. "In the anime, this country was said to be home to many shinobi clans, who had been used in a hopeless war, with the clans suffering heavily. Many of the survivors joined Orochimaru, lured by his power to help them revive their clans."@en . . . "In the anime, this country was said to home to many shinobi clans, who had been used in a hopeless war, with the clans suffering heavily. Many of the survivors joined Orochimaru, lured by his power to help them revive their clans."@en . . "In the anime, this country was said to home to many shinobi clans, who had been used in a hopeless war, with the clans suffering heavily. Many of the survivors joined Orochimaru, lured by his power to help them revive their clans."@en . . . . . . "In the anime, this country was said to be home to many shinobi clans, who had been used in a hopeless war, with the clans suffering heavily. Many of the survivors joined Orochimaru, lured by his power to help them revive their clans."@en . . "Land of Sound"@en . .