in Armenia and Caucasus which is attested by archaeological evidence that they gradually moved down to northern and later southern Mesopotamia in the fifth millennium BC as the water began to recede (in the sixth mill"@en . "The Sumerians are widely regarded as the first civilization to develop real cities, as well as the wheel and a writing system. The Sumerian civilization was based in southern Mesopotamia, or what is today known as southern Iraq. They are believed to have been of either Near-Eastern or Dravidian origin. Located along the Tigris and Euphrates valley, the Sumerian hegemony had its initial beginnings under the leadership of a conqueror by the name of Lugal-anne-mundu sometime around 2900 BCE. During his time the power of Sumer extended from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. He seems to have lacked heirs for the empire collapsed upon his death. It wasn't until the high priests of Lagash set themselves up as kings that the Sumerian Empire was re-established on a more long-lasting basis. In 2334 BCE, the Lagash dynasty gave way to Sargon of Akkadia, who hailed from the Semitic Akkadians who came from the Arabian Peninsula. Sargon took over and started his own dynasty that gave rise to the first empire, the Akkadian Empire, which lasted until about 2193 BCE or thereabouts. It's not entirely clear what happened except that the Sargonian dynasty appears to have suffered decay from within. Suffice to say, it was unable to adequately respond to the Gutian Barbarians, and like Rome over a thousand years later, it was overrun and collapsed. Notwithstanding the resulting chaos, Sumer was not done with being an empire. Circa 2112 BCE, it is recorded that King Utukhegal of Ur finally got rid of the Gutians and effectively establish what would be the third dynasty of Ur. This lasted until about 2002 BCE, when the Elamites finally put an end to Sumerian influence once and for all."@en . . "The Sumerians are a barbarian nation in the Conquer the World campaign. They are based on Sumer, which arose from the 4th millennium BCE, if not earlier, in southern Mesopotamia, as the first urban civilization in recorded history, and responsible for the beginning of recorded history itself, developing one of the first and most influential writing systems ever known. Besides being one of the first writers, astronomers, and agricultural peoples in the world, Sumerian breakthroughs heavily influenced human history to this very day, inventing the wheel, arithmetic, the first city-states, and, quite probably, the first professional army."@en . . . . . "The Sumerians are a barbarian nation in the Conquer the World campaign. They are based on Sumer, which arose from the 4th millennium BCE, if not earlier, in southern Mesopotamia, as the first urban civilization in recorded history, and responsible for the beginning of recorded history itself, developing one of the first and most influential writing systems ever known. Besides being one of the first writers, astronomers, and agricultural peoples in the world, Sumerian breakthroughs heavily influenced human history to this very day, inventing the wheel, arithmetic, the first city-states, and, quite probably, the first professional army. In the \"The Entire World\" Campaign, they occupy the Unclaimed Territories of Western Asia, sharing the Asian continent with the Khmers, which control the Unclaimed Territories of Eastern Asia. Like every other barbarian nation, they use the Barbarian unique units and have the Power of Sacrifice from the Aztecs. If the player controls the Aztecs, then they will use the Mayan Power of Architecture instead. Their building style is Asian and their unit style is Asian."@en . "Egyptian"@en . . "Asian"@en . . "The eight-pointed star, symbol of Inanna, Sumerian goddess of love and fertility, associated with Uruk, one of the earliest Sumerian settlements, its largest city and main centre in Sumer's early history."@en . . . . .