"VKLOIDs are a collection of UTAUloids by vkunicorn. Official blog: dA group(s) 00- Akine Yuki (Yuki was voiced by TheParanoidTuna, but gave all copyright to her voice and character to vkunicorn) 01- Karase Reyo (voiced by vkunicorn) 02- Akara Mitsuki (voiced by Monkey2601) 03- Doom (voiced by doomy-gloomy) 04- Mikyune Akana (voiced by MikyuneAkana) 05- Kaurua-Kitsune Sage (voiced by SageClearfox) 06- Totoro Kasa (voiced by TotoroGirl) \u200B07- Kai Smith (voiced by Kai-smith) 08- Derpface Kervin (voiced by Kevin. Yeah that's what I'm gonna call him.) Oh and here's Azun, VKLOID09"@en . "VKLOIDs are a collection of UTAUloids by vkunicorn. Official blog: dA group(s) 00- Akine Yuki (Yuki was voiced by TheParanoidTuna, but gave all copyright to her voice and character to vkunicorn) 01- Karase Reyo (voiced by vkunicorn) 02- Akara Mitsuki (voiced by Monkey2601) 03- Doom (voiced by doomy-gloomy) 04- Mikyune Akana (voiced by MikyuneAkana) 05- Kaurua-Kitsune Sage (voiced by SageClearfox) 06- Totoro Kasa (voiced by TotoroGirl) \u200B07- Kai Smith (voiced by Kai-smith) 08- Derpface Kervin (voiced by Kevin. Yeah that's what I'm gonna call him.) Oh and here's Azun, VKLOID09 All VKLOIDs are either supernatural beings or prodigies.. Most VKLOIDS have a natural hair color, except for Mayama Nyanya and Xiaomao/Koneko. Most VKLOIDS are modeled off someone/something. Karase Reyo is based off vkunicorn's inner self. Totoro Kasa's name comes from a popular anime movie, My Neighbor Totoro. Kurone Azun's name and design was supposed to be original, but further inspection suggests that this design was heavily based off the Kishin Azura from Soul Eater. He also resembles Silver from Pokemon. This is actually hilarious to vkunicorn because King-Of-Random is a huge Pokemon nerd."@en . "VKLOIDs"@en . .