"Parte II: 53.4 kg"@it . "Hier sind die Waffen und die Steuerungen, Durchf\u00FChrungen und Auswirkungen der Jutsus von Shikamaru Nara aufgelistet und erkl\u00E4rt."@de . . "Shikamaru Nara (\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB, Nara Shikamaru) es un ninja de Konoha que pertenece al Clan Nara. Fue miembro del Equipo Asuma junto con sus compa\u00F1eros Ch\u014Dji Akimichi e Ino Yamanaka. Se cas\u00F3 con Temari y tuvo un hijo llamado Shikadai Nara. Shikamaru fue el subcomandante de la Cuarta Divisi\u00F3n de la Gran Alianza Shinobi durante la Cuarta Guerra Mundial Shinobi. Varios a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s, se convirti\u00F3 en el nuevo l\u00EDder del Clan Nara y en el consejero del S\u00E9ptimo Hokage Naruto Uzumaki."@en . . "\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB"@fr . . . "Shikamaru Nara"@en . "Parte I: 12-13"@es . . "Commandant mandat\u00E9 de la Quatri\u00E8me Division de l'Alliance Shinobi"@fr . . "Parte II: Ch\u016Bnin"@es . "300"^^ . . . . . "Colaboraci\u00F3n de Sombras"@en . . "Shikamaru Nara series caption first creator voiced name name nickname alias gender species nationality title relatives name name divider name name }} Shikamaru Nara(\u5948\u826F \u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EBNara Shikamaru) is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. In the anime and manga, Shikamaru is a ninja affiliated with the village of Konohagakure. He is a member of Team 10, a group of ninja consisting of himself, Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka, and team leader Asuma Sarutobi. Shikamaru is portrayed as a lazy character, unwilling to apply his prodigious intelligence; Kishimoto has noted that he likes Shikamaru due to his easygoing nature. Outside of the Naruto anime and manga, Shikamaru has appeared in two of the feature films in the series: Naruto th"@en . . . . "Fazer coisas problem\u00E1ticas"@en . . . . . "22"^^ . . "File:Shika.JPG"@tr . "Shikamaru Nara"@it . "The Last: 19"@en . "Negros"@en . . . "*Foomeeshon Ino-Shika-Chou\n*Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu\n*Kage Mane no Jutsu\n*Kage Mane Shuriken no Jutsu\n*Kage Nui no Jutsu\n*Kage Yose no Jutsu\n*Kai\n*Kage Dzukami no Jutsu\n*Nikudan Yo-Yo\n*Doton: Renga no Jutsu"@de . "Shadow Nin Shikamaru Nara.jpg"@nl . . . . "2"^^ . . . "Shikamaru Nara"@es . "Hier sind die Waffen und die Steuerungen, Durchf\u00FChrungen und Auswirkungen der Jutsus von Shikamaru Nara aufgelistet und erkl\u00E4rt."@de . . . . . . "Hokage'nin Asistan\u0131"@tr . . . "3"^^ . . . . "Consigliere dell'Hokage"@it . . . "Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Shikamaru Nara (\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB, Nara Shikamaru) es un ninja de Konoha que pertenece al Clan Nara. Fue miembro del Equipo Asuma junto con sus compa\u00F1eros Ch\u014Dji Akimichi e Ino Yamanaka. Se cas\u00F3 con Temari y tuvo un hijo llamado Shikadai Nara. Shikamaru fue el subcomandante de la Cuarta Divisi\u00F3n de la Gran Alianza Shinobi durante la Cuarta Guerra Mundial Shinobi. Varios a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s, se convirti\u00F3 en el nuevo l\u00EDder del Clan Nara y en el consejero del S\u00E9ptimo Hokage Naruto Uzumaki."@es . "To protect Konohagakure and Ninja world from oncoming evil threats."@en . "Parte I: 1,50.8 m-1,52.1 m"@es . "Jutsu: Sombra Infernal\u00A0"@en . . . "Naruto manga chapter 34"@en . "\u00DAltimo Recurso\u00A0"@en . "Shikamaru Nara"@tr . . "Shikamaru Nara.png"@it . "\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB"@en . "The Last: 19"@de . . "34"^^ . . . "Part 1: 150.8 cm-152.1 cm"@de . "Epilogo=300px"@en . . . . "Epis\u00F3dio 1:\n\"Uzumaki Naruto Chegando!\"\n\nMang\u00E1 39:\n\n\"Desafiantes!!\""@en . "AB"@fr . . "Jutsu: Costura de Sombra: Torre"@es . "300"^^ . "Sombra de Bola de Tanque Humano\u00A0"@en . "11"^^ . "Ninja team"@en . "Epilogo: Jonin"@it . "\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB"@it . "Taking naps, Playing shogi"@en . "Shikamaru Nara (\u5948\u826F \u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB Nara Shikamaru?) is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. He is a member of Konohagakure's Nara clan. Though lazy by nature, Shikamaru has a rare intellect that consistently allows him to prevail in combat. The responsibilities that these successes leave him with cause him frequent annoyance, but he gladly accepts them so that he may be of service to his fellow members of Team Asuma, and to prove himself to generations of the past and future."@en . "Naruto anime episode 1"@en . . "Sub Comandante de la Cuarta Divisi\u00F3n de la Gran Alianza Shinobi"@es . . . "Extreme Intelligence, Shadow Imitation Technique, Master Strategist"@en . . . "Parte II: Ch\u016Bnin"@en . . "Jutsu: Uni\u00F3n de Sombra Demonio\u00A0"@es . . . . . . . "Shikamaru Nara (\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB, Nara Shikamaru) es un ninja de Konoha que pertenece al Clan Nara. Fue miembro del Equipo Asuma junto con sus compa\u00F1eros Ch\u014Dji Akimichi e Ino Yamanaka. Se cas\u00F3 con Temari y tuvo un hijo llamado Shikadai Nara. Shikamaru fue el subcomandante de la Cuarta Divisi\u00F3n de la Gran Alianza Shinobi durante la Cuarta Guerra Mundial Shinobi. Varios a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s, se convirti\u00F3 en el nuevo l\u00EDder del Clan Nara y en el consejero del S\u00E9ptimo Hokage Naruto Uzumaki."@en . "Sh\u014Dtar\u014D Morikubo"@tr . . . "I. K\u0131s\u0131m: Ch\u016Bnin\nThe Last/Gaiden: J\u014Dnin"@tr . . "Explosi\u00F3n Hoz Comadreja\u00A0"@en . "225"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . "\u00C9pilogue : J\u00F4nin"@fr . . . "The Last: 1,77 m"@es . . . . "--09-22"^^ . "JAP: Shotaro Morikubo\nNobutoshi Canna \n\nUSA: Tom Gibis\n\nBR: Wagner Fagundes"@en . . "Naruto Film 2: La l\u00E9gende de la Pierre de Guelel"@fr . . "20"^^ . . "Consejero del Hokage"@en . . "Shikamaru"@en . . "170.0"^^ . . "Shikamaru Nara (Shika = Hirsch, Maru = Endung von Jungennamen; Nara = die Hauptstadt Japans im achten Jahrhundert, bekannt f\u00FCr ihre zahmen Hirsche) ist ein Jonin aus Konohagakure, der aus dem Nara-Clan stammt und dessen Hiden beherrscht. Er wird Team 10 unter Asuma Sarutobi zugeteilt, welches sich nach dessen Tod jedoch aufl\u00F6st. Seine gr\u00F6\u00DFte St\u00E4rke ist seine unglaubliche Intelligenz und sein taktisches und strategisches Genie, er besitzt einen IQ von \u00FCber 200 und kann \u00FCber 200 Taktiken pro Sekunde abgleichen. F\u00FCr einen Shinobi ist er erstaunlich energie- und antriebslos, er beobachtet lieber Wolken, spielt Shogi oder fr\u00F6nt dem Nichtstun, als sich mit Krieg, Missionen oder den sonstigen Aufgaben und Pflichten des Ninja-Daseins zu widmen, die er als l\u00E4stig und unn\u00F6tig empfindet. Er ist jedoch seinem Dorf und seinen Freunden gegen\u00FCber \u00E4u\u00DFerst loyal und setzt alles f\u00FCr die Werte, die er vertritt, ein."@de . . "Kage Nui [Shadow Sewing] \u2022 After extending his shadow, Shikamaru can then force it to emerge from the ground in tendrils. The tendrils can extend and whip about and are strong enough to pierce and trap nearby targets."@en . "Shikamaru Nara por Masashi Kishimoto"@en . . . . . . . . "part I: 12 - 13anos\npart II: 15anos"@en . . "Nara Shikamaru"@en . "Jutsu: Oveja de Sombras\u00A0"@es . . "The Last: J\u014Dnin"@en . "Olhar as nuvens"@en . . . "Jutsu: Costura de Sombra: Caballero"@es . . "5.364792E8"^^ . "I. K\u0131s\u0131m: 12-13\nII. K\u0131s\u0131m: 15-17"@tr . . . . "Mannelijk"@nl . . . "53.4"^^ . "Chuunin"@en . "3.786912E8"^^ . "\u00C9pilogue : 177 cm"@fr . "Manga: 4.Cilt, 34.B\u00F6l\u00FCm\nAnime: Naruto 1.B\u00F6l\u00FCm"@tr . . "Assistant du Hokage~~Manga seulement"@fr . . "Shikamaru700.png"@de . . . "Shikamaru Nara is a Helmsman on the Victoria II. For some reason he holds the rank of Lieutenant despite his exceptional laziness and unenthusiastic attitude. __TOC__"@en . "Japanese"@en . "Shikamaru Nara"@en . . . . . "Estilo Explosivo: Vuelo de la Hoja"@es . . . "11"^^ . . "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja"@fr . . . "Shikamaru Nara"@nl . "Jutsu: Costura de Sombra: Lancero"@en . "lebend"@de . "Campo de Agua Portable\u00A0"@es . "AB"@en . . . "Shikamaru Nara by Masashi Kishimoto"@en . "152.0"^^ . . . "Shikamaru Nara (\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB, Nara Shikamaru) \u00E8 un membro del Clan Nara, uno dei quattro nobili clan del Villaggio della Foglia. Insieme ai suoi compagni di squadra Choji Akimichi e Ino Yamanaka, forma la sedicesima generazione del rinomato trio Ino-Shika-Cho, capitanata dall'ormai defunto Asuma Sarutobi. Dopo aver affrontato alcune missioni insieme ai suoi compagni, Shikamaru partecipa agli esami di selezione dei chunin. Nei preliminari della terza prova, Shikamaru affronta la bella e temeraria Temari, con la quale avr\u00E0 un complicato rapporto in futuro. Infatti i due si incontreranno molto spesso durante missioni di vitale importanza, e Shikamaru capir\u00E0 di essere innamorato di lei. Durante la Quarta Guerra Mondiale Ninja, Shikamaru fa parte della Quarta divisione e gli viene assegnato il grado "@it . . . . . . . . . . "coming soon"@en . . . "Organisateur de l'Union des Shinobis~~Roman seulement"@fr . "Parte II: 1,70 m"@es . "Examinador de los Ex\u00E1menes Ch\u016Bnin"@es . . "Konoha village, Japan"@en . . "coming soon"@en . . . . . . "Ninja rank"@en . "Epilog: 30"@de . "Shikamaru was born on the autumnal equinox to Shikaku and Yoshino Nara of Melior, former ninja of the \"Leaf Village\" who retired to become apothecaries. The Nara clan were traditionally the keepers of a forest on the outskirts of the city in which they raised deer and gathered medicinal supplies, notable for documenting generations' worth of medicine preparations and effects. Generally peace-loving , their clan nevertheless developed secret ninjutsu techniques involved the manipulation of shadow. Still, Shikamaru's childhood was unremarkable, with his greatest concern being how to avoid his overbearing mother. He was never formally trained as a ninja, only taught martial arts and ninjutsu by his parents at home.\n\nAlthough his father wanted him to feel free to make his own choices in life, his mother constantly pressured him to work harder and aim for prestige. She enrolled him at the military academy against his will, where he did very poorly and was constantly on the verge of failing out. One observant instructor realized that his constant tendency to fall asleep in class might be caused by boredom rather than delinquency, so Shikamaru was given an IQ test. As it happened, the instructor was correct, and Shikamaru's intelligence surpassed that of his peers and teachers alike. Once he was placed in a more interesting accelerated program designed to utilize his strength for strategy, his performance improved astronomically and he graduated at the age of twelve to become a Sub-Lieutenant.\n\nOf course he lapsed back into his bad habits as soon as he was placed in a ship's crew. Very few people would take a twelve-year-old seriously, thus he was given little respect or responsibility. In a catch-22, his tendency to fall asleep on the job because he was so very bored made people respect him even less. However, when his ship was attacked and the helmsman killed, Shikamaru proved his worth by taking over to steer them to safety even while bullets flew around him.\n\nFor his bravery in battle and his remarkable maneuvering in dangerous skies, Shikamaru was promoted to Lieutenant, and when he turned sixteen he received an invitation to join the crew of the Victoria II to put that quick thinking to good use."@en . "===General===\nThe self-proclaimed \"number one at running away\", Shikamaru is at-a-glance the most cowardly soldier of his generation. He absolutely hates confrontation and does his best to avoid any kind of trouble. And he has a rather broad definition of \"trouble\", frequently complaining about everyday activities such as having to go to the trouble of lifting a pencil to write a report. He lacks any sense of pride and is extremely unenthusiastic. Sometimes he goes so far as to mock energetic people who do show a lot of enthusiasm, usually through sarcasm, and he throws the word \"idiot\" around freely to describe the people around him. He's mostly interested in activities that others would call boring, like cloudgazing, napping, or playing slow strategic games like shogi or go.\n\nYet, despite all of that and his natural tendency towards flight rather than fight, Shikamaru has a strong sense of morality and will never abandon a comrade in need. No matter how much he complains about his duties, he will follow through for the sake of doing what he believes is right and good. His loyalty, intelligence, organizational skills, and ability to maintain an inner sense of calm in tense situations make him a surprisingly capable leader.\nStrengths\nShikamaru's greatest strength is his genius. He has an IQ over 200 although he is usually far too lazy to show it. He learns so quickly that he grows easily bored with lessons, and his fast reaction time and analytical capabilities make him a brilliant strategist. He's also very familiar with the gathering, growing, and application of herbs and medicines. The Nara clan specializes in shadow techniques and Shikamaru himself is very skilled in ninjutsu as well as normal martial arts."@en . "Part 2: 53.4 kg"@de . "12611"^^ . . "Jutsu: Costura de Sombra: Promovido"@es . . . . "\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB"@es . . . . . . . "Partie II : 170 cm"@fr . . . "Nara Shikamaru"@fr . "3.786912E8"^^ . . "???"@en . "12"^^ . . . "Colaboraci\u00F3n de Sombras"@es . . . . "Jutsu: Simulaci\u00F3n de Sombra Humana\u00A0"@en . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . "Shikamaru Nara"@fr . . . "12611"^^ . "Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Shikamaru Nara est un membre du clan Nara de Konoha. Bien que paresseux par nature, Shikamaru poss\u00E8de une intelligence telle qu'elle lui permet de toujours prendre l'avantage en combat. Les responsabilit\u00E9s qui lui incombent du fait de ses succ\u00E8s lui provoquent fr\u00E9quemment de l'ennui, mais il les accepte volontiers pour ainsi \u00EAtre au service de ses co\u00E9quipiers de l'\u00C9quipe Asuma et pour prouver sa valeur aux g\u00E9n\u00E9rations pass\u00E9s et futures."@fr . . . "Nara Shikamaru"@en . "The Last: 19"@es . . "Parte II"@it . . . "Shikamaru joined WWT as it begun on January 2006. He started as an Upper Card Babyface, with Temari as his manager. Shikamaru participated in the tournament to crown the first ever WWT World Champion, defeating Invader Zim in the first ever WWT Monday Night Program in the first round. The next week, Zim costed him his semi finals match against Gaara of the Sand. Zim and Shikamaru feuded, and Shikamaru defeated Zim at Televmania I. Following Televmania, Shikamaru was kept on the Upper Card, defeating Snap at Spring Brawl 2006 to win his first WWT Television Championship. Shikamaru retained his title for two months, defeating Mr. Krabs at Cartoonland 2006 and losing his title to Jimmy Neutron in the battle of the Geniuses at Grudge 2006. Then Shikamaru returned to his feuds with Invader Zim and Mr. Krabs, culminated in a tag team match at Stars Of America 2006, where Shikamaru was drawn to team up with Krabs against Zim and Gaara, as Krabs ditched Shikamaru in the middle of the match."@en . "--09-22"^^ . . "Tom Gibis"@en . . "besitzt einen IQ von \u00FCber 200 , Vorsitzender der Repr\u00E4sentanten der Shinobi-Union"@de . . . "\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB"@en . . . . . "\u00DAltimo Recurso\u00A0"@es . . . "*Kage Asshou no Jutsu\n*Kage Enmaku no Jutsu\n*Kage Naraku no Jutsu"@de . . "Parte I: 150.8-152.1 cm"@it . "Jutsu: Sombra Infernal\u00A0"@es . . . . . "Ivonian Navy"@en . . "Maschio"@it . "AB"@en . "is a shinobi of Konohagakure's Nara clan. Though lazy by nature, Shikamaru has a rare intellect that consistently allows him to prevail in combat. The responsibilities that these successes leave him with cause him frequent annoyance, but he gladly accepts them so that he may be of service to his fellow members of Team 10, and to prove himself to generations of the past and future."@en . "Naruto Gaiden: 32"@de . . . . . . "Partie I : 42~42,9 kg\nPartie II : 53,4 kg"@fr . . . . . "Parte II: 15-17"@en . . . . "Shikamaru joined WWT as it begun on January 2006. He started as an Upper Card Babyface, with Temari as his manager. Shikamaru participated in the tournament to crown the first ever WWT World Champion, defeating Invader Zim in the first ever WWT Monday Night Program in the first round. The next week, Zim costed him his semi finals match against Gaara of the Sand. Zim and Shikamaru feuded, and Shikamaru defeated Zim at Televmania I."@en . . "Part 1: 12-13"@de . . "-4.102488E8"^^ . "--09-22"^^ . "12"^^ . . . "Human"@en . "Partie I = 300px;Partie II = 300px;\u00C9pilogue = 300px"@fr . . "is a supporting character of the series. He is a member of Team Asuma."@en . "Shikamaru Nara"@nl . . "Chuunin, Team 10, Allied Shinobi Forces, Hokage's Assistant"@en . . . . . . . "He makes a minor cameo in Super Smash Flash 2, laying on a roof of the Ichiraku Ramen restaurant in the stage, Hidden Leaf Village. He is one of the numerous background characters in that stage, alongside Rock Lee, Ch\u014Dji Akimichi, Gaara, Hinata Hy\u016Bga and Itachi Uchiha."@en . "10620.0"^^ . "Naruto"@en . . . . . . . "Examinateur d'Examen Ch\u00FBnin~~Anime seulement"@fr . "Manga, Anime, Pel\u00EDculas, Videojuegos y OVA"@es . . . . . . . . "Shikamaru Nara (Japonca: \u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB - Nara Shikamaru) Naruto adl\u0131 anime ve manga serisinin kurgusal karakterlerinden biridir. \"Shika\" geyik (\u9E7F),\"-maru\" da yuvarlak, daire (\u4E38) anlam\u0131na gelmektedir ama bu isim Japonya'da hayvan veya e\u015Fya ismi yerine ge\u00E7ebilen bir isimdir. Bu isimlerden baz\u0131lar\u0131 \"Ino-Shika-Cho\" 'dur. Ayn\u0131 zamanda Hanafuda adl\u0131 bir kart oynundaki kazanan elin ad\u0131d\u0131r."@tr . "Explosi\u00F3n Hoz Comadreja\u00A0"@es . . "Ep\u00EDlogo: 30-32"@en . "T\u00E9cnica de la Red de Sombra\u00A0"@en . . "Parte II: 170 cm"@it . . "12"^^ . "300"^^ . . . "Consejero del Hokage"@es . "Shikamaru Nara (\u5948\u826F \u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB Nara Shikamaru?) is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. He is a member of Konohagakure's Nara clan. Though lazy by nature, Shikamaru has a rare intellect that consistently allows him to prevail in combat. The responsibilities that these successes leave him with cause him frequent annoyance, but he gladly accepts them so that he may be of service to his fellow members of Team Asuma, and to prove himself to generations of the past and future."@en . "Konoha village, Japan"@en . . . . "Manga, Anime, Roman, Jeux vid\u00E9o, Films"@fr . "Planificador de la Uni\u00F3n Shinobi"@en . "Kage Mane no Jutsu [Shadow Imitation Technique] \u2022 Shikamaru is able to manipulate his shadow along any surface. By using other nearby shadows he can further extend the reach of his shadow, but he is limited to the surface area of the original cast shadow. Once his shadow reaches the target shadow, it will attach itself. While attached the target will be frozen, only able to mirror Shikamaru's actions. If he is low on chakra, the Kage Mane will falter and the shadow will return to its normal form. His limit is usually around five minutes, but this might be even less if his opponent has huge stores of chakra or powerful magical abilities. Repeated uses shorten the time limit even further."@en . . . "Parte I"@it . "L\u00EDder del Clan Nara"@en . "Epilogo"@it . "Master Tactician, Virtually Resourceful Hero"@en . . . . "290"^^ . . . . "Parte I: 42 kg-42.9 kg"@en . . . "The Last: J\u014Dnin"@es . . "10200.0"^^ . . . "Estilo Explosivo: Vuelo de la Hoja"@en . "Jutsu: Presi\u00F3n de Palma de Sombra\u00A0"@en . . . . . "240"^^ . "Campo de Agua Portable\u00A0"@en . "\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB\u5948\u826F"@de . "Shikamaru Nara (Japon\u00EAs:\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB) \u00E9 uma das personagens principais do anime e mang\u00E1 japon\u00EAs, Naruto e Naruto:Shippuden"@en . . "3"^^ . "Shikamaru ist aus dem Nara-Clan. Er ist im Team 10 mit Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi. Der Jo-Nin und Trainer des Teams ist Asuma Sarutobi. Er nennt sich selbst \"der unmotivierteste Ninja der Welt\". Das liegt daran, dass er nicht besondere Lust zum K\u00E4mpfen hat. Er dachte, dass er als Ninja ein sch\u00F6nes und gem\u00FCtliches Leben leben kann, da er (wie fast jedes Mitglied des Nara- Clans) ziemlich Faul ist."@de . "Shikamaru Nara (Shika = Hirsch, Maru = Endung von Jungennamen; Nara = die Hauptstadt Japans im achten Jahrhundert, bekannt f\u00FCr ihre zahmen Hirsche) ist ein Jonin aus Konohagakure, der aus dem Nara-Clan stammt und dessen Hiden beherrscht. Er wird Team 10 unter Asuma Sarutobi zugeteilt, welches sich nach dessen Tod jedoch aufl\u00F6st. Seine gr\u00F6\u00DFte St\u00E4rke ist seine unglaubliche Intelligenz und sein taktisches und strategisches Genie, er besitzt einen IQ von \u00FCber 200 und kann \u00FCber 200 Taktiken pro Sekunde abgleichen. F\u00FCr einen Shinobi ist er erstaunlich energie- und antriebslos, er beobachtet lieber Wolken, spielt Shogi oder fr\u00F6nt dem Nichtstun, als sich mit Krieg, Missionen oder den sonstigen Aufgaben und Pflichten des Ninja-Daseins zu widmen, die er als l\u00E4stig und unn\u00F6tig empfindet. Er ist jedoc"@de . . . . . . . . "19"^^ . . . "12611"^^ . "Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Shikamaru Nara (\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB, Nara Shikamaru) es un ninja de Konoha que pertenece al Clan Nara. Fue miembro del Equipo Asuma junto con sus compa\u00F1eros Ch\u014Dji Akimichi e Ino Yamanaka. Se cas\u00F3 con Temari y tuvo un hijo llamado Shikadai Nara. Shikamaru fue el subcomandante de la Cuarta Divisi\u00F3n de la Gran Alianza Shinobi durante la Cuarta Guerra Mundial Shinobi. Varios a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s, se convirti\u00F3 en el nuevo l\u00EDder del Clan Nara y en el consejero del S\u00E9ptimo Hokage Naruto Uzumaki."@es . "Jutsu: Pu\u00F1alada de Sombra\u00A0"@en . "Jutsu: Costura de Sombra: Lancero"@es . "Parte II: 53,4 kg"@es . "Part 1: 42 kg-42.9 kg"@de . "8"^^ . "Partie I : 150,8~152,1 cm"@fr . . . . "TRon69-SAO"@de . . "Parte I: 12-13"@en . "One friendly-looking guy."@en . . "300"^^ . . . . "22"^^ . "Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu [Shadow Neck Bind Technique] \u2022 Once a target has been trapped by the Kage Mane, Shikamaru can then use his shadow to form a hand which will creep up the opponent's body to their neck. Once the hand reaches the neck, it will constrict in such a manner so as to strangle the opponent.\nWeaknesses\nShikamaru is very easily intimidated by difficult situations and will usually back down from a personal fight, when no one else is relying on him. He absolutely hates confrontation and will do whatever it takes to weasel out of one. It isn't only boredom that causes him to procrastinate and slack off on his duties. His fear of failure is the real reason he downplays his strengths and intelligence. He doesn't want people to put too much faith in him because he's afraid he'll let them down. He also has a mild phobia of women, especially the forceful, overbearing kind.\n\nPhysically, Shikamaru isn't the strongest fighter, relying more on skill and strategy than muscle. If it comes down to brawn then he's easily overpowered. Even in a test of ninjutsu, using his shadow techniques drains his chakra very quickly. He has to act fast or he'll lose his hold on the enemy."@en . . . . . "Parte II: 53,4 kg"@en . . . . . . "300"^^ . . . . . "La F\u00EAte de Konoha"@fr . . "0"^^ . "English"@en . . . . "42.0"^^ . . . . "Secondo comandante della Quarta Divisione per l'Alleanza degli Shinobi"@it . "He makes a minor cameo in Super Smash Flash 2, laying on a roof of the Ichiraku Ramen restaurant in the stage, Hidden Leaf Village. He is one of the numerous background characters in that stage, alongside Rock Lee, Ch\u014Dji Akimichi, Gaara, Hinata Hy\u016Bga and Itachi Uchiha."@en . . . . . "3.786912E8"^^ . . . . . "Shikamaru ist aus dem Nara-Clan. Er ist im Team 10 mit Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi. Der Jo-Nin und Trainer des Teams ist Asuma Sarutobi. Er nennt sich selbst \"der unmotivierteste Ninja der Welt\". Das liegt daran, dass er nicht besondere Lust zum K\u00E4mpfen hat. Er dachte, dass er als Ninja ein sch\u00F6nes und gem\u00FCtliches Leben leben kann, da er (wie fast jedes Mitglied des Nara- Clans) ziemlich Faul ist. Das besondere aber an Shikamaru ist, dass er ein Genie ist mit einem IQ von 200. Zwar hatte er dieselben Noten wie Naruto, aber war wohl nur immer von den Aufgaben gelangweilt, da er in Strategiespielen immer gewann. Er ist auch der einzige aus seinem Jahrgang. der die Chunin-Pr\u00FCfung bestand. Shikamaru sollte auch mit Naruto, Choji, Kiba und Neji versuchen, Sasuke zur\u00FCck zu holen. Leider scheiterte die Mission obwohl alle Otonins besiegt wurden. In Naruto Shipppuuden hatte er mit Temari am Anfang die Chunin-Pr\u00FCfung beaufsichtigt. Einige Zeit sp\u00E4ter trafen er und Asuma auf Hidan und Kakuzu, wobei es zu einem Kampf zwischen Asuma, Shikamaru und Hidan kam, den Asuma nicht \u00FCberlebte. Shikamaru r\u00E4chte sich sp\u00E4ter daf\u00FCr bei Hidan. Er nahm Asuma's Chakra-Messer an sich, lernte damit um zu gehen und fing (wohl im Gedenken an Asuma) mit dem Rauchen an. Nachdem Hidan und Kakuzu besiegt waren, versprach Shikamaru Kurenai auf das Kind von ihr und Asuma so aufzupassen, wie es Asuma bei ihm gemacht hat. Shikamaru hat sich seitdem vorgenommen, genau so \"cool\" zu werden wie Asuma."@de . . . "Jutsu: Simulaci\u00F3n de Sombra Humana\u00A0"@es . . "22"^^ . . "Shikamaru Nara is a Helmsman on the Victoria II. For some reason he holds the rank of Lieutenant despite his exceptional laziness and unenthusiastic attitude."@en . . . . "Partie I : Ch\u00FBnin"@fr . "22"^^ . . "Young Shikamaru Nara.png"@it . . . "Shikamaru p3.png"@it . . . "Matteo Zanotti"@it . . "PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE: \"That lazy kid.\" He often falls asleep at the wheel. Made Lieutenant at 15, which surprises people because he definitely doesn't seem like the capable or hardworking type. Rumor has it that he saved his previous ship with some impressive maneuvering during battle, but he doesn't like to talk about it.\n\nSPECIAL KNOWLEDGE: Academy records would reveal that he's actually a genius, among the most brilliant students of all time, and that he graduated at age 12 with top marks.\n\nPOP CULTURE PHENOMENON?: Not even slightly."@en . . . . "9"^^ . "AB"@es . "Epilogo=300px"@es . . . . "Jutsu: Costura de Sombra: Torre"@en . . . . . . . "Kakashi Hiden"@it . "300"^^ . . "Shadow Boy"@en . . "Nara Shikamaru"@es . "Shikamaru Nara (\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB Nara Shikamaru) is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. He is a member of Konohagakure's Nara clan. Though lazy by nature, Shikamaru has a rare intellect that consistently allows him to prevail in combat. The responsibilities that these successes leave him with cause him frequent annoyance, but he gladly accepts them so that he may be of service to his fellow members of Team Asuma, and to prove himself to generations of the past and future."@en . "Wiederspricht den Richtlinien f\u00FCr Inhalte."@de . . "Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Shikamaru Nara est un membre du clan Nara de Konoha. Bien que paresseux par nature, Shikamaru poss\u00E8de une intelligence telle qu'elle lui permet de toujours prendre l'avantage en combat. Les responsabilit\u00E9s qui lui incombent du fait de ses succ\u00E8s lui provoquent fr\u00E9quemment de l'ennui, mais il les accepte volontiers pour ainsi \u00EAtre au service de ses co\u00E9quipiers de l'\u00C9quipe Asuma et pour prouver sa valeur aux g\u00E9n\u00E9rations pass\u00E9s et futures."@fr . . "Pa\u00EDs do Fogo"@en . . . . . "AB"@de . . . "Jutsu: Uni\u00F3n de Sombra Demonio\u00A0"@en . . "Sombra de Bola de Tanque Humano\u00A0"@es . "Sub Comandante de la Cuarta Divisi\u00F3n de la Gran Alianza Shinobi"@en . . "Sixteen"@en . "Shikamaru Nara (\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB Nara Shikamaru) is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. He is a member of Konohagakure's Nara clan. Though lazy by nature, Shikamaru has a rare intellect that consistently allows him to prevail in combat. The responsibilities that these successes leave him with cause him frequent annoyance, but he gladly accepts them so that he may be of service to his fellow members of Team Asuma, and to prove himself to generations of the past and future. Despite being a supporting character for most of the story, he is the most prominent member of the Konoha 11 apart from Team 7 and serves as the main protagonist of the Akatsuki Suppression Mission arc."@en . . . . "Part 2: 170 cm"@de . . "-9126.0"^^ . "Konoha village, Japan"@en . . . . . "Jorge Saudin\u00F3s"@en . . . . . "Part 2: 16-17"@de . "Parte II: 15-17"@es . "Manga, Anime, Pel\u00EDculas, Videojuegos y OVA"@en . . "Shikamaru Nara (\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB, Nara Shikamaru) \u00E8 un membro del Clan Nara, uno dei quattro nobili clan del Villaggio della Foglia. Insieme ai suoi compagni di squadra Choji Akimichi e Ino Yamanaka, forma la sedicesima generazione del rinomato trio Ino-Shika-Cho, capitanata dall'ormai defunto Asuma Sarutobi. Dopo aver affrontato alcune missioni insieme ai suoi compagni, Shikamaru partecipa agli esami di selezione dei chunin. Nei preliminari della terza prova, Shikamaru affronta la bella e temeraria Temari, con la quale avr\u00E0 un complicato rapporto in futuro. Infatti i due si incontreranno molto spesso durante missioni di vitale importanza, e Shikamaru capir\u00E0 di essere innamorato di lei. Durante la Quarta Guerra Mondiale Ninja, Shikamaru fa parte della Quarta divisione e gli viene assegnato il grado di vice generale. In questa occasione aiuta Darui a sconfiggere e sigillare Kinkaku, e poi riesce a sconfiggere il suo maestro Asuma, riportato in vita tramite la Tecnica della Resurrezione, insieme a Ino e Choji. Alcuni anni dopo la fine della guerra, si sposa con Temari, dalla quale avr\u00E0 un figlio, Shikadai Nara, e diventer\u00E0 consigliere del settimo Hokage Naruto Uzumaki, del quale sar\u00E0 anche l'accompagnatore."@it . . . . . . "Shikamaru Nara"@de . . . . . . "Shikamaru Nara (Japonca: \u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB - Nara Shikamaru) Naruto adl\u0131 anime ve manga serisinin kurgusal karakterlerinden biridir. \"Shika\" geyik (\u9E7F),\"-maru\" da yuvarlak, daire (\u4E38) anlam\u0131na gelmektedir ama bu isim Japonya'da hayvan veya e\u015Fya ismi yerine ge\u00E7ebilen bir isimdir. Bu isimlerden baz\u0131lar\u0131 \"Ino-Shika-Cho\" 'dur. Ayn\u0131 zamanda Hanafuda adl\u0131 bir kart oynundaki kazanan elin ad\u0131d\u0131r. Nara Shikamaru, Asuma Sarutobi'n\u0131n tak\u0131m\u0131n\u0131n en tembel \u00FCyesidir. Fakat ne kadar tembel biri g\u00F6r\u00FCnsede \u00E7ok zeki ve ak\u0131ll\u0131 biridir. S\u00FCrekli, Asuma'y\u0131 Japon Damas\u0131'nda yener. Ino Yamanaka ve Ch\u014Dji Akimichi ile ayn\u0131 tak\u0131mdad\u0131r. \u00C7\u00FCnk\u00FC onlar\u0131n babas\u0131 eskiden ayn\u0131 gruptad\u0131r. Shikamaru grubu ile iyi anla\u015F\u0131r ve \u00E7o\u011Funlukla birlikte \u00E7al\u0131\u015F\u0131rlar ama Shikamaru'nun g\u00FCvenini ve arkada\u015Fl\u0131\u011F\u0131n\u0131 kazanan Ch\u014Dji'yle daha da yak\u0131nd\u0131r. Bunun nedeni Shikamaru ve Ch\u014Dji k\u00FC\u00E7\u00FCkken, Shikamaru Choji'ye hep yard\u0131m edip onun yan\u0131nda kalm\u0131\u015Ft\u0131r. Shikamaru'nun favori yiyecekleri uskumru ve deniz yosunudur tabi yan\u0131nda rafadan yumurta ile. \u00D6zl\u00FC s\u00F6zleri ise \"Hayat\u0131 tad\u0131nda ve sakin ya\u015Fay\u0131n.\" ve \"Hayat sakindir.\" 'dir. A\u015F\u0131r\u0131 derecede tembel biri olan Shikamaru, i\u015Ften hep ka\u00E7maktad\u0131r. Bo\u015F zamanlar\u0131nda hep kestirir, bulutlar\u0131 izler veya d\u00FC\u015F\u00FCnce oyunu olan Shogi ya da Go oynar. Ne zaman bi d\u00F6v\u00FC\u015Fe veya sava\u015Fa kat\u0131lmas\u0131 gerekse ka\u00E7ar veya dalg\u0131n rol\u00FC yapar. Ka\u00E7mak istedi\u011Fi durumlarda ise, \u00F6zl\u00FC s\u00F6z\u00FC olan \"Ne kadar zor\" veya \"Ne kadar yorucu\" der (\u3081\u3093\u3069\u304F\u305B\u3047, mendokus\u0113, \u0130ngiliz televizyonlar\u0131nda \"what a drag\"). Tamamen kendinin bu ki\u015Fili\u011Finin fark\u0131ndad\u0131r ve hatta kendine dublaj yapar ve kendine \"Ka\u00E7mada bir numaral\u0131 ki\u015Fi\" veya \"Bir numaral\u0131 korkak\" der. Bu kadar tembel olmas\u0131na ramen tak\u0131m arkada\u015Flar\u0131 tehlikede olunca Shikamaru \u00E7ok h\u0131zl\u0131d\u0131r. O G\u00F6lge takliti tekni\u011Fi ile d\u00FC\u015Fmanlar\u0131n\u0131n b\u00FCt\u00FCn zaman\u0131n\u0131 al\u0131r \u00E7\u00FCnk\u00FC sadece strateji yapar. Bu durum onu \u00E7ok tehlikeye sokar. Arkada\u015Flar i\u00E7in hayat\u0131n\u0131 tehlikeye bile atabilir. S\u0131k s\u0131k zor durumlar i\u00E7in \u00E7a\u011F\u0131r\u0131l\u0131r. Bu durumlardan dehas\u0131 sayesinde \u00E7ok k\u00F6t\u00FC yaralanmadan kurtulabilmi\u015Ftir. Asuma, Shikamaru hep onu Shogi ve Go'da yenebilirken notlar\u0131 neden hep d\u00FC\u015F\u00FCk diye d\u00FC\u015F\u00FCnm\u00FC\u015Ft\u00FCr ve onu bir IQ testi'ne sokmu\u015Ftur sonu\u00E7 olarak Shikamaru fazlas\u0131 ile ak\u0131l\u0131 \u00E7\u0131km\u0131\u015Ft\u0131r. Asuma, Shikamaru'nun IQ'sunun 200'\u00FCn \u00FCst\u00FCnde oldu\u011Funu ve onun fakir notlar\u0131n\u0131n nedenin ise kur\u015Fun kalemi kald\u0131r\u0131p yazman\u0131n kendisine \u00E7ok yorucu geldi\u011Finden oldu\u011Funu \u00F6\u011Frenmi\u015Ftir. Akl\u0131n\u0131 sava\u015F s\u0131ras\u0131nda kullan\u0131rken hep parmaklar\u0131n\u0131 birbirine deydirerek bir yuvarlak olu\u015Fturur. Ch\u016Bnin olan ilk \u00E7aylak olan Shikamaru ilk g\u00F6revini de Sasuke'yi kurtarmak olarak Tsunade'den al\u0131r ancak bu g\u00F6revde Sound Four nedeniyle ba\u015Far\u0131l\u0131 olamaz ve hafif yaralanarak Konoha'ya d\u00F6ner. Temari ve babas\u0131ndan azar i\u015Fittikten sonra ch\u016Bnin olmaya devam etmeye karar verir ve serinin 2. b\u00F6l\u00FCm\u00FCnde de onu ch\u016Bnin olarak g\u00F6r\u00FCr\u00FCz. Kategori:Karakterler"@tr . . "Jutsu: Costura de Sombra: Caballero"@en . . . . . . "3.786912E8"^^ . "Jorge Saudin\u00F3s"@es . . . "Shikamaru Nara"@en . "Shikamaru Nara is a Helmsman on the Victoria II. For some reason he holds the rank of Lieutenant despite his exceptional laziness and unenthusiastic attitude. __TOC__"@en . . "Parte I: 42-42.9 kg"@it . . "Capo del Clan Nara"@it . . "Parte I: Chunin"@it . . . . "Jutsu: Oveja de Sombras\u00A0"@en . . "Nara Shikamaru"@it . . "Shikamaru Nara (Japon\u00EAs:\u5948\u826F\u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EB) \u00E9 uma das personagens principais do anime e mang\u00E1 japon\u00EAs, Naruto e Naruto:Shippuden"@en . . ""@en . "Shikamaru Nara"@en . "Ep\u00EDlogo: 30-32"@es . "Humaine"@fr . . "T\u00E9cnica de la Red de Sombra\u00A0"@es . . . "Planificador de la Uni\u00F3n Shinobi"@es . . . "is a shinobi of Konohagakure's Nara clan. Though lazy by nature, Shikamaru has a rare intellect that consistently allows him to prevail in combat. The responsibilities that these successes leave him with cause him frequent annoyance, but he gladly accepts them so that he may be of service to his fellow members of Team 10, and to prove himself to generations of the past and future."@en . "7.0"^^ . . "Shikamaru2.png"@de . . "Masculino"@en . . . . . . . . "-5.364792E8"^^ . "Erkek"@tr . . . . . . . "L\u00EDder del Clan Nara"@es . "Shotaro Morikubo"@it . . "12"^^ . "10"^^ . . . "Parte I: 42 kg-42.9 kg"@es . "January 2006"@en . . . . "The Genius of Konoha"@en . . . "Jutsu: Presi\u00F3n de Palma de Sombra\u00A0"@es . . "is a supporting character of the series. He is a member of Team Asuma."@en . . . . . "Shikamaru Nara series caption first creator voiced name name nickname alias gender species nationality title relatives name name divider name name }} Shikamaru Nara(\u5948\u826F \u30B7\u30AB\u30DE\u30EBNara Shikamaru) is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto. In the anime and manga, Shikamaru is a ninja affiliated with the village of Konohagakure. He is a member of Team 10, a group of ninja consisting of himself, Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka, and team leader Asuma Sarutobi. Shikamaru is portrayed as a lazy character, unwilling to apply his prodigious intelligence; Kishimoto has noted that he likes Shikamaru due to his easygoing nature. Outside of the Naruto anime and manga, Shikamaru has appeared in two of the feature films in the series: Naruto the Movie 2: Legend of the Stone of Gelel and Naruto: Shipp\u016Bden the Movie, as well as several other media relating to the series, including video games and original video animations. Numerous anime and manga publications have commented on Shikamaru's character. Many reviewers commented on his laziness and intelligence, and noted his transformation into a leader; Anime News Network celebrated Shikamaru's emergence as \"an unlikely hero\" in the Naruto storyline. Shikamaru has also been highly popular with the Naruto reader base, placing high in several popularity polls. Merchandise based on Shikamaru has been released, including action figures, key chains, and patches."@en . . . . "Examinador de los Ex\u00E1menes Ch\u016Bnin"@en . . . . "Negros"@en . . "Male"@en . "Naruto"@en . . . "AB"@it . "Jutsu: Pu\u00F1alada de Sombra\u00A0"@es . "Jutsu: Costura de Sombra: Promovido"@en .