"The ACW Elite Tournament, formerly King of Anime Tournament, is a tournament that takes place during the hiatus (or \"off season\") of Anime Championship Wrestling. This is a sixteen man tournament that spans over two rounds untill it is down to four men in the semi-finals. Obviously, the winners of the semi-finals match will meet each other in the finals. The victor of the finals match will be declared the King of Elite for ACW throughout the next active season/year for ACW when it comes back. The tournament switches brands every offseason/hiatus."@en . . . "ACW Elite Tournament"@en . . . "The ACW Elite Tournament, formerly King of Anime Tournament, is a tournament that takes place during the hiatus (or \"off season\") of Anime Championship Wrestling. This is a sixteen man tournament that spans over two rounds untill it is down to four men in the semi-finals. Obviously, the winners of the semi-finals match will meet each other in the finals. The victor of the finals match will be declared the King of Elite for ACW throughout the next active season/year for ACW when it comes back. An incentive or award can be granted depending whether it's warranted or not. This title is not a title to defend and the previous King of Elite cannot compete in the following Elite Tournament to defend his title. The World champion, depending if the tournament is held for Excel or Impulse stars, cannot compete in the tournament either as he is the World champion anyways. The tournament switches brands every offseason/hiatus."@en .